Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux Version History


What's new in

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux

PowerBroker for Virtualization

PowerBroker for Network

Version 10.1.0

Copyright (C) 2018 by BeyondTrust Software, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

Document Revision 1, December 17, 2018

Thank you for selecting BeyondTrust PowerBroker. This file contains important

information regarding the current version of this product including new

features and changes. Further details can be found in the PowerBroker for Unix & Linux manuals.

This document is current as of the date of publication. The most

current version is available from www.beyondtrust.com.

BeyondTrust welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please use the

information provided at the end of this file to contact us.



- New Features

- Significant Bug Fixes

- Known Issues:

- Additional Information

- Documentation

Note: BeyondTrust recommends that before any clients are upgraded to the latest

release of PowerBroker for Unix & Linux, the Policy Server (Master) and the Log servers

should be upgraded to the latest release.

For the list of new features and bug fixes in PowerBroker for Sudo,

refer to the release notes of PowerBroker for Sudo.



1. A Fast Message Router mechanism is now used to better cope with high volumes of event

and log information. The Log Server will communicate all of its updates to the Message Router,

which will then log the audit and log information to the appropriate places, including the Event Log,

Log Caching, The BeyondInsight Event queues, and the SOLR/Iologcloseaction queues.

The pblighttpd service, which previously started the REST and Scheduler services, will now also

start the Message Router services. If the Message Router is down, the Log Server will store all

of its data in a temporary queue until the Message Router service is available again.

The new Message Router service will streamline the processing of Events and other important

messages throughout the system. It allows a single Log Server to quickly accept, process and

store tens of thousands of events every second.

The new Message Router mechanism also solves the concurrent writing of eventlog records to

pb.eventlog and the resulting locking and performance issues.

2. With the introduction of message router to forward events to BeyondInsight, and the use of

event queues to store the events, the store and forward mechanism no longer uses a file and

the binary pbfwdevents is obsolete.

3. To mitigate locking of pb.db database, the scheduling related tables were moved from

/etc/pb.db to /opt/pbul/dbs/pbsched.db.

4. To mitigate locking of pbiologaction.db database, the iologaction pid tables were moved from

to /opt/pbul/dbs/pbiologaction.db.pid.

5. A safety mechanism was added to pbconfigd to gracefully exit and re-start if the memory

footprint increases past a specified amount - initially 128mb. The pbconfigd will exit with the

following message in pbrest.log: " <date> [pid] pbrest process exiting for refresh..."

6. The setting 'databaselocktimeout' was enhanced to accept delay and retry number for

the full list of services: license, rns, dbsync, akapolicy, iologidx, restkey, fim, event, logcache,

rbp, sudo, sched, polpvar, logarchive, intprod, clientreg and pbpolicy.

There is also a default service that will be applied when a more specific setting has not been configured.

Values take the format of "service=<delay>,<retries>", where delay is in microseconds.


databaselocktimeouts default=1000,30 fim=2000,60 rbp=500,10

7. masterprotocoltimeout and logserverprotocoltimeout were limited to 1200000 microseconds (1.2 seconds)

which was too short for busy system. The maximum was increased to 30000000 microseconds (30 seconds).

8. getuserpasswd/getuserpasswdpam and submitconfirmuser/submitconfiruserpam were enhanced to

allow the specification of a persistent variable, which will allow the automatic reauthentication to work

as planned across multiple policy servers.

9. ACA function was enhanced to add the ability to block *<command>. If the 'filespecs' argument begin

with “*” it will allow wildcards to match any slash in the path. This allows for example, "*/reboot" to match

/usr/bin/reboot, /usr/sbin/reboot, /bin/reboot, /sbin/reboot, and /usr/local/bin/reboot.

10. pblog now reports finish events that appeared before the corresponding accept event.

11. pblogarchive no longer archives the eventlog in a "unknown_logserver" folder, when the first eventlog

record in pb.eventlog was a finish event,

12. Two new fields, description and comment, were added to AKA policy structure.

13. The command 'pbdbutil --evt -l' now lists the available 'taxonomy' values.

14. Role-based Policy enhancements:

- Added support for variables for IOLOG location and name

- Added the ability to show Policy Server Name and Role Name on Accept/Reject output

- Added Custom Accept Message & Custom Reject Message

- Added an option -e to pbrun to show user privileges (role-based policy only).

- Added an option --rbp -E to pbdbutil to show privileges and filter by host or filter by user.

- Added a re-authentication options from submithost, runhost or Policy Server Password or call PAM.

- Added an option to allow re-write of ranges of parameters

- Added a REST Endpoint to test roles

- Added the ability to set runuser=submituser

- Added the ability to evaluate the client mode (shell command, run, shell start)

15. New supported platforms:

- SLES 12 on PowerPC (Big and Little Endian)

- Mac OSX 10.13 High Sierra



1. Syslog messages are no longer truncated to 1024 bytes. There is no longer a maximum size

and the entire syslog message is processed.

2. When re-runing pbinstall to upgrade or re-install, the following keywords were not retained

in pb.settings:

advkeystrokeactionevents, advkeystrokeactionlog, fileintegritydblocktimeout,

indexcommandtimestamps, iologack, iologactioninterval, solrindextimeout, tcpkeepalive,

pbresttimeout, licensestatswqnum, logarchivedb_delay, logcachedb_delay,

pblicensedblocktimeout, pblicensequeuetimeouts, pblicenserefresh, pblicenseretireafter,

messagerouterclosewait, messagerouterqueuesize, messageroutersocketpath,

writequeuenum, writequeuepath, writequeuetimeouts

3. solrinstall was failing if JAVA_HOME was not in the list of environment variables and was only

specified through the menu option.

4. solrinstall did not exit with non-zero value if the installation succeeded but solr couldn't be started.

5. The new v10 licensing did not check Solr license if the Log Server was on a different host than

the Policy Server.

6. The new v10 licensing was not generating a valid unique hostid for a Mac OSX client.

7. If a "journal" file (/etc/pb.db-journal) is left over after pblighttpd service was not properly shut down,

restarting pblighttpd no longer fails with error:

"Exiting settings file /etc/pb.settings does not exist, or is empty".

8. Starting with v10.0, an issue was introduced where pbmasterd failed with error

"5622.1 Policy Server error getting peer name - Invalid IP protocol" when configured to unix domain sockets.

9. pbdbutil --sudo -U (unlock locked policy file in sudoersdb) is now working properly, unlocking the

sudo database.

10. Starting with v10.0.1, an issue was introduced where running "pbrun -h <host> bash" with iologging on,

was causing either the prompt to be lost, or the session exited.

11. When iolog was greater than indexlogsizelimit, pbreplay failed to mark iolog as finished in


12. Starting in v10.0, handling of UTF8 characters failed when a PBUL component with v10.0

communicated with another with version lower than v10.0.

13. When REST services were not installed on a host where only run/submit host was installed,

pblocald service was missing.

14. A "reject" eventlog record did not have the "uniqueid" field when it was created due to a license

constraint (e.g. no valid license, or not enough clients)

15. Starting with v10.0, submitconfirmuserpam did not process the value of the argument

'pampasswordservice' and was using local authentication instead of pam authentication.

16. pbrun’s optimized run mode no longer creates a pty when there is no tty

(e.g. stdin, stdout, stderr are all redirected) or when -p pipe mode is used.

17. ACA’s trap of dup2() resulted in memory corruption when passed the same fd for both

oldfd and newfd. This often resulted in pbreplay reporting an error similar to: error unable to decode

byte 0xe0 near '"' loading json data.

18. Several memory leaks were fixed in pbconfigd, pblighttpd-svc, pblogd and pbmasterd.



1. Splunk Integration:

- PowerBroker Unix/Linux now has a Splunk App available from the Splunk

web site called "BeyondTrust App for Splunk". You can find it on

https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4017/ or from within

the Splunk GUI “Apps -> Find More Apps”.

- In the default policy installed, a new SplunkRole procedure is added

to pbul_functions.conf, which will be enabled if 'EnableSplunkRole'

variable in pbul_policy.conf is set to 'true' (default is 'false').

This procedure enables iologging, aca history, and sets iologcloseaction

to a script sending records to Splunk.

- The script 'closeactionsplunk.pl' is installed by default in

/opt/pbul/scripts and can be used to send ACA data to Splunk, using the

'iologclosaction()' Policy procedure. Perl modules such as perl-JSON and

perl-Sys-Syslog may need to be installed to use this perl script.


For more information refer to the 'Splunk Integration' chapter in the Admin Guide.

2. Added ability to run a script on the logserver, when an iolog file is closed.

For PBUL iolog, add 'iologcloseaction(<script>)' to the policy.

For PBSUDO, use 'pbsudo_iologcloseaction' in pb.settings.

3. The new 'syslogsession_finished_format_logserver' was added that sends exit

status data to syslog, operating from the logserver, as opposed to the

syslogsession_finished_format keyword that operates from each runhost.

4. A new eventlog variable 'runhostip' was added.

5. When installing PBUL for the first time using pbinstall, two separate keyfiles

will be installed by default: pb.key for networkencryption and pb.rest.key

for restkeyencryption.

6. The REST API can now selectively be installed on the PBUL clients.

7. When installing the license server only, the pbkey binary will now be installed.

8. The iolog queuing mechanism introduced in v10.0.0 was changed. When upgrading

from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1, the data is automatically migrated in pbiologaction.db.



1. In v10.0.0, the value of "uuid" in the Licensing database was changed when

pbrun was executed in local mode with a non-root user.

2. In v10.0.0, the value of "uuid" was set to the same value when command was

run as a non-root user, and the hosts (VMs within the same ESX server) had

the same /var/lib/dbus/machine-id.

3. In v10.0.0, the command pbadmin --lic -l '{"retired":true}' and

'{"retired":false}' displayed the output, but terminated with a

"signal 6 (Abort)".

4. In v10.0.0, pbssh intermittently had terminal issues such as lost echo,

^D hanging, and failed with "3201.08 Exec of pbssh failed: Success"

5. pbssh, with AKA enabled, had interactive mode issues with commands that need

paging (more, less, ...).

6. pbksh and pbsh did not log a session finish eventlog record when iologging

was not enabled.

7. When 'pbrunreconnection' was set to 'true' in the policy, intermittently,

pbmasterd terminated with a segmentation violation, resulting in pbrun

failing with "8523 Client failure in SSL_connect() error:1408F10B:SSL".

8. The password was captured in the iolog file when the username and password

were the same.

9. When an iolog file was created with multiple "parts" (due to logserver failover),

and Solr indexing was enabled, only the last iolog file was indexed.

10. When iologging was enabled, pblocald leaked the logserver file descriptor to

the secured task.

11. In the ACA session audit, all the exec* mechanisms ended up logging an

"owner" "allowed" record when the "owner" perm is not used.

12. When the submituser and runuser have different ulimits for max files, ACA

failed to audit ACA command due to bad file descriptors.

13. PBSUDO failed to process the files in "includedir" directive of sudoers.

The files were imported into the database, and retrieved into the cache,

but were not processed by pbsudoers.so.

14. PBSUDO failed if sudoers contain "#includedir <dir>" and <dir> is empty.

15. If syslog_xxx_format keywords in pb.settings used double-quotes, the keywords

lost their values after an upgrade.




PowerBroker for Unix & Linux [PBUL] v10.0


If you are upgrading from a prior version of PowerBroker you


To obtain a new license follow the instructions below.

On your designated Primary License Server (10.0 and above):

1. Extract the platform specific tarball for that system

2. Navigate to the 'bin' folder where the tarball was extracted

3. Run pbdbutil --info --uuid

4. Contact your BeyondTrust License provider with your HostId

If you need more details about the new ‘License Server’ role please

reference page 152 of the Admin Guide, reference the release notes,

or contact support.

In PBUL Version 10.0 and above, all server components can act as a

redundant license server, however only one license is required on

the PBUL primary license server.



1. Centralized licensing database with component based licensing options:

A new licensing scheme has been introduced in v10.0.0, where the license string

consists of a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string that details services,

facilities and expiry.

The license string is now stored the license server (not the Policy Server),

and will be centralized and synchronized automatically to secondary license servers.

It is based on the "uuid" of the license server host (pbdbutil --info --uuid) and

contains a number of clients for each component (services), except for ACA and Solr

that are either enabled or disabled. For more information on the license services,

and attributes, please refer to the Admin Guide.

pbinstall has been changed to install the license server, setting the new

licensing keywords. The new 'licenseservers' setting is a list of servers that

will manage/maintain the product license and client counts.

A temporary license is installed automatically if a standard license is not provided

when the Primary License Server is installed. It will enable 20 client seats for all

services and enable all facilities. The license will be valid for 60 days.

2. Integration with PowerBroker Management Console (PBSMC) V6:

PBSMC V6 now allows the installation of the primary and secondary licenser servers,

as well as the Solr host.

PBSMC provides interfaces to view and search the eventlog records, search the iolog

files indexed by Solr, and replay iologs.

3. Solr install changes:

This release of solrinstall allows SSL keys and certificates, in PEM format,

as opposed to acquiring the keys and certificates from BeyondInsight.

OpenSSL is a new requirement for this capability and will be used to convert

the PEM files to pkcs12 format for installation into the Solr’s Java keystore.

This allow Solr to be installed to work with PBSMC.

Solr install now locate JAVA_HOME automatically if not provided on the command


4. IOlog indexing: A new mechanism will be used (on all OS, except for OSX), that will

queue the iolog filename, rather than process it immediately. The pbconfigd scheduler

will process the queued iolog filenames, launching a configurable maximum number of

pbreplay processes.

The default database containing the iolog filename queue is specified with the

"iologactiondb" keyword in pb.settings. If not specified, the default is

"pbiologaction.db" located in the directory specified by databasedir.

The new "solrmaxindexprocs" specifies the maximum number of pbreplay processes,

controlled by pbconfigd, that should be indexing iologs at any given time.

The new pbreplay option -Q will inform pbreplay to de-queue the filename, pbreplay

will index the iolog, and loop up to 50 times to de-queue and index additional iolog


5. A new keyword was "indexlogsizelimit" was added to pb.settings specifying a size limit

for IOlogs to be indexed, and a keyword “logskipindexfile” was added to specify whether

IOlogs over that size will be reported to syslog and/or pbreplaylog.

