Download Reports with SupportSessionSummary

The SupportSessionSummary query returns an overview of support session statistics for representatives, teams or sites. You may use any of the following sets of parameters to generate reports:

  • start_date, duration, and report_type
  • start_time, duration, and report_type
  • end_date, duration, and report_type
  • end_time, duration, and report_type

The reporting API is an authenticated API. For instructions on using authenticated APIs using OAuth, see Authenticate to the Remote Support API. The API account must have the permission Allow Access to Support Session Reports and Recordings.

Parameters for SupportSessionSummary

start_date=[YYYY-MM-DD] Specifies that the report should return all sessions, even those still in progress, that began on or after this date and that are within the duration specified below.
start_time=[timestamp] Specifies that the report should return all sessions, even those still in progress, that began at or after this time and that are within the duration specified below. The time must be a UNIX timestamp (UTC).
end_date=[YYYY-MM-DD] Specifies that the report should return only closed sessions that ended on or after this date and that are within the duration specified below.
end_time=[timestamp] Specifies that the report should return only closed sessions that ended at or after this time and that are within the duration specified below. The time must be a UNIX timestamp (UTC).
duration=[integer] Length of time from the specified date or time for which you wish to pull reports, or 0 to pull from the specified date to present. If start_date or end_date is specified, duration will represent days; if start_time or end_time is specified, duration will represent seconds.
report_type=[string] Accepted values are rep (to show representative summary statistics), team (to show team summary statistics), or site (to show public site summary statistics).

XML Response for SupportSessionSummary Query

<summary_list> Contains a <summary> element for each record that matches the given criteria. If no sessions are returned, this element will contain no <summary> elements. If an error occurs during the search, it will contain an <error> element describing the problem.

Element Names and Attributes

id (attribute) Returns the representative’s, team’s, or site’s unique ID.
type (attribute) Specifies the report type being generated: rep, team, or site.
<display_name> The display name of the team or site, or the private display name of the representative. Note that since summary reports represent an aggregation of sessions over a period of time, the display name used is the current value for the representative, team, or site, which may have been edited since the time of the first returned session.
<total_sessions> The total number of sessions run by the rep, team, or site in the time specified.
<avg_sessions_per_weekday> The average number of sessions conducted on Monday through Friday by the representative, team, or site, expressed as a decimal rounded to the nearest point.
<avg_duration> The average length of each session, expressed as HH:II:SS.

Query Examples

Sessions started October 1 2016 to present, by rep

Sessions started October 1 2016 to present, by team

Sessions started October 1 2016 to present, by site

Sessions started the month of October 2016, by rep

Sessions started 8:00 AM October 1 2016 to present, by rep

Sessions started 8:00 AM October 1 2016 to 6:00 PM October 1 2016, by rep

Sessions ended October 1 2016 to present, by rep

Sessions ended the month of October 2016, by rep

Sessions ended 8:00 AM October 1 2016 to present, by rep

Sessions ended 8:00 AM October 1 2016 to 6:00 PM October 1 2016, by rep