Jumpoint Cluster Fields

These fields apply to the jumpoint_cluster_added, jumpoint_cluster_changed, and jumpoint_cluster_removed events.

Field Value Explanation
allows_multiple_nodes 1 or 0 1: This is a Jumpoint cluster.
0: This is a standalone Jumpoint.


The code name of this Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster.

comment string Any comments associated with this Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster.


1 or 0 1: This Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster is disabled.
0: This Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster is enabled.
external_jump_item_network_id string The unique identifier of the external Jump Item.
id string The unique identifier of this Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster.



The name of this Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster.

platform string The platform of the Jumpoint Cluster.


1 or 0 1: This Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster can be configured to allow Shell Jump.
0: This Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster does not allow Shell Jump.