There will not be a default for the 'indexlogsizelimit' keyword, and if not set, all

IOlogs will be indexed.

pbreplay will read the indexlogsizelimit keyword, and if present, if the size of the

IOlog file is greater than the keyword specifies, a message will be written to syslog

and/or replaylog indicating the iolog filename that was skipped.

6. A new keyword "solrindextimeout" was added to pb.settings specifying a time limit in

seconds, during iolog indexing, for both the connection phase and the sending of each

chunk to Solr. When a timeout occurs, the existing diagnostic message

"2036 file:%s curl_easy_perform error: %d %s http response:%ld"

is written to pbreplay.log.

If solrindextimeout is not set, or is set to -1, there is no timeout.

7. A new keyword "pbresttimeout" was added to pb.settings allowing to set the maximum

amount of time a REST service will wait until it times out.

8. pbinstall now creates a pb.settings with all available keywords, with unused settings

appearing as commented-out lines.

9. The AIX tar file is now renamed from pbul_aix52+ to pbul_aix53+, reflecting the fact

that AIX 5.2 is no longer a supported platform.



1. When RNS is enabled, the sudo policy database was not synchronized to the secondary

sudo policy servers after the initial synchronization.

2. When ACA was enabled, the command "tar cvf" was failing with error:

"tar: <file>: Cannot open: Permission denied".

3. When change management was enabled, deleting a record from the AKA database was

failing, asking for a reason message, despite the reason being provided.

4. An extra prompt was displayed at the finish using the "interactive" AKA policy method.

5. FIM reports failed with exit value 22, when JSON data exceeded 20MB.

6. When Solr was enabled and an iolog was indexed, pblogd terminated with Signal 15 on

RHEL 7.1 using systemd.

7. When Solr was enabled and an iolog was indexed, pbreplay intermittently terminated

with a segmentation violation.

8. solrinstall was ignoring the value specified by -a option for rcsuser.

9. When upgrading from a installation without RNS, and enabling RNS, older clients

were failing with the error "3003.03 Could not connect to a log server daemon".

10. When RNS was enabled during the installation of a secondary server, database

creation warnings were displayed at the end of the install process.

11. Issues with running daemons with -f options were fixed in the script 'pbul-rc'

which is used by pbinstall to create the /etc/init.d pbul daemon scripts

when installing on linux machines that do not have systemd/xinetd installed.

12. Settings that allow quotes in value are losing quotes when settings file is

re-written with a pbrestcall PUT for a setting update.

13. On RHEL 7, when upgrading from v9.4.3 or older to v9.4.5 or newer, the pblighttpd

daemon was not stopped during the upgrade, and therefore the older release

of pbconfigd and pblighttpd continued to run despite the upgrade.



1. File Integrity Monitoring:

- The option "--noreport" was added to "pbdbutil --fim -U" to not send a report.

- The commands pbdbutil --fim "-A <host>" or "-X <host>" now allow both fully

qualified hostnames as well as short hostnames.

- Reduction of memory footprint and increase in speed for "pbdbutil --fim" search

and filtering commands.


- Addition of Policy check to allow checking of PBUL script-based policies.

- Addition of Policy check to allow checking of Sudoers policies.

- Addition of methods to check if successfull REST calls can be made to the

specificed hostname.

- Errors in pbrest.log now display the host and user information if applicable.

3. Client-based REST Services:

REST Services are now enabled by default on PBUL runhost/submithost. The processes

pblighttpd/pbconfigd do not run at all time (as they do on Servers), but "wake up"

when necessary.

3. New "Persistent Variables" functions and procedures to the PBUL policy language:

Persistent Variables are a method of setting variables that persist for a specified

time, and are synchronized across all of the Policy Master Servers in the enterprise.

Procedures are provided to list, get, set and delete Persistent Variables.

An example of use can be to define a prompt-free time period after the first

successful password verification in the policy.

4. Addition of include files to Advanced Keystroke Actions to allow the specification

of additional policy.

5. On a fresh install, new default will be used for SSL:

In pb.settings:

sslpbruncipherlist HIGH:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:@STRENGTH

sslservercipherlist HIGH:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:@STRENGTH

In pblighttpd.conf:

ssl.cipher-list = "HIGH:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:@STRENGTH"

ssl.use-sslv2 = "disable"

ssl.use-sslv3 = "disable"

server.use-ipv6 = "enable"

server.set-v6only = "disable"

7. New supported platforms:

- Mac OSX 10.11 and 10.12

- Oracle Linux on Sparc 64


Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



1. ACA Issues:

- AIX breaks "find" command

ACA did not trap the opendir64() function, causing the find command to fail.

Added a trap for opendir64.

- AIX csh fcntl F_CLOSEM error closing fd

fcntl with the F_CLOSEM command, resulted in the closing of the ACA policy and audit FDs.

Protected the ACA FDs against closing.

- All numbers in audit logs on AIX are zero. results in pbreplay -A not replaying.

- HPUX tcsh output mangled

Csh closed stdout and stderr. An internal ACA socketpair thus received FDs 2 and 3.

Shifted the socketpair FDs past 3.

- Issues with symlinked directories (memory issues on Solaris)

Malloc returned an area of memory used by the chdir path argument.

Used mmap to create memory for ACA use, thus bypassing malloc.

- Performance issue when ACA is enabled on AIX when 'locale' affects dlerror()

Normal conditions caused dllerror() internals to open

message catalogs many times, causing significant delay (30..45 seconds).

Added code to check and set the locale to "C" if necessary.

- mkdirat AIX returns EINVAL

ACA had the incorrect value for AT_FDCWD for AIX.

Corrected the AT_FDCWD value for AIX

- partial iologs generated after delegated tasks complete

Timing conditions resulted in the daemon detection code to open a new iolog.

Added additional code to close the ACA FDs if applicable.

- Solaris 11.1 segv in dlsym when symbol is unknown

Solaris dlsym was calling fcntl, for which ACA had not yet determined the address.

Moved several unknown-to-Solaris symbols below the fcntl symbol in the internal table.

2. File Integrity Monitoring Issues:

- When a FIM database issue was occuring on the FIM server, the FIM client was

not reporting the issue.

- Because the "file" keyword was not in the FIM policy predefs, the changes to

filenames were not detected. The keywords "file" and "ftype" have now been

added to default policy predefs.

- The "rundate" in FIM reports was not correctly converted to a Unix epoch.

- perm and pmask were always "000" in FIM reports.

- Improvement in error handling of FIM errors, displaying the valid error codes.

- Added correct handling of characters that are not valid UTF-8.

- FIM reports did not always use the --format specified on the command line.

3. REST Services Issues:

- pblighttpd did not use systemd by default on systems that support it.

It was still installing the service as a traditional SysV service.

- The REST API "PUT" only accepted old pb.key format keys generated using

"pbkey -f". It now accepts new pb.key generated by "pbkey -F".

- pblighttpd-launch produced a "segmentation fault" on Red Hat Itanium.

- After a "pbrestcall -X PUT" on /etc/pb.settings, the keyword "replaytimeformat"

no longer had the double-quotes around the values, making it invalid.

- After a "pbrestcall -X PUT" on /etc/pb.settings, the commented out variables

were removed from the re-formatted pb.settings.

- After a "pbrestcall -X PUT" on /etc/pb.settings, the keywords "pbrestkeyfile",

"pbsshshell" and "rootshelldefaultiolog" were missing from the re-formatted


4. The registration profiles 'default' was not created when running pbinstall

with RNS enabled.

5. The keyword 'eventlog' was missing in pb.settings on a logserver-only host.

6. The keyword 'logserver' was not set on a runhost/submithost installation.

This keyword is now used on runhost/submithost installs for FIM, ACA logs

and needs to be enabled.

7. The keyword 'pbadminpath' was not set on on a runhost/submithost installation.

'pbadminpath' is now needed by ACA, and need to be enabled on clients.

8. When in a PBUL policy, if rungroups contained unknown group numbers, pbrun and

pblocald terminated with 'signal 11 (Segmentation fault)'.


9. The options -Q, -Z, -S <yes/no>, -T, and -X were not honored when running

pbinstall -b (batch mode).

10. The following 'pbdbutil CSV output' columns would change order at every use:

List cfg

List rest keys

List FIM cfg

List creds

pbsudo list alias

pbsudo list policies

List svc cache

RNS list service groups

RNS list hosts

dbsync list outstanding

11. PBUL superserver-managed daemon ports are not enabled/not listening after package

installation on solaris9-x86.



1. Advanced Keystroke Action:

A new feature called Advanced Keystroke Action has been introduced to allow control and audit of

command line based network appliances. The new technology has been implemented as an enhancement

to the "pbssh" feature. PBUL policy specifies who can administer designated networking equipment,

integrating with PowerBroker Password Safe to seamlessly provide authentication credentials and new

Advanced Keystroke Action policy defines access, down to the individual command.

Full session logging provides a complete command audit trail through the existing session logging


Advanced Keystroke Action differs from previous features in that instead of trying to apply command

control as the user types, it emulates an interactive command line, and only then authorizes the

command once the user has pressed "enter" to execute the command. This means the policy can try to

match the command it has received in context to the task the user is performing, and it can choose to

re-write the command, accept it or reject it. It also allows the policy to change the user environment as

they carry out their tasks, changing prompts or tab completion.

2. Add functionality to 'eventdestinations' settings to allow REST based events to be piped into a


3. Role-based policy improvements:

- In the eventlog, the variable 'lineinfile' will contain 'norole' for an implicit reject.

- An 'ingroup' functionality was added to Role-based policy to allow rules to use a

user of an already defined group (local or AD).

4. Improvement to Kerberos error messages:

When Kerberos was enabled, and an error occured, unhelpful diagnostics containing the Kerberos

error numbers was displayed. The error messages have been improved to resolve the error codes

into a more meaningful diagnostic.



1. PBUL was generating user's Kerberos ticket with wrong ownership (owned by root). The ownership of the

Kerberos ticket is now set correctly and will be owned by the user that generated the ticket.

2. On a fresh install of v9.4.3, when Registry Name Services is enabled, pbrun failed when executed by a

non-root user, due to the permissions of /opt/pbul and /opt/pbul/dbs being set to 600.

3. In v9.4.0 and above, installation on Mac OSX did not install pblighttpd service and the error:

"pblighttpd.plist: No such file or directory" was displayed during the install.

4. When the primary NIC is down, some pbdbutil commands failed with the rest error:

"4507.02 Failed to call REST service - Failed to connect to host or proxy"

pblighttpd now connects to the loopback device also when the primary interface is down.

5. "pbdbutil --sudo -e" failed with "Failed to call REST service - Failed to write file" and did not export

the sudoers file.

6. Role-based Policy Issues:

- The 'command' variable in the eventlog occasionally contained incorrect data.

- pbksh/pbsh failed when Role-based Policy was enabled.

- Setting iolog to a string without trailing XXXXXX produced an error.

- submituser was set to first user from runuser list.

7. "dos2unix" (and some other commands) failed when ACA is enabled in the policy. This was due to lack of

support for system call mkstemp in ACA.

8. The atrributes "newer" and "older" in pbdbutil --fim reports were not working and when used, the error:

"8301.83 Invalid attribute - hours" was displayed.

9. When any file was retrieved by REST service, if it was versioned, it was truncated at the length of

the newest version.

10. When there is no existing eventlog files, and log caching is enabled ('logcachedb' is set), the error:

"6105.4 Error adding record to event logfile location cache database - 787 FOREIGN KEY constraint failed"

was displayed in pblogd.log at the first invokation of pbrun. This is now fixed.

11. Package Installers Issues:

- If the configuration package was built on a xinetd-only host, when installing on a systemd-capable

host, it configured xinetd instead of systemd.

- When upgrading PBUL linux packages from an older version not supporting systemd, the property

list of systemd was updated but xinetd was still being used.

- After upgrading the loghost package, programs that rely on the REST service no longer worked.

- Description of pbrest package was wrong.



1. PowerBroker for Unix & Linux GUI is now in maintenance mode only. From 9.4.3 onwards,

the GUI will also only provide restricted functionality. PowerBroker for Unix & Linux GUI

is now limited to only allow the viewing of the eventlog and iologs.

2. The default policy directory is changed from /etc to /opt/pbul/policies.

When installing the Policy Server on a new host, policydir and policyfile will

default to this new location. Of course, during an upgrade, the current values

are kept.

3. pbguid is now able to replay an iolog file, if the file is archived

using PBUL archiving feature.

4. The native package installers now support Registry Name Services.

5. If 'rcseventstorefile' is not specified in the pb.settings, it now uses the

default value /var/log/pb.rcs_eventstore (/usr/adm on AIX and /var/adm on HP

and Solaris). Also, the parent directory is now created if the path specified

does not exist.

6. Role-based policy now logs the role name used in the "lineinfile" eventlog


7. Advanced Control & Audit (ACA) enhancements:

- ACA diagnostic messages are now sent to a central Policy/Log Server.

- ACA diagnostic messages now have a common "tag": PBULACA

8. File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) enhancements:

- Added pbdbutil capability to remotely manage FIM.

- Added filetype to reports to differentiate files/directories.

- FIM Policy configuration can now be replicated to other FIM Servers.

- Added risk rating fields to report for deleted items.

9. FIM behavioral changes from 9.4.1:

- Symbolic links, when the link is not broken, now save and report the link

target's final canonicalized name as well as the link target's device and

inode. These are reported as fields 'linktarget', 'linkdev', and 'linkino'.

This data is stored, and checked within the hash field.

- Files are new scanned in order of entries in the 'include' section,

according to the first pattern that matches the file.

Any subsequent file matching patterns will be ignored. This is a

reversal of earlier behavior to make file processing more consistent with

directory processing.



1. Fixed licensing issue when installing Policy Server from Solaris package installer.

2. Fixed Role-based policy issue where authorization of specific users (non-wildcard)

in Role Based Policy was failing.

3. Fixed licensing issues when clients have multiple NICS.

4. Fixed partial IO log file names retaining old part numbers.

5. Fixed PBSUDO partial IO log file when pblogd terminates.

6. Fixed remotesystem policy function assigning to readonly variables.

7. Uninstall of packages did not remove several files.

8. Upgrading rpm packages no longer removes xinetd services.

9. Uninstalling rpm packages now removes all systemd slice unit-files

10. ACA issues:

- Fixed issue when secured task is a shell script without shell directive.

- Several issues with ksh and csh were addresssed.

- The execvpe() was not properly trapped.

