Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the ordering agreement or the applicable agreement which includes the BeyondTrust Software License and Subscription Service Agreement between Customer and BeyondTrust.


During the Subscription Term, BeyondTrust or its authorized reseller, as applicable, shall provide support for the Subscription Service as set forth in the Subscription Service Support Guide attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference.


A. Definitions

(1) “Available” means that the Subscription Service can be accessed by authorized users.

“Availability” = ((total minutes in a calendar month – total minutes where Subscription Services are not Available for use by Customer (“Unavailable”)) / total minutes in a calendar month) x 100

(2) “Excused Downtime” means: (i) Maintenance Time of up to two (2) hours per month; and (ii) any time the Subscription Service is not Available due to circumstances beyond BeyondTrust’s control, including without limitation modifications of the Subscription Service by any person other than BeyondTrust or a person acting at BeyondTrust’s direction, a Force Majeure Event, general Internet outages, failure of Customer’s infrastructure or connectivity (including without limitation, direct connectivity and virtual private network (VPN) connectivity to the Subscription Service), computer and telecommunications failures and delays, and network intrusions or denial-of-service or other criminal attacks.

(3) “Maintenance Time” means the time the Subscription Service is not Available due to service maintenance.

(4) “Availability SLA” means the percentage of total time during which Customer’s production instances of the Subscription Service are Available during a calendar month, excluding Excused Downtime as determined using BeyondTrust’s monitoring tools. BeyondTrust’s Availability SLA shall be ninety-nine and nine-tenths percent (99.9%) during a calendar month.


This BeyondTrust Subscription Service Support Guide (the “Support Guide”) governs the support that BeyondTrust will provide for the Subscription Service. This Support Guide may be updated from time to time.


The purpose of Customer Support is to resolve defects that cause the Subscription Service to perform not in substantial conformance to the Product Overview. A resolution to a defect may consist of a fix, workaround or other relief BeyondTrust deems reasonable.


A. Hours

BeyondTrust offers support in English during BeyondTrust’s normal business hours

Case Submission Information Required When submitting a case to BeyondTrust Technical Support, please have the following information available:

B. Severity Level 1 After Hours Support

BeyondTrust provides 24/7 access to a Self-Diagnostic Tool for troubleshooting Severity Level 1 Incidents and, for customers with an active Support contract, a Self-Service Center and Knowledge Base available at BeyondTrust’s Support Portal ( BeyondTrust additionally offers 24/7 support for Severity Level 1 incidents for BeyondTrust Subscription Service customers. Severity Level 1 incidents reported by email should be followed up by phone call to a published Support Contact number. Calls received outside of normal business hours will be triaged for appropriate Severity Level and escalated to an On-Call Support Engineer based on the determined Severity Level. Once an On-Call Support Engineer is engaged the focus of the engagement is to downgrade the severity of the Incident to Severity Level 2 either through a full resolution or by providing an agreed upon workaround.


Customer can report incidents to BeyondTrust via the following options:

A. How to Submit a Support Request

Request Submission Channels

Customers with a BeyondTrust product that has a valid maintenance contract have access to our Technical Support services through multiple channels. Regardless of how a support request is initiated, all cases will be triaged on submission to ensure you receive assistance from the appropriate product specialist.

Online Via Customer Portal

Securely submit and review support cases as well as search our knowledge base and links to technical documentation.

USA (866) 652-3177
UK +44 (0) 1628 480 210

Additional local support numbers outside the USA / UK can be found on the Support Portal. Calls may be routed to an answering service for triage and case creation.


BeyondTrust Technical Support engineers are available from 2am-7pm Monday-Friday US Central time to provide support through a BeyondTrust chat session. Chat sessions may be started from the Customer Portal.


