Set Up the Database Server Using the Command Line


Active Directory groups must be created before you run through this procedure.

To create the AD Bridge Reporting Database using SQL Server:

  1. Create a database named LikewiseEnterprise.
  2. Copy the SQL Server database creation script (CreateLikewiseEnterpriseDatabase.sql) to a location accessible from SQL Server.
  3. In SQL Server Management Studio, on the File menu, click Open and load the database creation script: CreateLikewiseEnterpriseDatabase.sql.
  4. Connect to the LikewiseEnterprise database and run the script. If the script executes with errors, run the script again.

For more information, see Active Directory Groups and SQL Server Roles.

To assign recommended roles to the database:

  1. Copy ReportingPermissions.sql to a location accessible from SQL Server.
  2. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand the Databases node, right-click LikewiseEnterprise and click New Query.
  3. Open the ReportingPermissions.sql file and execute.

You can create the database through the Reporting Database Connection Manager (see Connect the Management Console to the Database).

Run the Database Update Script from the Command Line

To view the command line options for LDBUpdate, run the following command:

C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise>ldbupdate.exe /?
Usage:  LDBUpdate OPTIONS
Where OPTIONS include:
-f LDAPPATH Path of the forest to synchronize; required
-d FQDN Domain (in forest or in trusts) to process; can repeat
-o FILE Send output to FILE
-p PROVIDER Use PROVIDER as the database type(default: System.Data.SqlClient)
-c STRING Use STRING as the database connection parameter
-nogpo Don't analyze GPOs (faster)
-v Display verbose output
--force Ignore the database status and perform update even if marked as busy
--debug Display debug level output
--transaction Perform all database operations under a single transaction.
Allow interactions to the database with reporting tools while
update is performed in the background.
--class STRING Identify the objects to update, leaving others as is from a
previous update.(Examples: Users, Groups, GPOLinks, GPOs, Computers).
Can be repeated to identify several class types
LDBUpdate --class Users --class Groups -f <domain>...
--help Displays this usage information
If the -d option is not specified, all the domains in the forest and in any trusted forests will be processed.
Use the command-line utility to set the provider and the connection string for a SQL Server database:
ldbupdate.exe -f dc=example,dc=com -p System.Data.SqlClient -c "Data Source=RVLN-BUILD; Initial Catalog=LikewiseEnterprise; Integrated Security=True" --force