- Fixed intermittent segmentation fault with system and popen when log>=3.

- Fixed intermittent policy corruption.

- pbmasterd can now record ACA data without a logserver.

- Fixed issue when pbrun's secured task is different 32/64 bits than the default shell.

- Fixed issue with ACA auditing daemons after pbrun exits.

- Protected internal auditing file descriptors from fcntl.

- Addressed functions susceptible to EINTR.

- When cwd cannot be determined via stat, it is retrieved from the environment.

11. FIM Issues:

- Several link processing issues were addressed.

- Fixed fields appearing out of order in CSV reports.

- Fixed FIM report showing true/false instead of number of files deleted.

- Increased in internal report buffer from 134MB to 1GB.


NEW FEATURES IN RELEASE 9.4.1-03 (replacing 9.4.0-18)

1. When ACA is used only for session history, and no files or operations are blocked, an optional parameter

has been added to enablesessionhistory, that when set to true, will cause ACA to continue when non-fatal

errors are encountered. This results in the task being allowed to continue, however the session history

recorded will be incomplete.

The relevant portion of the policy should be similar to:

aca("file", "default", "all");

enablesessionhistory( true, true);


2. ACA errors are now also logged to syslog.


SIGNIFICANT BUG FIXES IN RELEASE 9.4.1-03 (replacing 9.4.0-18)

1- When running pbsudoinstall, typing return to the question:

Would you like to create a new alias (c), or add the host separately (s) [s]:

will now correctly use the default "s" (add the host separately).

2- pbsudouninstall did not restore the sudoers file when the primary sudo policy server was RNS enabled.

3- When logcachedb is enabled (uncommented) in pb.settings, and numerous simultaneous pbrun requests

are issued logcaching was failing with an error:

"6100.4 Error opening database '/opt/pbul/dbs/pblogcache.db' - database is locked".

4- On a fresh install, on CentOS 7.2, systemd services did not setup and started for PBUL daemons.

The problem was due to the fact that pbinstall was setting up and enabling the service before the binary

were installed.

5- When using the option -e with pbinstall, Registry Name services option was always set to yes.

6- pbdbutil --sudo -X was requiring the alias to be specified along with the host. It is now working properly

when only the host is specified.

7- "pbdbutil --sudo -e" (without a file name or wildcard) was failing and not exporting all files as expected.



1. The naming convention for the platforms used in the tar files as well as in

the ISO file is now changed to a more meaningful naming:

pbia64_hpuxA-<release-build#> pbul_hpux.ia64_<release-build#>

pbhppa_hpuxD-<release-build#> pbul_hpux.hppa64_<release-build#>

pbs390x_linuxB-<release-build#> pbul_linux.s390x_<release-build#>

pbx86_linuxB-<release-build#> pbul_linux.x86-32_<release-build#>

pbx86_64_linuxA-<release-build#> pbul_linux.x86-64_<release-build#>

pbia64_linuxA-<release-build#> pbul_linux.rhel.ia64_<release-build#>

pbrs6000_aixC-<release-build#> pbul_aix52+_<release-build#>

pbi386_appleA-<release-build#> pbul_macosx_<release-build#>

pbx86_solarisB-<release-build#> pbul_solaris9-10.x86_<release-build#>

pbsparc_solarisC-<release-build#> pbul_solaris9-10.sparc_<release-build#>

pbx86_solarisD-<release-build#> pbul_solaris11+.x86_<release-build#>

pbsparc_solarisD-<release-build#> pbul_solaris11+.sparc_<release-build#>

pbpowerpc64be_linuxA-<release-build#> pbul_ linux.rhel.ppc64be_<release-build#>

pbpowerpc64le_linuxA-<release-build#> pbul_linux.rhel.ppc64le_<release-build#>

2. File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) is a new feature that will enhance PBUL system

security and audit. FIM policies can be configured to schedule regular checks of

the integrity of Operating Systems, software applications and customer data -

verifying file permissions, ownership and even cryptographic checksums and produce

details report for security alerts, vulnerability assessments and audit.

FIM policies are configured and maintained in a centralized repository.

FIM clients will be assigned to specific policy, and will automatically retrieve

and use these policies to compare the local filesystem against a system baseline.

Any policy violations or inappropriate changes to the filesystem will be detailed

in a report which is compiled and sent back to the central repository for future

reference, and events generated to alert administrators of the security


3. Registry Name Service is a service, that when enabled, facilitates the

location of other services within the PowerBroker Unix/Linux enterprise,

and provides centralized host based data repository.

The Registry Name Service will provide the product with a method of

addressing and locating other parts of the PBUL product. Each type of service,

currently including "PBUL Policy Authorization", "Sudo Policy Authorization",

"Logging Service", "Log Archiving Service", "File Integrity Monitoring Service"

and the "Registry Name Service" itself, will have distinct groups which will

comprise of one Primary service host, and zero or more Secondary service hosts.

The Primary host will accept all the configurational changes within the Service

group and will synchronize these changes out to the Secondary service hosts.

Other functions, such as Authorization or data retrieval will be available

from any of the Secondary hosts within the Service Group. Each host that

makes up the Service Group is defined in the database table, including Primary,

Secondary's and Clients. This allows every host within the PBUL enterprise

to identify every machine that will make up its Service Group.

This will also allow a more fine-grained control of licenses within the product.

3. Database Synchronization: With the introduction of SQLITE in v9.0 as an

embedded relational database for storage of configuration information,

there was an increasing requirement for synchronization of databases

across servers and services. In this release, we can now log changes and

synchronize these changes out to groups of servers defined within the new

Registry Name Service. Each database will be configured, as a Service Group,

and will receive timely regular updates from the Primary Server within that

Service Group. The Registry Name Service will maintain a list of Primary Servers

within Service Groups. These Primary Servers will handle all the configurational

changes for the group, and will then synchronize these changes out to the rest of

the Service Group that require it. From the admins point of view these changes

are largely transparent, and administration will be driven by the

Registry Name Service.

5. When Registry Name Service is enabled, the license data is now synchronized

across all Policy Servers within a Service Group. This allows to more

effectively provide licenses that cover failover of each Service Group

within the enterprise.

6. With the addition of Registry Name Service and the introduction of a

Scheduling Service, you can now automatically retire "old" clients from

the PBUL Policy License data, freeing up licenses for newer clients.

The Scheduler service runs constantly within the REST service, and

reads the License Data on any given PBUL Server and decide which Licenses

require retirement based on the values of the keywords "pblicenseretireinterval"

and "pblicenseretireafter" that dictate how often the licenses are processed,

and how old the entry has to be before it is retired.

Note that with the use of the License data synchronization this process only has

to run on the Primary as changes will be replicated back down to the

Secondary Servers on a regular basis.

7. Ability to produce a human readable report from the Change Management Database

8. The binary pbdbutil is now symbolically linked to pbadmin.

9. When any of the PBUL files (pb.settings, pb.conf, pb.cfg) is stored in

the configuration database, the physical file is now renamed (<file>.<timestamp>)

and a comment is added to the top of the file to indicate that the file

was imported.

10. If the directory specified in 'iolog' variable in the policy, or in 'eventlog'

in the settings does not exit, PBUL now creates the directory at runtime.

11. pbreplay is now able to replay an iolog file, if the file is archived

using PBUL archiving feature.

Note: pbguid still does not yet have this functionality in this release and will be

enhanced in a future release to have the ability to replay an archived iolog.

12. Two new session timeout meachnism is added to the policy language in the form

of procedures: runtimewarn() can be used to warn the user on stderr that the

session has exceeded the time limit, and runtimewarnlog() records to logserver's

syslog that a user's session has exceeded the time limit.

13. pbdbutil now has a new --info --fqdn, which takes a required argument <hostname>.

pbdutil --info --fqdn <hostname>, then prints the fully qualified host name.

14. A new keyword daemonfork is added to pb.settings. The keyword defaults to no

indicating that PBUL daemons will not make a second fork when run in daemon mode.

This means that the daemons will be process group leaders and session

leaders (pid == processgroup == session).

When the daemonfork keyword is set to yes, PBUL daemons (in daemon mode) will

fork after the setsid() call, meaning that they are no longer process group

leaders or session leaders.

15. The new optional keyword pidfilepath, when specified, is the path for PBUL

daemon pid files, named <pidfilepath>/<prefix><daemonname><suffix>.pid.

When run in daemon mode and not foreground mode, the pbmasterd, pblocald,

pblogd, pbsyncd daemons write the pid of the daemon after any forks.

16. The new PBUL Policy procedure iologcloseactionrunhost() is used to specify a

/path/filename to be executed on the runhost when the iolog is closed.

The specified /path/filename can be a shell script or binary. The user to run

the program as, environment, arguments, and working directory are specified in

the function call. Stdin, stdout, stderr are redirected to /dev/null. The timeout

(specified in seconds) is mandatory. A timeout value of zero indicates no timeout.

Note that a timeout value greater than zero will cause the end user's invocation

of pbrun to pause while the close action takes place or until the timeout expires.

Any runtime errors such as invalid user, cwd, or command are logged via syslog,

and to the appropriate PBUL log (e.g. pbrunlog, pblocaldlog) if specified

in pb.settings.

17. A new PBUL Policy procedure enablesessionhistory() is now available to

set a new internal readonly variable pbulacasessionhistory. This is used for

iologged, ACA controlled shell sessions (e.g. bash). The enablesessionhistory()

procedure takes a Boolean argument. Values of 1 or true will enable session

history. Values of 0 or false will disable session history. When enabled, the

ACA preload library will audit additional information for the secured task

(presumably a shell), giving pbreplay the ability to interpret the shell

"history" (pbreplay --history), within certain limitations.

For this feature to work iolog must be set, and ACA must be enabled with

at least one aca() statement.

18. The replay of ACA logs is "clogged up" by duplicate entries (for example

read of /etc/group three consecutive times). These consecutive entries,

when happening within the same second, will now by default be dropped

from the output so that only the first entry is displayed. All entries

are logged, and the complete log can be viewed with pbreplay's new

--showall (-s) option.

19. The PBUL Policy language "aca()" procedure now takes an optional "tag"

argument. This specifies a text string that will be logged any time this

ACA rule results in an audit log message.

Note: when a 9.4 policy server detects that the client is pre 9.4,

it will silently ignore the tag (without errors or warnings).

20. PBUL 9.4 log levels now affect the verbosity level of the audit

records (for certain functions), and the log level can be specified for

each permission:

Example: aca( control_type, filespec, 'read|write:log=4|exec:log=2');

21. A new replaytimeformat keyword in pb.settings can be used to permanently

specify a time format. The commandline option overrides the keyword.

If the keyword is not specified, behavior is the same as pre 9.4.

pbinstall creates the replaytimeformat with the default

value: "%a %b %d %Y %r", resulting in date/time displayed in weekday

month day year 12 hour AM/PM format.

22. When eventlogs are forwarded to BeyondInsight from the store & forward file

if a record is "rejected" permanetly by BeyondInsight, the record is now

written to the the <store_and_forward>.rejected file and we will not try

to re-send this record again. The file can be manually processed using

'pbfwdevents' binary.

23. If an error occurs while forwarding the records from the store & forward file

to BeyondInsight, the errors are logged to a separate logfile as specified in

the new settings keyword "pbfwdeventlog".

24. If an error occured when sending an event to BeyondInsight, pblogd no longer

tries to forward the events in the "store & forward" file.

25. When installing on Linux, pbinstall will now configure the PBUL daemons to

be managed by systemd if systemd exists and is functional.


26. If the systemd (or inetd/xinetd if systemd is not present) is installed but

not running, pbinstall will now display a warning message.

27. A new wrapper to pbinstall, called run_pbinstall, is now created to simplify

the installation of all PBUL components:

run_pbinstall -a|b|c

-a Install all components of PowerBroker for Unix & Linux

-b Install server (back-end) components of PowerBroker for Unix & Linux

-c Install client components of PowerBroker for Unix & Linux

-L host [-L host]...

-M host [-M host]...

-p prefix

-s suffix

28. An 'admin' appid and appkey is now created during pbinstall of a Policy Server.

This appid/appkey can be used for sub-sequent client installations using

client registration.

29. The use of "vi/Editor" is now removed in pbinstall. pbinstall now display a menu

prompt during the settings check phase, if submitmasters, acceptmasters,

and logservers need values. The user can enter a space-delimited list of

hosts/connections which will be written for that setting.

30. All keywords are now added to pb.settings even when the setting is not enabled,

in which case the keyword will be commented out.

31. pbinstall menu items were reorganized to display the installation of components,

PBSUDO, BeyondInsight, PBIS and REST API, to the first page of the menu options.

32. The Sudo database on the Sudo Policy Server now includes information regarding

on which host, when and last time sudoers was changed. This information is

displayed when 'pbdbutil --sudo -L' is invoked.

33. Two PBSUDO APPIDs is now created during pbinstall of a Policy Server.

One APPID "PBSUDOADMIN" will have full admin rights, and one "PBSUDOREAD" will

have read only rights. The APPIDs and associated keys will be displayed at

the end of installation, so that the administrator can make note of them.

34. A new keyword pbsudorefresh can be used to change the refresh interval.

Values less than 30 seconds are silently changed to 30 seconds.

Values greater than 86400 seconds (1 day) are silently changed to 86400

seconds. The keyword and default value of 30 seconds are written to

a new policy server pbsudo.settings.default file upon a new installation.

35. A new Bourne shell script "pbsudopreinstall.sh" is now available to run

pre-install checks. When run with the -f option, this will output TOML

formatted name value pair data. When run without the -f option, this

will output user friendly text. This utility will check that the host is

supported by pbsudo, determine if an incompatible version of PBUL is

installed verify that sudo is installed and determine if the version of

sudo installed is 1.8 or higher, and attempt to verify that the sudo supports

shared libraries.

36. Solr installation has now several improvements:

- The addition of pbsolr.cfg now allows pbsolrinstall to remember previous

menu selections, preventing users from answering the same menu questions

multiple times with the same answers.

- The installation now checks if the certificates already exist and this

Solr host is already registered in BeyondInsight, and if so the registration

is skipped and the following message will be displayed:

Solr certificates exist. Skipping registration with BeyondInsight CA.