The content of an Incident as supplied initially is used to identify the incident Severity Level using Table 1 below as a guide. Severity Levels range from Severity Level 1 (Critical) to Severity Level 3 (Low Priority). In collaboration with the Customer, BeyondTrust will make a reasonable determination of the Severity Level of Customer’s incident and make commercially reasonable efforts to respond accordingly. The Severity Level may also be adjusted as the incident progresses towards resolution.

Severity Levels Basic Description of Incident Severity Reporting Methods and Response Times (Start of Resolution) Roles and Resp. for Incident Solving
Severity Level 1 Production system down and inoperable. The issue cannot be solved by a restart or a bypass or a workaround. Incident must be documented via email and followed up with telephone call. Maximum target time for First Response (start of resolution) is 30 minutes. Maximum target time for Customer Response Time is 30 minutes. Both parties will make all commercially reasonable attempts to focus support resources on Severity Level 1 issues.
Severity Level 2 Production system is operational but impacted due to issue with documented product functionality. Workaround exists for core product functionality. Incident must be reported via email to document the issue and may be followed up via telephone. Maximum target time for First Response (start of resolution) is 8 hours. Maximum target time for Customer Response Time is 8 hours. Both parties will make all commercially reasonable attempts to focus support resources on Severity Level 2 issues during BeyondTrust Technical Support’s normal support hours.
Severity Level 3 Cosmetic impairment. Limited impact to use of system. No immediate resolution required. Request for enhancements and general information. Incident must be reported via email. Maximum target time for First Response (start of resolution) is 24 hours. Solutions provided for cosmetic, enhancements, or other incidents are possibly in future versions, depending on the product roadmap.

Additional Notes:


A. When Customer experiences an incident or requires additional information about BeyondTrust products that Customer is not able to resolve with BeyondTrust’s online resources, BeyondTrust Customer Support is available to assist. Incidents reported outside BeyondTrust normal support hours are considered to be received at the beginning of the next business day.

B. When submitting an incident, the following information is required:

(1) Name and the name of company or organization; and

(2) A detailed description of Customer’s incident.

As a general rule, the more specific details Customer can provide the better BeyondTrust is able to provide a resolution quickly and accurately.

Details to include are:

(3) Supporting Documents. Whenever possible, please provide screenshots and log files.

(4) Support Incident Number. If there is an open support request with BeyondTrust, please provide the incident number. BeyondTrust recommends responding to emails from BeyondTrust Customer Support with “Incident #” in the subject line.

C. When Customer submits an incident or a request:

(a) It will be logged and receive an incident number and a severity rating.

(b) BeyondTrust Customer Support will verify that Customer has a current Support agreement with BeyondTrust and that the person contacting BeyondTrust is an authorized representative of Customer.

If either of these cannot be validated, BeyondTrust will be unable to provide any further support.

If Customer submit multiple items at once, individual incidents may be opened for each item.


D. Support’s Response:

(1) Customer will receive a response to Customer’s incident within the response times designated for the incident’s severity level.

(2) The response Customer receive may include any of the following:

(3) Logged Incidents will be set to a status of ‘Closed’ unless further action is required.


A. Communication. Customer agrees to receive from BeyondTrust communications via email, phone or through BeyondTrust’s Support Portal regarding the Subscription Service.

B. Authorized Contacts. Customer shall appoint no more than five (5) contacts (“Customer Authorized Contacts”) to engage Customer Support for questions and/or technical issues. Only Customer Authorized Contacts are authorized to contact Customer Support.

C. Maintain Awareness of BeyondTrust Product Updates. Review the Support Portal, the change log and various marketing materials for any available software updates.

D. Backup Procedures. Keep full and current backups of Customer’s BeyondTrust data using the tools

provided. It is extremely important to perform backups prior to the any upgrades or updates.

E. Documentation. Customer is responsible for utilizing the latest documentation we provide via BeyondTrust’s Support Portal, corporate website and/or email for handling and operating the Subscription Service.

F. Compliance with Instructions. Customer will make all commercially reasonable efforts to both comprehend the material and execute any instructions provided.

