BeyondInsight, Password Safe, and U-Series Appliance FIPS 140-2 compliance statement


When you need to protect Sensitive but Unclassified data with cryptography, you want to use a cryptographic module that meets the federal government (US and Canada) security standard FIPS 140-2, so that you can trust that the module is tested and validated by independent authorities. Products validated as conforming to FIPS 140-2 are accepted by the Federal agencies of both countries for the protection of sensitive information (United States) or Protected Information (Canada).


The Federal Information Processing Standard (140-2) or FIPS, specifies the security requirements that will be satisfied by a cryptographic module, providing four increasing, qualitative levels intended to cover a wide range of potential applications and environments. The areas covered, related to the secure design and implementation of a cryptographic module, include specification; ports and interfaces; roles, services, and authentication; finite state model; physical security; operational environment; cryptographic key management; electromagnetic interference (EMI) / electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); self-tests; design assurance; and mitigation of other attacks.

This document details the FIPS 140-2 approved third-party cryptographic modules used in BeyondTrust BeyondInsight, Password Safe, and U-Series Appliance. It also provides information on enabling FIPS mode in the U-Series Appliance, which ensures that only approved algorithms are used for product operation.

FIPS mode is not supported in BeyondInsight and Password Safe Cloud deployments.

Third-Party cryptographic modules used in BeyondInsight, Password Safe, and U-Series Appliance

Product Area Encryption Library Manufacturer, Version
Web Services TLS 1.2 .NET System.DLL Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
Password passing RSA RSACryptoServiceProvider Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
Credential storage AES AesCryptoServiceProvider Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
Database connection string DPAPI Crypto API32 Microsoft, v6.3.9600
Password storage AES AesCryptoServiceProvider Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
RCS key export AES AesCryptoServiceProvider Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
Create RDP 2-factor codes SHA1 SHA1CryptoServiceProvider Microsoft, v2.0.0.0
High availability credentials storage AES AesCryptoServiceProvider Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
Zip Library AES AesCryptoServiceProvider Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
SHA256 HMAC-SHA256 Microsoft, v4.0.0.0
  Auto-Logon / Session Proxy Only
Session Manager (SSH)







OpenSSL crypto library

OpenSSL, v3.0.8

Session Manager (RDP) During the RDP connection process, the TLS cipher suite will be negotiated with FIPS valid cipher suites defined in OpenSSL. OpenSSL crypto library

OpenSSL, v3.0.8

Session Manager (IoLog) AES OpenSSL crypto library

OpenSSL, v3.0.8

Session manager (secure token) SHA512 SHA512Managed Microsoft, v4.0.0.0

Use BeyondInsight, Password Safe, and U-Series Appliance in FIPS mode

On-premises installations of BeyondInsight and Password Safe can be configured to run in a FIPS 140-2 approved mode of operation, commonly referred to as FIPS mode, by setting the FIPS State to Yes in the U-Series Appliance Security Settings, under FIPS Compliance Checking.

This is a Windows feature supported in Windows Server. When FIPS mode is enabled, the Cryptographic Primitives Library (bcryptprimitives.dll) and Kernel Mode Cryptographic Primitives Library (CNG.sys) modules run self-tests before Windows runs cryptographic operations. These self-tests are run according to FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9 and ensure that the modules are functioning properly.