
Jump Clients: Manage Settings and Install Jump Clients for Unattended Access


Jump Clients

Jump Client Installer List

This list shows all previously installed active Jump Client installers. Administrators and privileged users can view, download, delete, or extend Jump Client installers.

A warning message appears at the top of the list: Installing more than one Jump Client as the same user or more than one Jump Client as a service on the same system is being phased out in a future release. In the Representative Console you may use the copy action on a Jump Client to apply different policies to the same endpoint. Click Dismiss to remove the warning message.

Generic Jump Client Installer Download

The generic installer allows you to create Jump Client and Jumpoint installers that are not tied to a specific Jump Client or Jumpoint. Generic installers can be used for automated or ephemeral deployments on VM images, and do not require authenticating and downloading the Jump Client or Jumpoint-specific installer once deployed.

To use the generic Jump Client installer, select your desired platform, and click Download. When prompted, copy the Jump Client-specific key to complete the installation.

Jump Client Mass Deployment Wizard

To access the Jump Client Mass Deployment Wizard, click Add at the top of the Jump Client Installer List.

The Mass Deployment Wizard enables administrators and privileged users to deploy Jump Clients to one or more remote computers for later unattended access.

For more information, please see Remote Support Jump Client Guide: Unattended Access to Systems in Any Network.

Jump Group

From the Jump Group dropdown, select whether to pin the Jump Client to your personal list of Jump Items or to a Jump Group shared by other users. Pinning to your personal list of Jump Items means that only you (and higher ranking roles on your team, such as Team Lead and Team Manager if you are a Team Member, and Team Manager if you are a Team Lead) can access this remote computer through this Jump Client. Pinning to a shared Jump Group makes this Jump Client available to all members of that Jump Group.

Allow Override During Installation

Some Mass Deployment Wizard settings allow override, enabling you to use the command line to set parameters that are specific to your deployment, prior to installation.

This Installer Is Valid For

The installer remains usable only as long as specified by the This Installer is Valid For dropdown. Be sure to leave adequate time for installation. If someone should attempt to run the Jump Client installer after this time, installation fails, and a new Jump Client installer must be created. Additionally, if the installer is run within the allotted time but the Jump Client is unable to connect to the B Series Appliance within that time, the Jump Client uninstalls, and a new installer must be deployed. The validity time can be set for anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 year. This time does NOT affect how long the Jump Client remains active.

Once a Jump Client has been installed, it remains online and active until it is uninstalled from the local system either by a logged-in admin user with appropriate permissions, by a user from the Jump interface, or by an uninstall script. It can also be uninstalled, or extended, from the Jump Client Installer List. A user cannot remove a Jump Client unless the user is given appropriate permissions by their admin from the /login interface.

Public Portal

Select the public portal through which this item should connect for a support session. If a session policy is assigned to this public portal, that policy may affect the permissions allowed in sessions started through this item.


Enter a Name for the Jump Item. This name identifies the item in the session tabs. This string has a maximum of 128 characters.


Add Comments, which can be helpful in searching for and identifying remote computers. Note that all Jump Clients deployed via this installer have the same comments set initially, unless you check Allow Override During Installation and use the available parameters to modify the installer for individual installations.


Adding a Tag helps to organize your Jump Clients into categories within the representative console.

Jump Policy

You can apply a Jump Policy to this Jump Client. Jump Policies are configured on the Jump > Jump Policies page and determine the times during which a user can access this Jump Client. If no Jump Policy is applied, this Jump Client can be accessed at any time.

Customer Present Session Policy and Customer Not Present Session Policy

Choose session policies to assign to this Jump Client. Session policies assigned to this Jump Client have the highest priority when setting session permissions. The Customer Present Session Policy applies when the end user is determined to be present. Otherwise, the Customer Not Present Session Policy applies. The way customer presence is determined is set by the Use screen state to detect Customer Presence Jump Client setting. Customer presence is detected when the Jump Client session starts. The session policy used for the session does not change throughout the session, regardless of any changes in the customer's presence while the session is in progress.

