Screen Share with the iOS Device

Support your customer's Apple mobile devices through view-only screen sharing from your Windows, Mac, or Linux representative console.

Configure the iOS Device for Screen Sharing

iOS mobile devices can share or broadcast their screen to other applications, such as the BeyondTrust customer client app. However, before a user can start screen sharing from their device, they must configure their device to use this functionality.

The iOS General Settings app listing our various preferences you can set for your iOS device.

  1. From the iOS device, go to Settings > Control Center.


The Customize section of the iOS Control Center where you can choose to enable various actions for your iOS device.

  1. Scroll down to the More Controls section and tap + by the Screen Recording option. Screen Recording will then appear under the Include section. At this point, the iOS device can begin broadcasting its screen to other applications.


Start Screen Sharing with the BeyondTrust Remote Support Customer Client from an iOS Device

Once a user has screen sharing enabled on their iOS device, they can use this functionality to share their screen with a helpdesk representative. This allows the representative to view the user's screen in real time to better troubleshoot issues being experienced with iOS applications or the mobile device itself. To start screen sharing with a representative from the BeyondTrust Remote Support customer client, follow the steps below.

The BeyondTrust Remote Support Customer Client with the site name and session key entered.

  1. Open the BeyondTrust Remote Support Customer Client app on the iOS device.
  2. Enter the site name and session key provided by the representative. Tap Submit.
  3. Once the representative accepts the session, the chat dialog appears.


The start recording button is next to the End Session button, at the top of the screen.

  1. Press the Screen Recording icon.


The Screen Recording prompt showing the BeyondTrust Support app being selected for sharing. The Screen Recording prompt displaying a countdown until it starts recording and sharing the screen.

  1. Then tap Start Broadcast. A countdown appears, indicating when broadcasting will begin.


A normal iOS device screen showing the red bar indicating screen recording/sharing is in progress.

  1. Once screen sharing is in progress, a red bar appears at the top of the screen. As long as the red bar is present, the iOS user's screen is being shared with the BeyondTrust support representative.


The rep console showing the screen of an iOS device.

While screen sharing, the user can navigate in and out of applications, and the representative sees everything on the device's screen from the rep console.


A chat popup appearing at the top of the iOS device's screen while looking at the Settings page.

During the broadcast, the rep and user can continue to chat. The user receives chat popups from the rep at the top of the screen, and to respond, they simply tap the popup to begin typing their response.


The Screen Broadcasting prompt asking if you wish to stop broadcasting your screen to BeyondTrust Support.

Whenever the user wishes to end their screen broadcast, they tap the red bar and tap Stop on the Screen Broadcasting prompt.



  • While screen sharing, make sure to keep the BeyondTrust Remote Support customer client running on the iOS device to access chat.
  • After screen sharing has been stopped, the user should immediately return to the customer client to continue receiving assistance.