BeyondInsight user guide

BeyondInsight is a central management, policy, reporting, and analytics console for many products within the BeyondInsight portfolio. BeyondInsight enables IT and security professionals to collaboratively reduce user-based risks, mitigate threats to information assets, address security exposures across large, diverse IT environments, and comply with internal, industry, and government mandates.

This guide provides instructions and procedures for using BeyondInsight.


Discovery Scanner

The Discovery Scanner is the scan engine responsible for scanning the assets in your environment. The Discovery Scanner agent receives instructions from the Central Policy service.

A security certificate is required by the Events Client to communicate with the agent. This certificate is created during the BeyondInsight installation.

Manager service

This component is the BeyondInsight web interface.

The Manager Service also acts as a background service that gathers information from the Events Client, which retrieves information from the agents. The events are then encrypted and sent to the database.

Application Bus (AppBus)

The AppBus provides communications between BeyondTrust components and receives events to insert in the BeyondInsight database. This function can also be performed by a dedicated Event Server for scalability.

Events Client

The Events Client is responsible for forwarding information gathered by the Discovery Scanner agent.

The Events Client sends the information to the Manager Service. The Events Client is installed when a Discovery Scanner agent is installed.

Events Client certificate

Generate security certificates to ensure secure transmission of data between clients and BeyondInsight. Use the BeyondInsight Configuration Tool to export certificates.

For more information, please see the BeyondInsight Installation Guide.

Central Policy server

Central Policy is a service that sends Discovery Scanner agents their settings. Central Policy is the component responsible for sending the agents job information.

For example, the Discovery Scanner agent needs to know the scan targets. This information is selected in the BeyondInsight management console. When the scan starts, the Central Policy sends the job information to the agent.

Scheduling service

Responsible for contacting the update server and downloading the latest product updates.