Jumpoint Proxy

If you have one or more Jumpoints set up as proxies, you can select a Jumpoint to proxy these Jump Client connections. As a result, if these Jump Clients are installed on computers without native Internet connections, they can use the Jumpoint to communicate with your B Series Appliance. The Jump Clients must be installed on the same network as the Jumpoint selected to proxy the connections.

Maximum Offline Minutes Before Deletion

You can set the Maximum Offline Minutes Before Deletion of a Jump Client from the system. This setting overrides the global setting, if specified.

Attempt an Elevated Install if the Client Supports It

If Attempt an Elevated Install if the Client Supports It is selected, the installer attempts to run with administrative rights, installing the Jump Client as a system service. If the elevated installation attempt is unsuccessful, or if this option is deselected, the installer runs with user rights, installing the Jump Client as an application. This option applies only to Windows and Mac operating systems.

A Jump Client pinned in user mode is available only when that user is logged in. In contrast, a Jump Client pinned in service mode, with elevated rights, allows that system to always be available, regardless of which user is logged in.

Prompt for Elevation Credentials if Needed

If Prompt for Elevation Credentials if Needed is selected, the installer prompts the user to enter administrative credentials if the system requires that these credentials be independently provided; otherwise, it installs the Jump Client with user rights. This applies only if an elevated install is being attempted.

Customer Client Start Mode

Select Minimized to start the customer client minimized. It does not take the focus, and appears only in the taskbar or dock when a session is started through this Jump Client.

Select Hidden to start the customer client hidden. It does not take the focus, and appears only as an icon in the system tray when a session is started through this Jump Client.

Mass Deploy Help

For system administrators who need to push out the Jump Client installer to a large number of systems, the Windows, Mac, or Linux executable or the Windows MSI can be used with your systems management tool of choice. You can include a valid custom install directory path where you want the Jump Client to install.

You can also override certain installation parameters specific to your needs. These parameters can be specified for both the MSI and the EXE using a systems administration tool or the command line interface. When you mark specific installation options for override during installation, you can use the following optional parameters to modify the Jump Client installer for individual installations. Note that if a parameter is passed on the command line but not marked for override in the /login administrative interface, the installation fails. If the installation fails, view the operating system event log for installation errors.

It is common to receive an error message during the install, regarding a layout or appearance issue. This can be disregarded.

Command Line Parameter Value Description
--install-dir <directory_path>

Specifies a new writable directory under which to install the Jump Client. This is supported only on Windows and Linux. When defining a custom install directory, ensure that the directory you are creating does not already exist and is in a location that can be written to.

--jc-name <name...> If override is allowed, this command line parameter sets the Jump Client's name.


If override is allowed, this command line parameter overrides the Jump Group specified in the Mass Deployment Wizard.

--jc-public-site-address <public-site-address-hostname>

If override is allowed, this command line parameter associates the Jump Client with the public portal which has the given hostname as a site address. If no public portal has the given hostname as a site address, then the Jump Client reverts to using the default public site.

--jc-session-policy-present <session-policy-code-name>

If override is allowed, this command line parameter sets the Jump Client's session policy that controls the permission policy during a support session if the customer is present at the console.

--jc-session-policy-not-present <session-policy-code-name>

If override is allowed, this command line parameter sets the Jump Client's session policy that controls the permission policy during a support session if the customer is not present at the console.

--jc-jump-policy <jump-policy-code-name>

If override is allowed, this command line parameter sets the Jump Policy that controls how users are allowed to Jump to the Jump Client.

--jc-max-offline-minutes <minutes> The maximum number of minutes a Jump Client can be offline before it is deleted from the system. This setting overrides the global setting if specified.
--jc-ephemeral   Sets the maximum number of minutes a Jump Client can be offline before it is deleted from the system to 5 minutes. This is a convenience option that specifies the Jump Client as being ephemeral and is functionally equivalent to specifying --jc-max-offline-minutes 5
--jc-tag <tag-name>

If override is allowed, this command line parameter sets the Jump Client's tag.

--jc-comments <comments ... >

If override is allowed, this command line parameter sets the Jump Client's comments.


If included, the installer shows no windows, spinners, errors, or other visible alerts.