G. Fault Documentation. Before submitting an incident report, Customer shall document any changes that may have been made, as well as to have made a reasonable attempt to reproduce the reported incident, if appropriate.

H. Access to Qualified Staff. Customer shall make any such staff available at times mutually agreed upon that are required to achieve an efficient resolution.


BeyondTrust Customer Support does not include services that include or result from:

For services not covered, BeyondTrust and Customer may agree to applicable scopes of works and fees.


A. “Upgrades” are BeyondTrust’s releases of the Subscription Service for repairs, enhancements or new features applied by BeyondTrust to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service at no additional fee during the Subscription Term. BeyondTrust determines whether and when to develop, release and apply any Upgrade to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service.

B. Notice; Maintenance Downtime

BeyondTrust shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer five (5) days prior notice of any Upgrade to the Subscription Service. BeyondTrust shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer two (2) days prior notice of any Upgrade to the Subscription infrastructure network, hardware, or software used by BeyondTrust to operate and deliver the Subscription Service if BeyondTrust in its reasonable judgment believes that the infrastructure Upgrade will impact Customer’s use of its production instances of the Subscription Service. BeyondTrust will use commercially reasonable efforts to limit the period of time during which the Subscription Service is unavailable due to the application of Upgrades to no more than two (2) hours per month. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BeyondTrust may provide Customer with a shorter or no notice period of an Upgrade, if necessary, in the reasonable judgment of BeyondTrust, to maintain the availability, security or performance of the Subscription Service or the ability of BeyondTrust to efficiently provide the Subscription Service. The automated Upgrade schedule will vary in accordance with each Cloud product’s software release cadence. For select Cloud products, Customer may install BeyondTrust software Upgrades when new releases are made available. Alternately, BeyondTrust will periodically apply automated Upgrades to Customer’s instances of the Cloud Service when an available BeyondTrust Software release of equal or newer version has not been installed by Customer before the scheduled Upgrade time, to ensure they remain on current, supported versions.

Customer may submit a support request for “no Upgrade” not fewer than three (3) days’ prior to a pending Upgrade of the Subscription Service. Customer’s “no Upgrade” request shall be granted, and the Upgrade shall not be applied to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service. If Customer has requested “no Upgrade” it may nevertheless be required to Upgrade if in the reasonable judgment of BeyondTrust the Upgrade is necessary to maintain the availability, security or performance of the Subscription Service or the ability of BeyondTrust to efficiently provide the Subscription Service.

C. Naming

BeyondTrust uses the combined values of X and Y numerals in X.Y.z to denote a major version (e.g., 17.1). A maintenance version is denoted by Z in x.y.Z (17.1.1). Maintenance versions are subsumed under their corresponding major versions for the purposes of support.

D. Supported Releases

BeyondTrust provides support for any major version of BeyondTrust’s products for a minimum of two years from the generally available (GA) release date. During the life of two years there may be several maintenance versions associated with the active major version. A GA release and all associated maintenance releases will usually be retired after two years.

Customer acknowledges that the current release is the most current feature, availability, performance and security version of the Subscription Service. A Customer that has submitted a “no Upgrade” request may experience defects, for which Customer hereby agrees that BeyondTrust is not responsible, including without limitation those that affect the features, availability, performance and security of the Subscription Service, that are fixed in the most current version of the Subscription Service.

E. Definitions.

The following list of terms and definitions are used throughout this Customer Support Guide.

BeyondTrust may, from time to time and in its sole discretion, make changes to this document set forth herein, provided however, in no event shall BeyondTrust make any changes that will adversely impact or degrade the requirements undertaken by BeyondTrust without notifying the Customer. When BeyondTrust makes changes hereto which do not degrade the requirements undertaken by BeyondTrust, BeyondTrust will provide prominent notice as appropriate under the circumstances, e.g., by displaying a prominent notice within the applicable BeyondTrust products or services or by sending Customer an email.

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