- The solr installation now asks if the 'solr' configuration option should be

added to the local /etc/pb.settings. The solr certificats are copied to /etc

and 'solrhost', 'solrport', 'solrcafile', 'solrclientkeyfile' and

'solrclientcertfile' are added to the local /etc/pb.settings if it exists.

and the following keywords are added to the /etc/pb.settings file:

Note that only the local file /etc/pb.settings is updated. If pb.settings is

stored in the Configuration database, the user need to export the file prior

to running solrinstall and import it back after.

- Added the ability to create tarball with the solr keywords and certificates.

The tarball will be named solr.<shorthostname>.pbsettings.tar and placed in

the PowerBroker Solr installation directory.

- The error returned by BeyondInsight is now parsed and reported. The full

BI response will be logged.

- Addition of command line arguments for each menu option allowing

non-interactive install

37. Support for failover ability on PBSUDO client for submitmaster and logserver

if Registry Name Service is enabled (or if pbsudo.db is manually copied to

all Sudo Policy Servers).

38. Ability to view or manage sudoers files from the PBSUDO client:

a new option '--client' is now added to 'pbdbutil' that allows

the sudoers to be managed also on the PBSUDO client.

To authenticate remote management, the user is required to provide

REST appid/appkey credentials.

39. Ability to cache REST appid/appkey credentials in a secure manner

using 'pbdbutil --auth' option.

40. PBSUDO installation has now several improvements:

- All pbsudo installation menu items now have command line arguments

- pbsudoinstall can now be invoked in non-interactive mode

- The questions to create/join a host alias are now reworked for

an easier understanding

- pbsudoinstall now checks if the host already exist in the Sudo

database on the Sudo Policy Server, either as part of an alias or

individually and takes the appropriate action accordingly

- pbsudoinstall now displays the list of existing Alias groups when

prompted for the Alias group name.

41. New options -J and -C was added to pbdbutil --sudo:

-J <host_alias>: configures PBUL to join a host alias for this sudo client

-C <host_alias>: configures PBUL to create the specified alias for this sudo client

42. pbsudouninstall, when invoked with an admin APPID and APPKEY, will now extract

the sudoers and include files from the cache and be written to disk.

A new pbsudouninstall -P option can be used to skip this step, thus preserving

any local files (or lack thereof). If -P is used, and the sudoers file does not

exist locally (perhaps due to the rename during install feature) a warning will

be issued indicating that sudo will not function properly without a sudoers file.

43. pbsudouninstall will now remove the sudoers file and the sudo client host

from the Sudo database if the host is not part of an alias.

44. New supported platforms:

Ubuntu 16.4 (x86 64-bit)

45. De-supported platforms:


SUSE Linux Ent Server 10 (Power5 64-bit)



1- When running pbsudoinstall, the following question is asked:

Would you like to create a new alias (c), or skip creating an alias (s) [s]:

If you just type return (to accept the default), the sudoers is not uploaded. You have to type 's' to actually do the action:

Would you like to create a new alias (c), or skip creating an alias (s) [s]: s

Uploading sudoers file /etc/sudoers


Removing plugin definitions (if any) from /etc/sudo.conf

Adding PBUL plugin definitions to /etc/sudo.conf.

2- pbsudouninstall does not restore the sudoers file when the primary sudo policy server is RNS enabled.



- On the non-linux platforms where all the pb logs get created under /var/adm/, pbrest.log goes under /var/log/

- When reinstalling using pbinstall -b, autofwdtime and solrhost keywords were not preserved in "/etc/pb.settings".

- pbinstall was ignoring the answer to the question "Install PowerBroker for Unix & Linux now?" when set to 'no'

and continued with the installation.

- pblogd and pbfwdevents did not release the lock on pb.rcs_eventstore file. Because of the lock, many pblogds

queued up trying to acquire the lock on the pb.rcs_evenstore file.

- A segmentation fault was produced by pbrun, when the command was longer than 8k. This was due to a buffer

overrun issue.

- PBUL daemons did not dissociate from the tty, when started in standalonedaemon mode. This was due to the fact

that the pgrp_id and session_id of these processes were not set to the same PID.

- If eventlogencryption was not set in pb.settings, pblogarchive failed with the following error:

8150.3 Failed to archive logfile due to error: 8112.1 Failed to read file /tmp/.pbrest_XwIWvS, No such file or directory

- When aca is enabled, the error 'permission denied' was displayed when changing directories in a 'pbrun ksh93' session.

- On s390 platform, when aca is enabled, the error

<command>: symbol lookup error: /path/to/libaca: undefined symbol: dlsym

was displayed when invoking 'pbrun <command>'

- When the policy set 'runenablerlimits = true', set 'runrlimit_nofile = <value>' and aca('file','default','all')

invoking "pbrun bash -c 'ulimit -S -n; ulimit -H -n; exit;'" failed with "Failed to read ACA policy: lock failed ..."

- If a file was blocked by aca in the policy, symbolic links to the file were not blocked.

- When aca is enabled, "lsblk" did not return any output.

- When aca is enabled and ksh was used, piped commands failed with "cannot create pipe [Permission denied]"



1. A new keyword (randomizelogservers) was added that, when set, will randomize

the log server used from the list of logserverss. Previously, always the first

logserver on the list was used, unless the server was down. When this keyword is

set to 'yes', a log server will randomly be picked from the list. The default value for

this keyword is 'no'.

Please note that setting this keyword to 'yes' might result in an 'accept' event

to be logged to one eventlog, and the 'finish' event to another.

2. For added security, when issuing "pbdbutil --sudo -U --force", the options

"-a <appid> -k <appkey>" are now required.



- When submitconfirmuser() was used in the policy, and a wrong password was provided, pbrun

as well as pbksh and pbssh terminated with a signal 11. This is now fixed.

- The command 'pbdbutil --sudo -l <file>' did not work when the full path and filename

was specified. This is now fixed.

- An issue was introduced in v9.0, where the 'sharedldapdendencies' was not set properly on

AIX platforms. This has been corrected.

- A dependency to the REST package was incorrectly required, when only run/submit Host

packages were installed, creating the user pblight and the directory /usr/lib/beyondtrust/pb/rest,

which were not required on a runhost or submithost. This dependency has been removed.

- When installing rpm packages on an x86 64 bit only host, the installation failed on a glibc.i686

dependency. This is now fixed.

- An issue was introduced in v9.2.0, where the pblighttpd service (and pbconfigd) were not

stopped after the packages were uninstalled. This is now fixed.

- On hosts with chkconfig, pblighttpd service did not start automatically at system boot.

The service is now correctly added to /etc/rc.d and starts at system boot.

- pblogarchive failed if the first record in the eventlog was a Finish event or the eventlog

contained only one accept event. These issues are now fixed.

- If pblogarchive fails to archive the eventlog, but the eventlog was rotated, it now displays

a message stating that the eventlog was rotated.

- The location of log archiving database (logarchivedb) is now consistent with other database

location (Config database, sudo database), and inconsistent checks on its location has been


- pbreplay -O did not display the whitespace recorded in PowerBroker for Sudo

iolog files as whitespace but as tabulations. This is now fixed.

- pbreplay -O did not process xterm DCS control commands issued by vi. The Esc P+q<hex>Esc\

command is issued by vi, and not trapped with pbreplay -O. This caused the xterm control

command to be passed to the tty, which results in odd terminal behavior. This is now fixed.

- Indexing iolog files with Solr, when iologs contained 0x03, 0x16 and extra NULLs, resulted in

a failure to index the files. These charcaters are not supported by Solr and are now being


- A memory leak was detected in pbreplay and is now fixed.

- Due to a mishandling of socket options, PowerBroker for Unix & Linux daemons failed to reuse

the port because it was in "time_wait" state, and the restart failed with:

"5454 Could not bind server socket for pbmasterd port <port> family IPV4 Address already in use"

The socket option is now correctly set, allowing ports to be reused immediately.

- When aca("file", "default", "all") was used in the policy, certain commands such as 'man <command>'

or pipes (echo a | cat) failed with "Failed to read ACA policy: length 4 failed 0 - 0. Exiting...".

This is now fixed.

- When ACA was used in the policy to intercept files under a path, for example:

aca("file", "default", "all");

aca("file", "/bin/*", "!all");

aca("file", "*/bin/*", "!all");

aca("file", "/bin/*", "!all");

it failed to intercept some relative paths such as "../. /../bin/hostname" or





- Issue introduced in 9.2.1-01: Intermittent segmentation fault when iolog was set in the policy



1. A memory leak in the iologging mechanism was introduced in v8.0 and above,

affecting the binaries pbmasterd, pblocald, pbrun, pbksh, pbsh, pbssh

and pbsudoers.so.



1. PowerBroker for Unix & Linux now supports DNS names longer than 63 characters.

2. pblicense -r can now retire a client using its UUID. You can now provide either an IP address or

UUID when retiring a client.

3. pblicense -r now has a --batch option that can be used to retire clients non-interactively.



1. When upgrading from an installation where pb.settings (or pb.cfg) was stored in the registration

database, pbinstall was not reading the files from the database and therefore was not using the

existing settings. pbinstall now checks if pb.settings and pb.cfg are in the configuration database,

and if so, reads the values from the database instead of the physical files on the host.

2. When installing a client on AIX platforms, using the client registration, pbregister failed to load the

shared libraries and the client registration was therefore failing. pbregister now loads the shared

libraries properly during the install on AIX.

3. When pb.settings was stored in the configuration database, and later deleted from the database,

"pbconfigd --cfg -l" was failing with an error:

3430 Insecure operation - please consult your administrator

This was due to pbconfigd, when reading the settings file, was finding the one in the database,

which was marked as deleted, and was incorrectly retreiving it (as an empty file), instead of backing off

to use the filesystem copy. This is now fixed.

4. If the keystore file (rest.keystore) was removed, pbconfigd was producing a segmentation violation

after displaying an error. This is now fixed.

5. Occasionally, specifically on Red Hat 7 and CentOS 7, pblighttpd and pbconfigd services where not

stopped after an uninstall. This is now fixed.

6. If the locale "C" file was not found on the host, pbconfigd failed to start up and displayed the

following error:

"Unable to find library '/usr/lib/nls/loc/hpux32/locales.3/C'.". This is now fixed.



1. PowerBroker for Unix & Linux Sudo Integration:

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux can now be integrated with sudo. This integration requires

the PowerBroker for Unix & Linux Sudo Client to be installed on hosts where sudo is installed.

Integrating sudo with PowerBroker for Unix & Linux has the following benefits:

- Centralization of sudoers policies, stored in a secure database on PowerBroker for Unix & Linux Policy Server host

- Change management for sudoers policies: Once sudo policies are stored on PowerBroker for Unix & Linux policy server,

they can be checked out, modified and checked back in centrally, without the need to go to each sudo host.

- Integration with PowerBroker for Unix & Linux eventlogs: After sudoers policy processing, an accept or reject event

is logged in the PowerBroker for Unix & Linux event log.

- Integration with PowerBroker for Unix & Linux iolog: Sudo commands can be iologged in the

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux iologs, and read with pbreplay.

Important Note:


PowerBroker for Unix & Linux Sudo plugins are based on Sudo v1.8.11p2.

This limits the support of Sudo Client to Sudo v1.8 and higher. And whilst we've made every effort to

minimize any differences in the end use of the sudo product, it is inevitable that newer versions of the

product may differ slightly, and features in new versions of Sudo may not be supported.



1. An issue was introduced in v9.0 in pbguid when pam was enabled that was breaking the authentication

preventing the PBGUI to work. This is now fixed.

2. An issue was introduced in v9.0 in pbguid, when clicking on either "View eventlog" or "View iolog", PBGUI

was producing a segmantation fault. This is now fixed.

3. Several issues in ACA functionality has been corrected, specifically on Solaris and HPUX platforms.



1. Role Based Policy

Role Based Policy has been implemented to simplify the definition of policy for administrators.

Policies are kept within structured records in a database, simplifying maintenance, decreasing

system load, increasing throughput, and providing a comprehensive REST API to integrate policy

management with existing customer systems and procedures, including simplified bulk import/export

of data. Once the data is held within the Role Based Policy database it is much easier to provide

management information, such as user entitlement reports. The policy data is grouped into users,

hosts, commands, time/dates and roles detailed in the Admin and Language Guides.

2. Change Management Events:

The new "Change Management Events" are configured on the client by enabling the

"changemanagementevents" in the pb.settings, and on the Primary logserver by specifying

the "eventdb" setting, and will log all changes made to the Configuration and Settings,

and the Role Based Policy databases. When the setting is enabled all changes will require a

message, which is logged alongside the username, date/time and the details of the actual change.

The events are sent to the logserver defined in the pb.settings and can be retrieved via

REST or locally on the logserver with the "pbdbutil --evt" option.

3. Configuration and Settings database:

New facilities in the area of configuration and settings change management have been added.

To provide these facilities the existing PowerBroker for Unix & Linux configuration files,

including the pb.settings, pb.conf and encryption keys can now be stored within a database.

The database will allow the storage of versioning information, and will allow the rollback of

individual configuration files, or indeed complete sets of files from the command line.

To use the new change management facilities, simply import files into the database by

using the new 'pbdbutil' binary, for example:

pbdbutil --cfg -I /etc/pb.settings /etc/pb.conf /etc/pb.key {"fname":"/etc/pb.settings","version":1}

As soon as the files are imported they are versioned and every PowerBroker for Unix & Linux binary

will use the current database copy in preference to the existing files.

4. Advanced Control & Audit:

The new ACA or Advanced Control and Audit, will trap file system related library calls

and allow, disallow, and audit the calls.

The new ACA language will specify actions (e.g. open/read/write/exec) that can, or cannot be

performed on a file (using shell style file patterns to match files), and will also specify an auditing

level. Each specified library function call will be intercepted by a PowerBroker for Unix & Linux

library. Once intercepted, the ACA statements will be processed to determine if the action is

allowed, or if auditing is required. If auditing is specified, the relevant data will be sent back to the

originating client to be written to an IOlog or an ACA log.

When ACA is enabled, the iolog will contain both iologging and auditing information. The new

pbreplay -A (--audit) command line option is used to display the audit records from an IOlog.

5. Client Registration

The Client Registration feature has been added to PowerBroker for Unix & Linux to facilitate the

installation and configuration of new PowerBroker for Unix & Linux clients into the enterprise.

It consists of a centralized Registration Profile service, normally found on the Primary Policy Server.

This service is configured with customized profiles that match the settings required for the

installation of hosts that provide differing roles in the organization.