When deploying an MSI installer on Windows using an msiexec command, the above parameters can be specified by:
  1. Removing leading dashes (--)
  2. Converting remaining dashes to underscores (_)
  3. Assigning a value using an equal sign (=)

MSI Example:

msiexec /i bomgar-scc-win32.msi KEY_INFO=w0dc3056g7ff8d1j68ee6wi6dhwzfefggyezh7c40jc90 jc_jump_group=jumpgroup:server_support jc_tag=servers

When deploying an EXE installer, the above parameters can be specified by:

  • Adding dashes
  • Add a space between the parameter and the value instead of an equal sign

EXE Example:

bomgar-scc-[unique id].exe --jc-jump-group jumpgroup:servers --jc-tag servers

Other rules to consider:

  • installdir has a dash in the EXE version but no dashes in the MSI version.
  • /quiet is used for the MSI version in place of --silent in the EXE version.

For more information, please see Mass Deploying BeyondTrust Software to Macs.

Download or Install the Client Now


Choose the operating system on which you wish to install this software. This dropdown defaults to the appropriate installer detected for your operating system.

Unlike the representative console, Jump Clients installed from an MSI do auto-update.

To install a Jump Client in service mode on a Linux system, the Jump Client installer must be run by root, but the Jump Client service should not be run under the root user context. A service mode Jump Client allows the user to start a session even if no remote user is logged on, as well as to log off the current remote user and log on with different credentials. A Linux Jump Client installed in user mode cannot be elevated within a session.

Use the following syntax to add executable permissions to the file, wherein {uid} is a unique identifier consisting of letter and numbers:
  1. Add executable permissions to the file:
    sudo chmod +x ./Downloads/bomgar-scc-[uid].bin
  2. Run the installer as the root user using the sudo command:

    sudo sh ./Downloads/bomgar-scc-[uid].bin

For Remote Support versions prior to 24.1.1, enter .desktop instead of .bin.


You can download the installer immediately if you plan to distribute it using a systems management tool or if you are at the computer to which you need later access.

Once the installer has run, the Jump Client attempts to connect to the B Series Appliance. When it succeeds, the Jump Client appears in the Jump interface of the representative console. If the Jump Client cannot immediately reach the B Series Appliance, then it continues to reattempt connection until it succeeds. If it cannot connect within the time designated by This Installer Is Valid For, then the Jump Client uninstalls from the remote system and must be redeployed.

Deploy to Email Recipients


You can also email the installer to one or more remote users. Multiple recipients can install the client from the same link. Click on the Direct Download Link to copy the link.

For more information on the Mass Deployment Wizard, please see Deploy Jump Clients During a Support Session or Prior to Support.

Jump Client Statistics

An administrator can choose which statistics to view for all Jump Clients on a site-wide basis. These statistics are displayed in the representative console and include CPU, console user, disk usage, a thumbnail of the remote screen, and uptime.

Active Jump Client Statistics Update Interval

This feature is available only to customers who own an on-premises BeyondTrust Appliance B Series. BeyondTrust Cloud customers do not have access to this feature.

The Active Jump Client Statistics Update Interval determines how often these statistics are updated. Managing which statistics are viewed and how often can help to regulate the amount of bandwidth used. The more active Jump Clients you have deployed, the fewer the statistics and the longer the interval may need to be.


Maximum bandwidth of concurrent Jump Client upgrades

This feature is available only to customers who own an on-premises BeyondTrust Appliance B Series. BeyondTrust Cloud customers do not have access to this feature.

You can regulate the bandwidth used during upgrades by setting Maximum bandwidth of concurrent Jump Client upgrades. The maximum upgrade bandwidth is 100MiB/s.

This setting does not affect representative console upgrades or Support Button deployments.

Maximum number of concurrent Jump Client upgrades

This feature is available only to customers who own an on-premises BeyondTrust Appliance B Series. BeyondTrust Cloud customers do not have access to this feature.

Set the maximum number of Jump Clients to upgrade at the same time. Note that if you have a large number of Jump Clients deployed, you may need to limit this number to regulate the amount of bandwidth consumed. The maximum number allowed is 500.

This setting does not affect representative console upgrades or Support Button deployments.

