Routine support activities—such as program installations, software updates, and system changes—often require you to reboot the remote desktop, sometimes multiple times. Waiting for the remote computer to boot and the customer to enter their credentials just slows you down. BeyondTrust can’t eliminate the need to reboot. But we do make it easier.

BeyondTrust's Reboot feature lets you restart a remote computer and pick up right where the session left off. Since you don’t have to re-initiate the support session, you can resolve problems faster. Plus, since BeyondTrust lets you support multiple systems at once, you can work on another session while the remote desktop reboots.

Sometimes you have to go into Safe Mode to remove a piece of spyware or to troubleshoot and diagnose networking problems. With BeyondTrust, you can reboot into Safe Mode. No more reminding the user to "keep hitting F8."

Typically, when you reboot a remote desktop, you need the customer to stay on the phone at their desk to enter their credentials after the computer restarts. When you reboot with BeyondTrust, the customer doesn't have to stay at their desk.

BeyondTrust lets the customer enter their credentials before you reboot. With "Request Automatic Logon Credentials," the user is prompted to enter a valid username and password. After the reboot, the remote system will automatically sign back in with the provided credentials. The username and password remain secure - and unknown to you. You get to troubleshoot unassisted. Your customer can go to lunch.

"BeyondTrust makes it easy for us support a variety of skill levels [across our users] and give them the help they need. BeyondTrust supports our IT team too by giving us the satisfaction that we are doing our job well."

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