When new PowerBroker for Unix & Linux clients are installed these profiles are retrieved, providing

the configuration required to complete the installation.

6. Enhanced Encryption

To enable compliance with US government regulations, and specifically FIPS 140-2, the encryption

within PowerBroker for Unix & Linux has been updated. Many of the older less secure encryption

algorithms have been deprecated, and when high security is enforced, they are disabled


When new PowerBroker for Unix & Linux servers and clients are installed, the pb.setting

"enforcehighsecurity" and "ssl" are both enabled. This switches PowerBroker for Unix & Linux into

FIPS 140-2 mode.

All encryption algorithms are FIPS 140-2 compliant, and it will not communicate, encrypt or

decrypt any data that isn't encrypted in AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 or TripleDes.

For existing customers who are upgrading their enterprise to version 9, the upgrade script will

automatically add the AES-256 encryption algorithm onto the iolog and event log encryption

configutation, leaving the existing encryption algorithms at the end of the configuration. This

will ensure that new iologs and event logs are encrypted using modern secure algorithms, but

allowing existing iologs and event logs that are encrypted in less secure algorithms to be

decrypted and retrieved.

Although existing network encryption can continue to use deprecated encryption algorithms,

because the data is transient, more permanent data such as iologs and event logs can only

be encrypted in FIPS 140-2 compatible algorithms.

Customers who have an existing infrastructure, and would like to be FIPS 140-2 compliant

will have to upgrade all PowerBroker for Unix & Linux Servers and Clients to the latest version.

If there are existing iologs and event logs that are encrypted using less secure algorithms you

will require a specially configured host that will be dedicated to reading these older logs.

7. Event and IO log archiving

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux now provides a logfile tracking and archiving mechanism for I/O logs

and eventlogs. Each logfile created can have its location recorded in a centralized database for

future searches. PowerBroker Servers log files can be archived off from the original Logserver

hosts, for the purpose of freeing up space on the Logservers or for consolidating logs on

designated archive hosts.

The log archiving process is performed by hosts that have been installed and configured with

the server components of PowerBroker. Those components mandatorily install the PowerBroker

REST service which is essential in logfile movement and tracking.

8. Change "Master" to "Policy Server"

The term "Master" is now changed to "Policy Server" in all the messages in the source code, the

installer, the documentation, the man pages, as well as the GUI.

9. The new ISO file

The iso file now contains 3 directories: PBUL, PBIS and SOLR.

Under PBUL directory, you will find all the PowerBroker for Unix & Linux tar files untar'ed as well as

the Manuals.

Under PBIS directory, you will find the content of the latest PowerBroker Identity Services iso file.

Under SOLR, you will find the content of Solr tar file untar'ed.

10. PBIS installation

When running pbinstall, when you say "yes" to "PowerBroker Identity Services Integration?", a new

menu item, "Install PowerBroker Identity services?", will allow you to install PowerBroker Identity

Services by providing the directory where the install files are located.

When installing from PowerBroker for Unix & Linux iso file, the install directory will be set by

default to the directory in the iso file.

11. Support Snapshot

A new shell script, pbsnapshot.sh, is now installed and allow you to create a tar file containing

information that could be useful for the support team to reproduce an issue.

12. Allow space in the value of rcsworkgroup

It is now allowed to have space in the value provided for 'rcsworkgroup' passed to BeyondInsight.

13. New SSL, LDAP, Kerberos and Curl shared libraries:

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux is now packaged with the following version of these libraries:

- OpenSSL v1.0.2a

- Kerberos v1.13

- OpenLDAP v2.4.40

- CURL v7.40.0

14. Kerberos keyword 'keytabencryption' introduced in 8.0.1 is no longer required.

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux Kerberos interface should derive the proper encryption

from /etc/krb5.conf.

15. New supported platforms:

Oracle Solaris 11.2 (Sparc and x86)

SUSE Linux Ent Server 12 (x86 64-bit)

TeraData Express 13 (SLES 10)

TeraData Express 14 (SLES 11)

Red Hat 6.x, 7.x 64-bit on PowerPC Big Endian

Red Hat 7.x 64-bit on PowerPC Little Endian

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



1. Problems with group names starting with a number:

When the secondary group of a user started with a number, 'pbrun id' displayed incorrect group

information in the output of 'id'. This was due to the product considering the group name as a

group number, and failing the lookup of the group. This is now fixed.

2. Hanging pblogd due to lost communication between pbrun/pblocald and pblogd:

Intermittently pblogd was hanging due to pblogd not exiting and therefore holding a lock

on the eventlog which prevented other pblogd to obtain a log, and subsequentally hanging as well.

The issue happens when pblogd is done with logAccept/logReject but waiting for a message to

terminate. The error "5101.02 Communication error" was received, however pblogd ignored

the return value indicating the error and continued to wait. This is now fixed.

3. When "passwordlogging" was not present in pb.settings (or commented out), the default value

was "allow". It is now correctly set to "never".

4. pbbench now recongizes the shell wrappers around pbguid/pbsguid and pbsyncd used on some


5. When using pbsync to merge encrypted iologs, pbsync was failing with invalid checksum and

missing header section. This is now fixed.

6. When pbsync was exiting due to an error, the exit status was 0. It is now a non-zero value.

7. When submitconfirmuser was used with a long prompt, the message displayed in the 'reject' had

extra characters. This is now fixed.

8. The procedure 'remotesystem' always used /tmp as the cwd and ignored the value in the 5th

argument 'cwd'. It is now correctly using the value specified in 'cwd'.

9. When a host with the same UUID used in the new license file (since 8.5.0) had a different ip

address, the old ip address was not updated. The Policy Server now updates the ip address of

the host when the same UUID is used.

10. When installing package installers on Solaris, any symlink on the directories /usr, /usr/local,

/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/man, /usr/lib/secure, /usr/lib/secure/64, /usr/sbin etc.. was broken.

This is now fixed.

11. When 'pbadminpath' was not in pb.settings, events and iologs were not forwarded to

BeyondInsight and Solr and there was no error in any logfile. An error is now displayed indicating

the missing 'pbadminpath' and the records are stored in the 'store and forward' file until they

can be forwarded at a later time.

12. Occasionally, with some iologs 'pbreplay -o -am' produced a bus error on HPUX.

This is now fixed.

13. After the retiring period of a host was elapsed, when running pbrun from the retired host,

the first pbrun failed with an error indicating the host is retired, instead of re-activating the host.

The subsequent pbrun worked. This is now fixed and no error is displayed the first time.

14. On Linux Itanium only and with v8.5.1, pbbench -V was exiting with 'signal 11'.

This is now fixed.



1. X11 iolog capture and replay: The new X11 capture feature provides two areas of

functionality. It firstly encrypts X windows communications to enhance security,

and will provide a full session capture of every graphical session so that the

session can be logged and audited.


pbrun has a new command line option -X (--x11forwarding) that will

request X11 forwarding. X11 forwarding is allowed by default when pbrun -X is used.

The policy variable 'xwinforward' can be used to override this.

When running pbrun with the "-X"

option, the DISPLAY environment variables needs to be set, and a valid XAuthority

token needs to exist in the user's Xauthority file specified by the XAUTHORITY

environment variable or ~/.Xauthority by default.


pbreplay has a new "X" option, using in conjunction with the "-a" option,

for example:

pbreplay -o -aX <path/to/iolog>

Will dump relevant X11 captured events from the iolog. Major events such as

the creation and destroying of windows, textual window updates, text input and

mouse clicks will be displayed as a summary alongside any output from the parent


2. A new "noexec" policy variable was added that will enable/disable the capability

to prevent secured tasks from using exec() to create subtasks (e.g. prevent a user

from obtaining a root shell from an elevated 'vi' process).

The new read/write "noexec" policy variable will default to 0 thus disabling the

feature by default. Within the policy, when policy administrators want to disable

a secured task's ability to exec a program, they can set the "noexec" variable to 1.

3. Both pbmasterd and pblogd have now the ability to rotate the event log.

The new 'eventlogrotate' keyword specifies a rotate size and an optional path

for the resulting rotated file.

Additionally, the new --rotate option (-R) for both pbmasterd and pblogd,

allows manual rotation, or rotation via cron, for the event log /path/filename

specified in pb.settings.

4. Licensing Improvements: PBUL now uses UUIDs (universally unique identifier)

instead of IP addresses to identify and track connected clients.

The option -u of pblicense allows a user to list the UUID of the licensed clients

and the new binary pbclienthost_uuid will display the UUID of the client on the

client host.

5. A new -F option has been added to pbkey binary that will creates pb.key with

the addition of obfuscation of the key using accredited encryption techniques.

6. Four new encryption standards have been added, namely "ssl3des", "sslaes-128",

"sslaes-192" and "sslaes-256", which can be used in all encryption settings.

These are implemented using openssl function calls and adhere to FIPS 140-2

encryption standards. They require sharedlibssldependencies to be set.

7. A new setting, enforcehighsecurity, has been introduced that when set to yes

will turn higher security options and will:

- Require enabling of the "ssl" keyword.

- Require the setting of the sslservercertfile and sslserverkeyfile so

that ssl communications can be enabled.

- Deprecate the use of all but the FIPS 140-2 accredited encryption

algorithms (i.e. AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, ssl3des, sslaes-128,

sslaes-192 and sslaes-256).

- Enforce enabling of FIPS in the OpenSSL libraries if available.

- Will enforce the use of the new version of pb.key format

(pb.key generated with the new -F option of pbkey binary)

8. REST API: REST API for PowerBroker for Unix & Linux is a new add-on

API previously bundled separately. This is now part of the standard tar files

and Package installers.

This web-based API allows other software to configure, customize and retrieve

data from PBUL. When installed on the PBUL Master, Logserver or run/submit hosts,

alongside a suitable HTTP service (one which supports FastCGI), will provide

the communications between the client and the REST services. The REST API provide

a RESTful interface for product settings, policy configuration and IO log

retrieval and replay.

9. A PAM module (pam_radius_auth) is now included to support authentication against a

configured RADIUS server. The module allows PBUL to act as a RADIUS client for

authentication and accounting requests. A RADIUS server is required before using

this module. The RADIUS server must also have the PBUL host requesting authentication

already defined as a RADIUS client.

10. In order to allow the user to selectively use PAM authentication in the policy,

two new policy functions and 3 new policy variable have been added to 8.5.0:

- The new getuserpasswdpam() function is similar to the existing getuserpasswd()

but requires a new "pampasswordservice" argument.

- The new submitconfirmuserpam() function is similar to the existing

submitconfirmuser() but requires a new "pampasswordservice" argument.

- The new runconfirmpasswdservice variable works in concert with runconfirmuser

variable. It indicates which PAM password service on the runhost will be used

to perform password authentication and account management.

- The new runpamsessionservice variable indicates which PAM session service will

be used to perform account management and session start and end services to manage

task requests on a run host.

- The new runpamsetcred variable works similarly to the server settings keyword

pamsetcred. The runpamsetcred variable enables the pam_setcred() function,

which is used to establish possible additional credentials of a user.

11. A new 'taskpid' variable has been added which contains the pid of the secured task

launched by pbrun, or the Session associated with pbksh/pbsh if iologging is on.

This variable is populated when the secured task is executed, and has no value

until a session starts and therefore cannot be used in the policy. This variable

is shown in the Finish event of the eventlog only when a logserver is used. It

can also be used in the new 7.0 syslog formatting settings,

syslogsession_start_format and syslogsession_finish_format.

12. De-supported platforms:

The following are no longer supported:

HP-UX 11i v1 (B.11.0) (PA-RISC 32-bit)

IBM AIX 5L v5.1 (POWER 32-bit)

IBM AIX 5L v5.2 (POWER 32-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v3 (x86 32-bit and 64-bit)

SUSE Linux Ent Server 9 (x86 32-bit and 64-bit)

IBM zSeries Red Hat Ent Linux v4 (s390 31-bit)

IBM zSeries Red Hat Ent Linux v4 (s390x 64-bit)

IBM zSeries SuSE Linux Ent Serv 9 (s390 31-bit)


13. New supported platforms:

Red Hat Ent Linux v7.1 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)

Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.1 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)

Mac OSX 10.9 (i386)

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



1. pbrun and pblocald hung intermittently when processing a large file, when

no logserver was used and when submittimeout was set.

This is now fixed.

2. The default syslog formatting for Finish event was changed to use exit

date and time instead of date/hour/minute. Also all %hour%:%minute% in other

syslog formatting were changed to use %time%

3. When installing Package Installers on AIX, the ownership of /usr/sbin,

/usr/lib, /usr/share and /usr/local was changed to 600:400. This is now

changed to set the ownership to bin:bin.

4. After installing the default policies when using Packages, the default

/etc/pb/pbul_policy.conf was missing the "include '/etc/pb/pbul_functions.conf';".

This is now fixed in 8.5.0.

5. When "pbreplay -o -am" was executed on AIX5.3, Solaris10 and HP-UX11.11, it

occasionally hung. This was due to an unintialized buffer and is now fixed.

6. When uninstalling Packages on AIX, if /usr/local, /usr/sbin or /usr/share/man

were symlinks, the symlinks were removed.


o New Feature in 8.0.2-04:

- A new policy procedure, policytimeout(timeout_value), has been added:

This procedure adds an overall policy timeout mechanism so that pbmasterd can

abort the request when the policy processing takes an inordinate amount of time.

For example, when submitconfirmuser() is used, but the submitting user (or process)

does not enter a password.

This will prevent pbmasterd processes that appear to be hung when the policy is

waiting for user input which may never arrive.

pbmasterd informs PBUL 8.0.2 clients (pbrun, pbksh, pbsh, pbssh) of the timeout,

and those clients will also timeout.



o ISSUES FIXED in 8.0.2-04:

- An issue was introduce in 7.0 and above, with the introduction of "passwordloggingprompts",

where when logomit('*') was called in the policy, the variable "passwordloggingprompts" was

omitted, unsetting the password prompts and causing passwords entered during secured task

execution to be logged in the iolog file. "passwordloggingprompts" is now added to the system

variables and will not be omitted by logomit.

- Occasionally, when iologging was on, and a password prompt was encountered, an extra message

"5136.02 writeIOLog prior stdin is still pending." was logged. This message was harmless

and is now removed.

- Issue in 8.0.1 patch only: In certain circumstances the password is logged in the iolog file.

This can occur if password prompt comes in across two reads of standard output data and the

byte AFTER the buffer is either 0x0A or 0x0D. This is now fixed.