Automatic Jump Client Upgrades

Use the radio buttons below to control automatic Jump Client upgrades. You can:

  • Permanently disable Jump Client upgrades.
  • Temporarily enable Jump Client upgrades for the current upgrade cycle.
  • Permanently enable Jump Client upgrades.

In order to be able to manually update Jump Clients in the Web Rep Console, you must first disable Automatic Jump Client Upgrades.


Number of days before Jump Clients that have not connected are automatically deleted

If a Jump Client goes offline and does not reconnect to the B Series Appliance for the number of days specified by the Number of days before Jump Clients that have not connected are automatically deleted setting, it is automatically uninstalled from the target computer and is removed from the Jump interface of the representative console.

This setting is shared with the Jump Client during normal operation so that even if it cannot communicate with the site, it uninstalls itself at the configured time. If this setting is changed after the Jump Client loses connection with the B Series Appliance, it uninstalls itself at the previously configured time.

The setting must be configured for 15 days or more.

Number of days before Jump Clients that have not connected are considered lost

If a Jump Client goes offline and does not reconnect to the B Series Appliance for the number of days specified by the Number of days before Jump Clients that have not connected are considered lost setting, it is labeled as lost in the representative console. No specific action is taken on the Jump Client at this time. It is labeled as lost only for identification purposes, so that an administrator can diagnose the reason for the lost connection and take action to correct the situation.

To allow you to identify lost Jump Clients before they are automatically deleted, set this field to a smaller number than the deletion field above.

The setting must be configured for 15 days or more.

You can set Jump Clients to allow or disallow simultaneous Jumps from the Jump > Jump Items > Jump Settings section. If allowed, multiple users can gain access to the same Jump Client without an invitation to join an active session by another user. If disallowed, only one user can Jump to a Jump Client at a time. Only an invitation by the user who originated the session can allow for a second user to access the session.

For more information, please see Configure Jump Client Settings .

Uninstalled Jump Client Behavior

Uninstalled Jump Client Behavior determines how a Jump Client deleted by an end user is handled by the representative console. Depending on the option made in the dropdown, the deleted item can either be marked as uninstalled and kept in the list or actually be removed from the list of Jump Items in the representative console. If the Jump Client cannot contact the B Series Appliance at the time it is uninstalled, the affected item remains in its offline state.

Restrict Local Uninstall/Disable of Jump Clients

Restrict Local Uninstall/Disable of Jump Clients limits the remote user’s ability to uninstall or disable Jump Clients from the right-click context menu, reducing the need to reinstall Jump Clients that should not have been uninstalled. If this option is enabled, only users with appropriate privileges on the target machine may uninstall the Jump Client via the host system's uninstall programs mechanism.


Allow Representatives to attempt to wake up Jump Clients

Allow Representatives to attempt to wake up Jump Clients provides a way to wake up a selected Jump Client by broadcasting Wake-on-LAN (WOL) packets through another Jump Client on the same network. Once a WOL is attempted, the option becomes unavailable for 30 seconds before a subsequent attempt can be made. WOL must be enabled on the target computer and its network for this function to work. The default gateway information of the Jump Client is used to determine if other Jump Clients reside on the same network. When sending a WOL packet, the user has an advanced option to provide a password for WOL environments that require a secure WOL password.

Use screen state to detect Customer Presence

Use screen state to detect Customer Presence sets how customer presence is determined. Customer presence is used when choosing whether to use the Customer Present Session Policy or the Customer Not Present Session Policy. If checked, the customer is determined to be present only if a user is logged in, the screen is not locked, and a screen saver is not running. If unchecked, the customer is considered present if a user is logged in, regardless of screen state.

Global connection rate for Jump Clients

Global connection rate for Jump Clients determines the maximum rate per second of Jump Clients able to connect to the B Series Appliance at the same time during an upgrade or after a major network outage. The default is 50 connections and the maximum allowed is 300.

Allow ad-hoc sessions to be started from existing Jump Clients

If this option is checked, and there is already a Jump Client installed on the user's system, an elevated session launches from the existing Jump Client. This applies to both the portal and the session generation API.

For the elevated session to start, a similar permission must be granted for each Public Portal. Please see Attempt to launch sessions from installed Jump Clients.