SNMP User Configuration Settings

Appropriately credentialled users configure SNMP from the /appliance interface. To enable SNMP for your B Series Appliance, go to /appliance > Networking > SNMP. You can find your B Series Appliance manual at

Networking > SNMP
Configuring SNMP in the /appliance Interface

If using SNMPv2, check the box beside Enable SNMPv2.

Enabling SNMPv2 allows the B Series Appliance to be available for SNMP queries.

Next, enter a Read-Only Community Name value, a System Location value, and IP Restrictions in the corresponding free text fields.

IP Restrictions are those IP addresses permitted to query your B Series Appliance using SNMP.

If you enter NO IP addresses in the field for IP Restrictions, you will grant access to ALL hosts.

If using SNMPv3:

  1. Enter a Username and Password.
  2. Select the Authentication Method of your choice from the dropdown menu
  3. Check SNMPv3 Enable Privacy if you want to encrypt communications to the client.
  4. Enter a Privacy Password and select a Privacy Method.

Click Save Changes when done.

B Series Appliance Configuration Fields
Field Explanation
Enable SNMPv2 Check to prepare the B Series Appliance availability for queries.
Read-Only Community Name The community name to which the SNMPv2 Server should respond.
Enable SNMPv3 Check to prepare the B Series Appliance availability for queries.
SNMPv3 Username Enter a username.
SNMPv3 Authentication Password Enter a password, or leave blank to use current password.
SNMPv3 Authentication Method Use the dropdown menu to select an authentication method.
SNMPv3 Enable Privacy Check this box to encrypt communications to the client.
SNMPv3 Privacy Password Enter a password, or leave blank to use current password.
SNMPv3 Privacy Method Use the dropdown menu to select an authentication method.
System Location The location of this B Series Appliance for the SNMP MIB.
IP Restrictions The list of IP addresses allowed to access SNMP on this B Series Appliance.