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Discover & Onboard Human & Machine Accounts
Scan, identify, profile, and onboard all privileged accounts, secrets, and more
Management & Rotation
Store, manage, and rotate privileged account passwords for human and machines, eliminating embedded credentials and ensuring password strength
Monitor & Audit Sessions
Log and monitor all privileged credential activity and sessions for compliance and forensic review

"This is the first time we have ever implemented a security product that made the end user’s job so much easier. Our building managers previously managed dozens of different credentials for staff and vendors. Password Safe centrally manages every credential, so they now have only one password for them, one password for vendors and one password for their staff." 

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"We were looking for solutions that not only provided ease of use and ease of management, which we found in the BeyondTrust solution(s), but the integration of the multitudes of different solutions that BeyondTrust provides gave us the ability to integrate seamlessy through those different solutions."

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Contact our sales team to get details about pricing, request a custom quote, or make technical inquiries about your deployment requirements.

Automated Discovery & Onboarding
Scan, identify, and profile applications and assets (including SSH keys) with auto-onboarding of privileged, shared, and service accounts—all while automating repetitive tasks.
Privileged Credential & Password Management
Secure and control access to privileged account credentials and SSH keys, and automate rotation.
Secrets Management
Secure and control access to secrets used in DevOps tools, workflows, and CI/CD processes in a fully auditable, controlled environment.
Privileged Session Management
Log and monitor all privileged credential and account activity and sessions to ensure oversight, compliance, and a tamper-proof trail for forensic review..
Application Password Management
Control scripts, files, code, and embedded keys. Eliminate hard-coded credentials. Define and automate controlled access using REST APIs.
Workforce Password Security
Apply enterprise-scale visibility, control and audit support to employee application password management, protecting indirect paths to privilege across your environment.
Just-in-Time Access Control
Implement a just-in-time access model, providing the right access, only for the finite moments its needed.
Extensible API
Automate for scale by integrating with an extensive set of enterprise tools and systems to orchestrate PAM and ITDR enterprise-wide.

Why does BeyondTrust lead the way in customer retention? The best way to find out is to hear from real BeyondTrust users. Here's a sampling of BeyondTrust Password Safe customer reviews, vetted on the Gartner® Peer Insights™ platform.

Download the free Privileged Access Discovery Application to quickly discover privileged accounts and credentials, and their related risks, on your network.

  • Discover privileged accounts and credentials, and their security state, across your network
  • Illuminate risks, quantify exposure points, then address them
  • Get unlimited scans, detailed scan results, and a summary report of all findings
Want to learn why over 20,000 customers chose BeyondTrust?
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