- Intermittently, when no logserver was used and pbrun invoked a secured task

on a remote host (pbrun -h) involving large data transfer between pbrun and

pblocald, the data was truncated. This is now fixed.

- Intermittently, when noreconnect was set to true, no logserver was used and

pbrun invoked a secured task on a remote host (pbrun -h) involving large data

transfer between pbrun and pblocald, pblocald hung. This is now fixed.

- Intermittently, when noreconnect was set to false, no logserver was used and

pbrun invoked a secured task on a remote host (pbrun -h) involving large data

transfer between pbrun and pblocald, pblocald failed with an error:

"Unidentified timeout reached". This is now fixed.

- Intermittently, pbrun failed with the following errors:

"5104.02 Expected CMD_CHARS got CMD_STDIN_CLOSE"



This is now fixed.

- pbksh and pbsh did not fall back to native root mode when logservers were not

reachable. Now, if logged in as root, and there is no logserver available,

pbksh and pbsh will switch to native root mode even if a master is available.

- When in native root mode, pbksh and pbsh erroneously set submithostip to

"local shell builtin" or "local shell command" in the local eventlog.

This is now fixed and submithostip is set to the ip of the submit host.

- An issue was introduced in v7.5.1 only, where pbrun seg faulted when

iologging was on, and passwordloggingprompts was set to {":"}, and the

output of the secured command contained ":". This is now fixed.

- Due to hard coded encryption type 'des' in the Kerberos support of PBUL,

when enabling Kerberos in pb.settings, the Kerberos file kdc.conf had to

contain the standard version of des in the variable supported_enctypes:

supported_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-crc:normal des-cbc-crc:v4

for PBUL to function properly. This is now fixed. A new keyword 'keytabencryption'

is added to pb.settings and needs to be set to the encryption type used by


- pbpatchinstall failed with no space left on device on Solaris VM When a VMWare

guest OS is installed, and the optional configuration called 'hgfs' is present.

This is now fixed.


- When running pbcheck -e on the default policy delivered with 8.0.0, it failed with

error "2431 Terminating to protect system resources". This was due to the use

of input function in a loop, and the fact that during entitlement reporting there

was no input to process the loop with. This is now fixed and the loop is only processed



- pbcheck -e seg faulted with policy using split function with runhost as the argument.

This was due to manipulation of a null pointer and is now fixed.

- An issue was introduced in v8.0.0 where pbbench -V, -l and -m occasionally seg faulted

on Linux Itanium and Linux 64 bit when submitmasters/acceptmasters/logservers were using

an external program to defined the hosts.



1. The behavior of the existing pb.settings keywords submitmasters, altsubmitmasters,

acceptmasters, logservers, masterport, and logport; and pblocald's --accept_masters

commandline argument was modified to allow the lookup of such values via DNS SRV records.

DNS SRV records specify a service name with one or more host entries that include

hostname, port, priority, and weight. This PBUL implementation supports the

hostname, port and priority values, and ignores the weight value.

2. The submitmasters, altsubmitmasters, acceptmasters, and logservers keywords now

supports a mechanism to execute an external program to return a single value.

The external program path and filename should be contained within backticks

without whitespace. Command line arguments to the external program are not supported.

Redirection and backgrounding the external program are not supported.

3. Linux, AIX and Mac OSX only: The pbmasterd, pblocald, and pblogd daemons are

modified to optionally update their command line arguments (viewable via ps) to

include information about the originating pbrun request. The customers will then

be able to use the 'ps' command to view pbmasterd, pblocald, and pblogd processes

and determine the associated submituser, submithost, runcommand, and the pbrun pid.

This feature will work only on operating systems that allow a process to overwrite

its argv data (Linux, AIX, Mac OS X). This is known to not work on Solaris and HP-UX.

4. PBUL now provides a new setting, "addressfamily", to actively prevent AAAA DNS

records requests when IPv6 networking is disabled. This is a workaround for an

unacknowledged OS bug in the implementation of getaddrinfo() on

Red Hat (and possibly other platforms). The addressfamily setting specifies which

address family PBUL will use when making remote connections (ipv4, ipv6 or any).

5. A new option, "--testmaster [hostname|IP_address]", was added to pbrun that will

test master processing for a particular master host, but prevents the master from

connecting to the run host and also prevents execution of the command. This option is

only allowed when the submit user is root.

6. A new option was added to pbrun, pblocald, pbmasterd, pblogd to turn on debugging.

Debugging can be on-demand from pbrun when pbrun is called with "--debug=<level>" option.

All PBUL daemons that process the pbrun command will turn on debugging for the duration of that session.

Debugging can be persistent for the PBUL daemons if the superdaemon invokes the PBUL

daemon program with the "--debug=<level>" option. This can be done if the daemon configuration

file is modified and the "--debug" option is inserted. It can also be done for stand-alone

daemons if you manually invoke with "--debug".

7. A default role-based policy will now be installed by default if an existing policy

does not exist. This default role-based policy contains several roles

(Help desk, PBTest, Controlled Shells, Admin and Demo roles) that can be enabled

or disabled in the policy.

8. Installation of Solr for PBUL iolog indexing has been greatly simplified by eliminating

most of the previous steps to generate, and copy BeyondInsight (formerly Retina CS)


9. For improved categorization of events in the BeyondInsight (formerly Retina CS) display,

a new policy variable, "pbrisklevel" was added to provide a way to give risk rating to

accept and reject events. Valid values are whole integers ranging from 0 (no risk) to

9 (highest risk). If the variable is not specified in the policy, the risk level will

be defaulted to 0.

10. A new keyword, "rcsworkgroup", was added to pb.settings. The workgroup name is a

label which helps BeyondInsight (formerly Retina CS) to identify and group related events

sent from PBUL. You can then sort PBUL events based on the workgroup label.

11. A new policy variable, "logcksum", was added and when present in the policy, will

log the checksum that was generated for a command/executable/binary in the event log regardless

if the policy variable runcksum/runcksumlist/runmd5/ runmd5list is set. If logcksum variable

does not appear in the polify file, the checksum value will not be logged.

Valid values for "logcksum" are: "cksum", "md5sum" or "all"

12. Added the eventlog variable "chksum" (for "Finish" events only) to store the checksum

value generated for the command/executable/binary. This variable will always be automatically

populated. However, it will only be added to the eventlog only if the variable logcksum

is set to "cksum" or "all"

13. Added the eventlog variable "md5sum" (for "Finish" events only) to store the md5 checksum

value generated for the command/executable/binary. This variable will always be automatically

populated. However, it will only be added to the "Finish" events in eventlog only if the

variable logcksum is set to "md5" or "all"


14. A new script called pbulpreinstall.sh is now in the 'install' directory of our tar files

and can be run prior to install PBUL. This script runs some pre-install checks such as

hostname resolution, DNS and name services resolution, verifying if the default ports are

not in use, checking on the disk space, etc. This script is installed in the '$inst_admin'

directory (/usr/sbin by default) after the install.

15. The 'pbversion' script, previously delivered to the PBUL install directory only, is

now installed along with the PBUL binaries to the '$inst_admin' directory

(/usr/sbin by default). You can run this script to display the versions of

PBUL binaries.

16. For a fresh, new install of PBUL, the shared library directory previously

/usr/lib/symark/pb is now renamed to /usr/lib/beyondtrust/pb.

For Solaris installations, the location of the SMF files /var/svc/manifest/symark

was also changed to /var/svc/manifest/beyondtrust.

17. Starting with 8.0.0, the following defaults will be used by PBUL, if the keywords

were not set previously in pb.settings. This is relevant with a fresh install or

for an upgrade when installing PBUL using the pbinstall script or the delivered

package installers. The following defaults are:

* allownonreservedconnections changed from "no" to "yes"

* networkencryption changed from "des" to "aes-256"

* "cps=25000 1" added to xinetd.d/pb<daemon>

These defaults will be used for a fresh install or for an upgrade if the keywords

were not set previously.

18. Starting with 8.0.0, the following defaults will be proposed during the install

process only. If these values are not set in pb.settings, the defaults will remain

the same as before 8.0.0.

* minoutgoingport changed from "600" to "1025"

* maxoutgoingport changed from "1023" to "65535"

* randomizesubmitmasters changed from "no" to "yes"

19. New options were added to pbinstall script:

-d: Installs the static pbdemo.key for a fresh install.

This keyfile is static and shipped as part of the tar file.

Therefore it should only be used for demo purposes and should not

be used in the production environment.

-L host: This option with a following word argument specifies

the hostname to be used for the "logservers" in pb.settings.

A list of host can be specified by repeating the -L argument

followed by the host name: -L host1 -L host2

-M host: This option with a following word argument specifies the

hostame to be used for the "acceptmasters" and "submitmasters" in

pb.settings. A list of host can be specified by repeating the -M

argument followed by the host name: -M host1 -M host2



1. If runsecurecommand was set and the binary was secure, but the parent

directory had group and write permissions, with 'sticky bit' set,

pbrun failed to execute the command for root. This is now fixed and pbrun

correctly allows the execution of the command by root if the binary is secure

and in a directory with 'sticky bit' set.

2. If the extended port specification was used for submitmasters, acceptmasters

and logservers (for example: submitmasters myhost:port=32101:interface=myhost),

the port number specified was ignored and the port specified on the masterport

(or logport) was used. This is now fixed.

3. "pblicense -l" produced a segfault if pb.settings on the master host was missing

the 'validation' keyword.

4. The option "pblocald -m <list of masters>" was not working and the list of masters

was ignored. This is now working.

5. An issue was introduced in v6.2.2, where pbksh and pbsh were creating iologs on

the host specified by the logservers keyword of the submit host's pb.settings.

This is now fixed and the host specified in logservers keyword on the master host

is where the iologs are created

6. When leaving the "Record PTY Session" to default "no" in the install, the

"recordunixptysessions" was commented out to "no" in pb.settings therefore

using the default value of the keyword which was "yes". This is now fixed

and pbinstall sets the keyword to the proper value without commenting it.

7. If during the installation using pbinstall, the option to install third party

libraries was deselected, pbinstall hanged and consumed high CPU. This is now fixed.

8. An issue was introduced in 7.5.0 with the set of LDAP libraries delivered for

hppa_hpuxB tar files, where if ldap was enabled in the policy, pbrun failed to

load the LDAP libraries. This is now fixed.




1. An issue was introduced in 7.5.0-12, where, on some platforms, the current time

was set to time in UTC. This affected the "time" variable in the eventlog,

as well as the time displayed by policy functions such as "strftime".

2. An issue was introduced in 7.0.0 and above, where, occasionally, one some

environments, When the passwordloggingprompts list contained the string ":"

as part of the list of strings, the iologging did not log the input.

3. An issue was introduced in 7.0.0 and above, where the password was getting

logged on second or more tries, when the password was entered incorrectly

the first time.

4. The default values for the variable "passwordloggingprompts" was changed to:

{"Password", "password", "Passwd", "passwd"}

where the : at the end of each string was removed. This is to accommodate the

default prompt for "submitconfirmuser".



1. Retina CS Integration - Event log central collection:

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux now incorporates the collection of PowerBroker for Unix & Linux events

(accept events, reject events, finish events, and keystroke action events)

by RCS Web Services. PowerBroker Log Servers will be sending eventlog records to

RetinaCS through Web services. One eventlog record for each Accept, Reject, Finish

and Keystrokeaction event will be sent to RCS.

Using Retina CS, you can then sort and filter this data into useful reports.

Retina CS will also use these events to show the list of PBUL servers in the list

of RCS Assets.

2. Retina CS Integration - IO log Indexing for improved search capabilities:

This integration will allow RCS to search for PBUL IOLogs via an indexed search.

PowerBroker for Unix & Linux will use Solr to index IOLog output data and RCS will perform

queries and interpret/display the results, allowing the user to replay the resulting

IOLogs via pbguid.

Each PowerBroker logserver and master host will be able to communicate with a Solr Server,

submitting PBUL IO log output data for indexing.

A Solr server needs to be installed as a PowerBroker component on a Unix/Linux machine.

A separate tar file for Solr installation is provided. Refer to "Solr Installation"

chapter in PowerBroker Installation Guide for more information on how to install Solr.

3. Added a -e option to pbreplay -O to display the standard error captured during

I/O Logging.



1. pbssh failed with error "3511 Problem writing client license file"

on AIX 5.1 and HPUX 11.0

2. pbreplay -O was missing output of a "cat" of a large file. This was due to the

incorrect processing of CRLF.

3. An issue was introduced in 7.1.1, where pbrun will produce a segmentation fault

when the submithost hostname was unknown to DNS.

4. An issue was introduced in 7.1.1, where the status of system policy function was

set to 0 regardless of the exit status of the command.

5. pbinstall did not correctly calculate free disk space when there was

an error listing the files on / directory.

6. There was duplicate Finish events logged in the eventlog with pbrun in

Optimized Run Mode when pbrun executes a bad/non-existent command.


7. iolog_list eventlog variable was not populated in eventlog when there

is no dedicated logserver and pbmasterd does the logging.

8. An issue was fixed with pbreplay -O producing a segmentation violation

when the size of the screen was changed while the session was captured

and there was inserted characters or deleted lines.

9. An hang issue was fixed with pbreplay -O with some I/O Logs.

11.pbreplay -O displayed garbage output with utf-8 data in the I/O Logfile.

This was due to splitting of UTF-8 multi-byte characters.


SIGNIFICANT BUG FIXES IN RELEASE 7.1.1-05 (7.1.1-05 replaced 7.1.0-15):

1. An issue was introduce in 7.1.0, where the eventlog field 'unixtimestamp'

was corrupt. This field is ONLY used when Accept and Reject eventlog

records are sent to PBIS to set the PBIS event date/time. This made the

date/time of the PBIS event set to a wrong date, which was sometimes

in the past and therefore the events did not show in PBIS dashboard

since they were considered too old.

2. Intermittently, on Solaris platforms, the output from policy functions

and procedures remotesystem, system, egrep, fgrep and grep got truncated,

if the output was larger than 1K. This was due to pbmasterd not getting

the last buffer send by the child process launched to execute the command,

after the child was terminated.

3. pbmasterd did not properly closed all file descriptors opened during the

parent-child communication when using the functions and procedures system,

remotesystem, egrep, fgrep and grep in the policy.


