Security > Appliance Administration: Set Syslog over TLS

Security > Appliance Administration Header in /appliance

Syslog over TLS

You can send syslog messages over an encrypted TLS connection to up to three syslog servers.

Enter the hostname or IP address of a syslog host server receiving system messages from this Cloud Appliance using the local0 syslog facility. If needed, enter a custom port number. You may enter up to three comma-separated servers per field.


While the Message Format appears as a dropdown, the only available selection is RFC 5424 compliant.

If a custom port number is not entered, Syslog over TLS defaults to TCP port 6514.

Next, click Choose File to locate and upload a new trusted certificate. When finished, click Submit.


You must upload a new certificate whenever your current certificate expires. Otherwise you may experience a disruption in the syslog events being captured.