Custom Fields: Create and Modify Fields for Public Portal Issue Submissions


Custom Fields

Custom Fields

You can configure up to 30 custom fields. Custom field values can be created and configured for individual support sessions using the public portal issue submission configuration, as well as certain API operations. They are visible in the BeyondTrust representative console.

Create New Field, Edit, Delete

Create, modify, or delete a custom field. Deleted custom fields no longer display in the representative console or the session reports.

Add or Edit a Custom Field

Display Name

Create a unique name to help identify this field.

Code Name

Set a code name for integration purposes. If you do not set a code name, one is created automatically.

Show in Representative Console

Check this box if you want this field to display in the representative console.

To select issues to display in the public portal, as well as the order in which they should appear, go to Public Portals > Use Issue Submission Survey. Add or edit a public site and select Use Issue Submission Survey. Choose available fields to display.