4. Issue introduced in 7.1.0: the timeout in the policy function/procedure

RemoteSystem() did not always work.

5. Issue introduced in 7.1.0: When RemoteSystem was used as function and targethost

was the submithost, standard error was displayed to screen rather than to policy


6. Issue introduced in 7.1.0: Several hangs were fixed in the policy function/procedure


7. Issue introduced in 7.1.0: pbmasterd hung because the IPV6 license file lock

was not released.

8. Issue introduced in 7.1.0: pbreplay failed with an iolog from a policy using



NEW FEATURES IN RELEASE 7.1.0-15 and 7.1.1-05 (7.1.1-05 replaced 7.1.0-15)

1. PowerBroker for Unix & Linux is now officially integrated with ArcSight and

RSA enVision.

2. Added full support for IPv6 on all platforms supporting IPv6

(all except HP-UX 11.00 and 11.11 PA-RISC)

3. pblicense binary can now show the Nodename (uname -n) as well as the last

access date of clients.Two new keywords were added to pb.settings:

The "licensedata" indicates which access data fields are to be saved.

Valid values are "none", "accessdate", and "datenodename".

The licensedatafile keyword indicates the /path/filename of the

datafile for storing this additional license data.

pblicense new command line options, --current-access and --obsolete-access,

allow to list client machines with and without recent access.

4. pbreplay has been enhanced with new options to allow enhanced search

capabilities in IO Log files:

-O option by itself produces searchable output by processing the terminal

control codes in a virtual screen, then producing output based on that

virtual screen. The following options can be used along with -O:

--regex <regular expression>, enables built-in searching via the standard

regcomp mechanism.

--files <glob pattern>, used with --regex option, allows multiple files to

be searched.

-c <constraint expression> allows the search to be limited to iologs who's

policy variables meet the criteria specified in the constraint expression.

-p <format expression> allows the output to be customized.

5. A new Policy function, remotesystem(), was added. It is used to run commands

on any runhost as part of the policy.

This can be called as a procedure (command output is shown on pbrun's terminal)

or as a function (command output is captured into a policy variable).

This is similar to the system() function/procedure, however the command

in run on a different host.

6. A new keyword in pb.settings and variable in the policy, execute_via_su,

has been added providing the ability to use the 'su -' command to create

a login shell for the secured task, thus allowing the login mechanism to

setup the run environment.

7. Support for LOG_AUTHPRIV facility on Linux

8. Separated the "allowremotejobs" keyword: The new keyword in pb.settings,

"submitremotejobs", on the submit host, when set to yes/no it enables/disables

the use of the -h command line switch of pbrun. If the submitremotejobs

keyword is not present, the allowremotejobs keyword is used to enable/disable

this feature.

9. Two new policy variables, runcksumlist and runmd5list runmd5sumlist,

allow multiple values when performing cksum checksum verification on a file.

10. PowerBroker for Unix & Linux binaries (except pbbench) no longer fail for unrecongized

keywords in pb.settings. This allows the same pb.settings file to be used on

all PowerBroker components, regardless of the version of the product,

starting with v7.1.0 and above.

11. New supported platforms:

Red Hat Ent Linux v6.2 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)

Ubuntu 8, 9 and 10.04 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)

Mac OSX 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 (i386)

Solaris 11 Sparc

Solaris 11 x86

Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.3 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)*

Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.4 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)*

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.

*) This includes support for Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Linux Kernel 2


ADDITIONAL SIGNIFICANT BUG FIXES IN RELEASE 7.1.0-15 and 7.1.1-05 (7.1.1-05 replaced 7.1.0-15):

1. Occasionally, for encrypted iologs, pbreplay matched the checksum with the

wrong encryption key/algorithm pair and failed to display the iolog. The fix

for this issue now pre-validates the decrypted data to match a policy

variable name specification and post validate the parsing of the data to

check the required policy variables. If these validation fails, the next

key/algorithm pair on iologencryption list is then tried.

2. On AIX 7.1 only, pblicense -l displayed "licensed until Jan 6, 2036" for a

permanent license. This was due to a wrong interpretation of the date 0/0/0

on AIX 7.1 and is now fixed.

3. pbrun produced a segmentation fault when the group of the runuser did not

exist. This was due to a memory corruption in the code and is now fixed.

4. Randomly, on some platforms, with PowerBroker for Unix & Linux v7.0.0+, when logged in

as an AD user, "pbrun --di <shell>" did not display the prompt. This was due

to a memory corruption in the code and is now fixed.

5. In the eventlog Finish events, "exitdate" and "exittime" as well as

"i18n_exitdate" and "i18n_exittime" were not defined. These are now

correctly added to the finish events.

6. pbinstall did not recognize SLES 11 with Patch 2.

7. pbinstall batch component options did not work for pblogd, pbguid, pbsguid

and pbsyncd. This is now fixed.

8. Updated documentation:

- Added clarification on how the localmode works, as well as its interaction

with IO logging.

- Examples of "in" operator when using wild characters.

- Clarified that pbsync -I and -i option only merges iologs of the same


- Corrected the description of the policy function getgrouppasswd which

retrieves the user password (and not the group).

- In the Diagnostic Manual, added a note on how to search for sub-messages

(i.e. 3003.01, 3003.02, 3003.03 etc).



1. In the finish event in the eventlog, a new keyword "taskttyname" was added

that contains the ttyname of the secured task. This ttyname can be used in

association with the new syslog formatting settings to record the ttyname in

the syslog of the client and associate that with 'last' command

(i.e. the wtmp entry). This will be recorded by pbrun (normal and optimized

run mode) and by pbksh, pbsh when iologging is on in the policy (when wtmp

is updated).

2. Prior to 7.0.1, Solaris Project implementation was as follows:

A Solaris Project can be specified on the pbrun command line, or specified

in the policy (overrides the command line), or when not specified, secured

tasks and shells inherit the project from the initiating process, if

submituser belongs to a project, and runuser is member of this project.

If the Project is not specified and cannot be inherited, the Solaris default

project for the runuser is assigned. In 7.0.1, this behavior was changed

for pbrun. Now, the runuser inherits the runuser default project

by default unless otherwise specified.

3. A new keyword, loadssllibs, was added to pb.settings. The loadssllibs setting

determines whether the libraries that are listed in the

sharedlibssldependencies setting are loaded at runtime even if the value of

the ssl setting is no. This setting is useful in certain cases where the

operating system is configured to use SSL and we need to force PowerBroker

Servers to load the SSL libraries.

4. A new keyword, loadldaplibs, was added to pb.settings. The loadldaplibs

setting determines whether the libraries that are listed in the

sharedlibldapdependencies setting are loaded at runtime even if Policy LDAP

functions are not used. This setting is useful in certain cases where the

operating system is configured to use LDAP and we need to force PowerBroker

Servers to load the LDAP libraries.

5. If the environment variable LANG, or one of the environment variable LC_xxxx

is set to an invalid value, PowerBroker Server components no longer error

and set LANG to C.

6. New supported platforms:

Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.3 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)*

Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.4 (x86 32-bit & 64-bit)*

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.

*) This includes support for Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Linux Kernel 2



1. On AIX the policy functions getgroups and useringroup failed to show all

the secondary groups returned by groups for LDAP users. This was due to a

shortcoming of the standard OS function on AIX, that did not have support for

LDAP users as did other Unix/Linux Operating Systems.

2. A new issue was introduced in 6.1.0, preventing pbsh and pbksh to run commands

on a remote runhost. This issue is now fixed.



1. Event log central collection: PowerBroker for Unix & Linux events (Accept, Reject,

Finish, and keystroke Action events) can now be centrally collected by

PowerBroker Identity Services (PBIS) collectors. This allows viewing of

these events on PBIS Operations Dashboard as well as the ability to query

against this information through the standard PBIS Report plug-in.

2. PowerBroker for Unix & Linux, can also send "health" events to PBIS Collectors based

on the responsiveness of PBUL master servers, log servers and pblocald on

run hosts. PBUL clients, pbrun, pbsh, pbksh, and pbssh, will optionally

report a new event every time a PBUL master or log server fails to respond

in a timely manner.

3. A new binary, pbping, was added to PowerBroker for Unix & Linux, to check on the

health of PBUL clients. pbping, run from master daemon, checks connectivity

to licensed clients' pblocald daemon.

4. Two new options, -m and -l, were added to pbbench to selectively test

connection from the client to the master and to the log server.

The -m option will bypass all other tests, and perform only

the master connection test. The -l option will bypass all other tests,

and perform only the log server connection test. The -l and -m options

can be combined to perform both the master connection test and log server

connection test.

5. Accept, Reject and Session Syslog messages can now be customized using keywords

in pb.settings which allow you to specify the format and select the specific

fields to be written to syslog.

The new keywords are: syslog_accept_format, syslog_reject_format,

syslogsession_start_format, syslogsession_start_fail_format,


6. A new policy keyword, passwordloggingprompts, was added to specify the list

of password prompts for the lognopassword feature. When passwords should not

be logged, all I/O will be logged until a password prompt is recognized on

standard output. Password prompts to recognize must be listed in the

passwordloggingprompts variable. Once a password prompt is recognized,

non-echo'd stdin is not logged until a newline is received, or input exceeds

80 characters.

7. pbinstall now allows "--disable_optimized_runmode" to be added as a

pbmasterd argument.

8. SELinux is now supported with RedHat 5.4+ (not including RedHat 6.x).



- On some platforms (Solaris, AIX), the policy function system( ) echo'ing a

string larger than 1024 characters was truncated to the first 1024.

This was due to a buffer length limitation on some platforms.

The length is now increased to 8K.

- IO logs generated in optimized run mode were missing the exit status.

- pbrun optimized run mode did not log the finished event in syslog.

- When pbrun was run with an invalid command, pblocald logged a finish event in

the syslog with an incorrect program name.

- pblocald did not write an accept/reject message in syslog.

This was due to the missing -a option (--syslog_accepts) for the pblocald daemon.

- pblocald did not log start events in syslog.

- pblocald set the runutmpuser to runuser instead of (submit) user.

- pblocald with PAM and pam_setcred enabled, reported the BSM audit-uid as

the runuser. The BSM audit record for the secured task now has the correct

audit-uid - the submitting user.

- Exit Status was set to "Unable to get termination status for pid:"

instead of the actual exit status when using setkeystrokeaction

or runtimeout in policy.

- pbinstall now updates inittab using rmitab on AIX.

- The HP Configuration Package did not contain shell wrappers for pbguid

and pbsyncd

- The Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX guihost packages were missing the html and

example (policy) files

- Due to missing "printmenuitem", the uninstall script could not Unintsall

an installation installed with pbmakeremotetar.

- pbinstall did not install the binary pbguid when only the Secure PBGUI

(pbsguid) was selected to be installed.

- Installation of pbsyncd was inconsistent based on the option to

"use log host". pbinstall now allows pbsyncd to be installed on the

master regardless of the "use log host" choice.

- pbinstall Outbound Port range was checked prior to entering

MaxOutgoingPort. It is now correctly checked after.

- The following settings are now obsolete and no longer supported:

logfilepermissions, sendeventlogtopsmc, sendiologtopsmc, psmcinstallationid




- Intermittently, on Solaris platforms, the output from policy functions

and procedures system, egrep, fgrep and grep got truncated, if the output

was larger than 1K. This was due to pbmasterd not getting the last buffer

send by the child process launched to execute the command, after the child

was terminated.

- pbmasterd did not properly closed all file descriptors opened during the

parent-child communication when using the functions and procedures system,

egrep, fgrep and grep in the policy.


- The policy functions/procedures system/egrep/grep/fgrep occasionaly emitted

extra characters at the end of the output



- Intermittently, pbmasterd hung after receiving a SIGHUP and the message

"terminated: signal 1 (Hangup) kernel - command in process, status unknown"

was written to pbmasterd.log. SIGHUP is now ignored in pbmasterd.



Refer to list of new features in 7.0.1-02.



Refer to list of bug fixes in 7.0.1-02.




- In an internal PowerBroker function, when the read() system call returned that

no data was immediately available for reading, the read() was performed in an

infinite loop and caused pblocald to consume high CPU.

- After the child task was sent a SIGTERM and SIGKILL, pblocald (and pbrun)

had an infinite loop waiting for the system to return that the child task had


- With pbmasterd version 6.2.0, the secured task launched by pbrun -b

(ignore hangups) did not detach from the parent process and was killed if

the parent process was killed.

- Several issues with ulimit on AIX 6.1 when fsize_hard, core_hard, data_hard,

stack_hard, rss_hard were set to values >= 4194304 && <=2147483646 and when

'default' values were different than submituser values in /etc/security/limits.

- PBUL Password Logging mechanism did not support curses-based application.

Therefore even when passwordlogging was explicitly set to 'never', passwords

entered from ncurses-based applications were captured to I/O logs.



- An issue was introduced in PBUL 6.0.1, where hostnames starting with a

number were not recognized anymore, causing a connection failure from pbrun

to pbmasterd and pblocald. This is now fixed.

* ENTITLEMENT REPORTING (pbcheck -e) AND pbcheck ISSUES FIXED in 6.2.4-09:


- Reordering IF clauses was changing the report output

- Policy function syslog(), logged to syslog during entitlement reporting.

- The report failed to produce output case statements that fall through to

another case

- CSV lists could not be imported into MS Excel

- Certain IF constructs were preventing later IFs from processing an accept

- Certain IF/list patterns were resulting in incomplete output

- ELSE clauses did not properly keep track of conditions

- pbcheck and pbcheck -e did not process variables and functions when a variable

was used to identify the include file in the include statement.

For example:

include policy_dir+"/file.conf"

- Entitlement report did not show entries for all qualified users when nested

IF's were used

- High detail Entitlement report (pbcheck -e -D high) did not show constraints

after a || (or) defined in the policy

- Entitlement report field runargv was displayed as "" when argv and argc were

used to construct runargv in the policy

- runargv was displayed as "" when one of the elements of the list was a

variable where the value was only known at runtime

- Fixed several memory leaks

- Entitlement output did not iterate through values of split function when

used within an IF statement

- Entitlement reports always emitted the runcommand string as runargv[0] even

when runargv[0] was overwritten in the policy

- Entitlement report hung and created infinite children when using FOR loop

using argc

- Within an IF statement, mixing || and && resulted in incomplete output

- Expression in IF statement was FALSE but was processed as TRUE causing the

wrong policy line to be reported

- Entitlement reporting showed the result of the Accept/Reject in the IF

clause but not the result of the Accept/Reject in the ELSE clause when the

expression was using non-PowerBroker variables

- For an IF / ELSE statement with 3 conditions, the output for the

Accept/Rejects statements in the ELSE clause did not print all constraints

when -D high was set

- Signal 11 (Seg Fault) when "split (system (...))" was used in the policy

- Reusing the same list name with different content did not show the correct

output when 'if's with multiple conditions were used

- Fixed several Memory allocation problems

- Signal 11 (Seg Fault) when an empty list was used in an IF statement

- When using a string function in a condition, pbcheck -e did not evaluate

the function to get the proper list of values

- Missing output with pbcheck -e -l -AR when the elements of the lists were

used in an IF or SWITCH condition

- The -l option expanded the lists in an if condition with an "or" when it

should have used the list name

- When lists were used within other lists, the report was missing data

- With -l, the SWITCH's default case was reported even though all list elements

have been addressed

- Entitlement reporting failed when datecmp(date, ...) function was used in

the policy

- FOR loop did not iterate through the elements, and accessed elements past

the list and was producing the error "1534 List is too short for subscript"

- Entitlement reporting no longer produces an error

"1591 List or element missing" when a list could not be initialized during


- Entitlement report output was affected by the pb.settings keyword:

'allowremotejobs' and by the master host name which affected policies

that test the masterhost variable

- For entitlement reporting strftime should not have returned the current


- Entitlement reporting showed "" in the runHost column when runhost=submithost

- Entitlement reporting did not evaluate correctly datecmp(date1, date2)

function when date1 = date2

- Entitlement reporting did not correctly resolve "IF clause" with multiple

conditions mixing && and ||

- Signal 11 (Seg fault) when a function call with argv[1] as an argument used

a split(system(...)) call

- The NOT operator did not work properly

- Entitlement report hung in a DO-WHILE loop called in a function when a "soft"

variable (variable not defined at entitlement reporting time) was passed to

the function as the argument

- Entitlement reporting did not list the values when a function was used in the

IF statement

- Entitlement reporting of "Accept" did not happen due to a prior "Accept" when

a host (or runhost) variable was used

- Entitlement reporting displayed "<requestuser>" in the runuser field instead

of the names of users in the list when runuser was set to requestuser

- pbcheck did not process !func() properly (work-around was to use func() ==

false instead)

- pbcheck -x option for csv format was not listed in the man page

- Remove the message displayed by pbcheck (since 6.1.0) when -f is used

(File <file>.conf will be used instead of previously defined file


- When pbcheck -e -l is used, display the contents of "runargv"

(as when -l is not used) instead of the name "runargv"

- Show the constraint related to the main columns

user/host/command/runuser/runhost/runcommand in those columns instead of

in the constraint field

- Remove redundant auxiliary constraint from constraint column of "pbcheck -e


- Remove unnecessary \\" from the output


- Improved performance of Entitlement reporting

- Add an option to pbcheck to output the duplicate members in the lists used

in a policy (pbcheck -s)

- Add an argument to -l option of pbcheck -e -l to use lists in certain fields

- Add an option to pbcheck to show the members of groups used in the policy

(pbcheck -l)



- When the client environment contained environment variables with non-ascii

characters, older releases of PB clients failed to connect to 6.2.0 PB Master,

displaying an error "5102.04 Invalid communication startup".

The same issue would occur when 6.2.0 PB clients connecting to older releases

of PB Master.

- When multiple network encryption algorithms are used, the client machine

re-write pb.settings re-ording the encryptions algorithms for efficency.

During this re-writing process the keyword "altsubmitmasters" was not re-written

to the new pb.settings.

- pbmasterd occasionally failed with the error:

"5430 header problem in readMuxHeader fd 4. Expected 5 bytes: Connection timed out"


- When runcksum was used in the policy for a non-root runuser,

the secured task ran with root privileges (6.2.1-01 service pack).

- Due to a problem in AT&T Ksh, occasionally when executing "pbrun ksh"

from a ksh session, the shell prompt was lost.

- PowerBroker Shells, pbksh and pbsh, did not fall back to native root mode

when logservers were not reachable.

- On Solaris 11, pbrun --solarisprojects in --di mode was producing the error

"Solaris project specified for non-Solaris Projects platform".

- When the Project (Solaris Project) for a user was changed in the policy or

on the command line, and the library specified in 'sharedlibsolarisprojects'

was not accessible or could not be loaded, pbrun did not error and defaulted

to the default Project of the user.

- 'runcwd' was not enforced when pbrun command was executed from a directory

with execute permissions for "others".

- If the directory specified by 'runcwd' did not exist, no error messages were

displayed and the command was executed in current directory instead of /tmp.

- When enforceruncwd was set to NO, a relative path was used for command, and

runuser did not have permissions for runcwd, an unauthorized program

/tmp/<relative_path>/<command> could run instead.

- alternatesubmitmasters did not work in some cases with metacharacter asterisk.

- pblog and pbreply hung when used with certain options and when logs

contained non-english (Japanese) data (i.e. dates).

- pbrun crashed or set the ulimit value to the wrong value, when value was

larger than 4194303.

- Command Line Arguments were not passed from pbrun to shell scripts that

did not specify the interpreter in the first line.



Note: BeyondTrust recommends that before any clients are upgraded to the latest

release of PowerBroker, the Master and the Log servers should be upgraded to the

latest release.

1. A new feature was added to allow using an alternate master based on the

submituser or command. The keyword 'altsubmitmasters' in pb.settings, on the

client side, allows the specification for a different master to be used with

a defined list of users and commands.

2. A new keyword (randomizesubmitmasters) was added that, when set, will randomize

the master used from the list of submitmasters. Previously, always the first

master on the list was used, unless the master was down. When this keyword is

set to 'yes', a master will randomly be picked from the list.

3. A new keyword (pktimeout) was added for pbssh to set the timeout period for

the PowerBroker Password Safe.

4. A new command line option (-D) was added to pbssh, to specify a domain for

PowerBroker Password Safe to use when obtaining a domain account password, or

defines a PowerBroker Password Safe managed system alias to use instead of

the actual host name.

5. Support for native AIX Package Installers for PowerBroker. This includes

support for AIX WPAR.

6. Web-based Task Manager is a PowerBroker browser interface feature, introduced

in 6.1.0, that enabled a user to execute commands through pbrun on a Unix or

Linux host from the Web browser. Web-based Task Manager now supports pbssh

as well as pbrun. When using "pbssh", all commands issued will be executed

as "pbssh -h <host> -u <user> -C <command>" and verified against the

PowerBroker policy.

7. A separate package is now offered for pbssh (PowerBroker Express)

8. A new setting, "shortnamepk", is introduced to support short names when using

PowerBroker Password Safe in pbssh.

9. When pbssh is invoked, "pbclientmode" is now set to 'pbssh' rather than 'run'.

10. An option (-r or --pk_reset_password) was added to pbssh, to optionally

request PowerBroker Password Safe to reset the password.

11. Entitlement report performance has been improved.

12. Two new options were added to 'pbcheck -e' to limit the number of active

processes and as safety mechanisms to prevent crippling a system with too

many processes.

--maxchildren: This option limits the total number of live pbcheck descendant

processes. After this limit is reached, the entire pbcheck

process tree is terminated. The default value is 200.

--maxloopchildren: This option limits the number of child processes that

evaluate the same policy line (for example, an endless loop).

After this limit is reached, the process that encounters the

same line for the specified number exits allowing other

processes to continue. The default value is 4.

13. New supported platforms:

Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (x86 64-bit)

VMware ESX 4.1 (x86 64-bit)

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.

14. PowerBroker is now certified on VMware vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) 4.1.

To install and run PowerBroker on a vMA host you need to:

- Use sudo to run pbinstall. You cannot login as root on a vMA host.

- Make sure xinetd is started on the vMA host.

- By default vMA is setup with a firewall closing all incoming connections

except port 22 for ssh.

Make sure the port used for pblocald is open.

- PBGUI was not fully certified on vMA since some features of the GUI need

to open random ports.

- You might run into problems executing some of the vMA commands through pbrun

(vifp, vilogger, vifptarget). This is due to a known issue in v6.2.0-09,

where the command line arguments were not getting passed to the shell scripts

executed through pbrun, in scripts where the interpreter is not specified

on the first line. Some vMA commands are shell scripts in /usr/bin that are

calling binaries in /opt/vmware/vma/bin/, and these scripts do not have the

shell interpreter specified on their first line. To work around this issue,

you can either add the shell interpreter to the first line of these shell

scripts, or add the following lines to your PowerBroker policy:

if ( basename(command) in {"vifp", "vilogger", "vifptarget"} )


runcommand = "/opt/vmware/vma/bin/" + basename(command);

setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/opt/vmware/vma/lib64");



15. New supported platforms:

Red Hat Ent Linux v6.0 (x86 32-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v6.0 (x86 64-bit)

IBM zSeries Red Hat Ent Linux v6.0 (s390x 64-bit)

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.

16. Support for native HP-UX Package Installers for PowerBroker.

17. New supported platforms:

IBM AIX v7.1 (POWER 64-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v5.6 (x86 32-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v5.6 (x86 64-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v5.6 (Itanium 64-bit)

Oracle Solaris 11 Express (SPARC)

Oracle Solaris 11 Express (x86 64-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v5.7 (x86 32-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v5.7 (x86 64-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v6.1 (x86 32-bit)

Red Hat Ent Linux v6.1 (x86 64-bit)



Issue 1: In PB 6.1.0, Entitlement report was displaying runhost with the same

value as submithost if runhost was not explicitely set in the policy.

Resolution: Entitlement report now correctly shows runhost as "" (ALL) if runhost

is not explicitely set in the policy, since the value of runhost can

be set to host specified by "-h <host>".

Issue 2: Entitlement report does not show the "fall through" accept in the

report when the "if" statement is empty.

Resolution: This is now fixed and the "fall through" accept is correctly shown

in the report.

Issue 3: Incorrect entitlement reporting when user variables are used in a


Resolution: User variables are now taken into consideration when they are set to

entitlement report fields (submithost, submituser, user, host,

command, etc...).

Issue 4: During entitlement reporting, include files are not closed each time

they are opened, resulting in too many open files

Resolution: The include files opened are now correctly closed.

Issue 5: Entitlement report shows false accepts when the conditions reported

would NOT result in an accept

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 6: Entitlement report is missing data when 'if' statement has three 'or'

(||) elements

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 7: Entitlement report in the GUI shows bad data (data from "command" field")

when the command field was set to a long value with a list

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 8: In Entitlement report the list of runusers is incorrectly used as list

of users

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 9: In Entitlement report the list of runusers is SOMETIMES applied to runuser

in later IF statements

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 10: In Entitlement report the use of "runuser=requestuser" was not reported


Resolution: If runuser is set to requestuser, the report now shows <requestuser>

in the runuser field.

Issue 11: In Entitlement report, When testing the "host" variable instead of the

"runhost" variable, the runhost is not filled out in the report

Resolution: The runhost is now correctly filled in the report.

Issue 12: In Entitlement report, accepts within a switch's default case are not


Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 13: Entitlement processing of case statements (and others) builds the

statements up with the same incorrect line number

Resolution: The line number is now correct for all cases.

Issue 14: "pbcheck -e --nolist" option fails when number of elements is zero

or when the first element is a list

Resolution: This is now fixed.



1. Reordering IF clauses can change the report output.

2. Entitlement report fails to report case statements that fall through to another


3. Entitlement report CSV lists cannot be imported into MS Excel.

4. PB Entitlement: certain IF constructs can prevent later IFs from processing

an accept.

5. Certain If/list patterns result in incomplete output.

6. Else clauses do not properly keep track of conditions.

7. pbcheck -e -D high option always prints "" for dependencies.

8. pbcheck and pbcheck -e do not process variables and functions when the

include statement uses a variable to identify the include file

(for example include policy_dir+"/file.conf";)

9. Conditions set by nested IFs are not known to statements past the upper

level for the nested IFs.

10. Entitlement report doesn't show entries for all qualified users when

nested IF are used.

11. High detail Entitlement report doesn't show constraints after an || (or)

defined in the policy.

12. Entitlement report does not populate the argv field when and argv element

(e.g. argv[1]) is tested in the policy.

13. Entitlement report might show redundant entries in the report.



1. A new feature was introduced that allows you, using PowerBroker policy and

the pbssh program, to control access to, and activities on, SSH-managed

devices. The pbssh program uses the SSH protocol (or, optionally, the

telnet protocol) to connect to devices that do not have PowerBroker

installed on them; such devices can include Windows computers and certain

network devices.

2. Web-based Task Manager is a PowerBroker browser interface feature that

enables you to execute commands on a Unix or Linux host from your Web browser.

In the background, a pbrun process submits the command to the master host,

which processes the command against the PowerBroker policy, and the command

is sent to the run host for execution. Results are displayed in the

Task Manager interface.

You can customize the Task Manager interface using HTML form tags.

In this way, you can limit the set of commands that a user can execute or

specify command line options for specific commands.

3. Solaris Package Installers now support Solaris Zones.

4. Solaris 9 introduces the concept of a "project", which associates a running

process with a project. PowerBroker Secured tasks can now be associated with

a Solaris project.

5. PowerBroker now has support for Unicode (UTF-8) character set in PowerBroker

policies. The logging system will also be able to log input/output which

contains multi-byte characters. In this first phase of support for Unicode

character set, the following PowerBroker components will be supporting


- pbrun/pblocald/pbmasterd/pbcheck/pbcall/policy function Unicode(UTF-8)


- Logging functionalities: I/O event log, pblogd, pbreplay/pblog,


- Running install related scripts.

In this first phase, we will not provide support for Unicode character set

for the Shells (pbksh, pbsh), PowerBroker utilities (pbvi, pbnvi, pbless,

pbmg, pbmerge, pbumacs) and the PowerBroker GUI.

6. An option (-b or --nobasename) was added to "pbcheck -e" to explicitly list

the command field even when "basename(command)" is used.

7. An option (-l or --nolists) was added to "pbcheck -e" to emit the policy list

names, rather than the list elements, for lists of users, hosts, or commands,

resulting in a more concise output.

8. New supported platforms:

IBM zSeries Red Hat Linux Ent Serv 5.2 (s390x 64-bit)

IBM zSeries Red Hat Linux Ent Serv 5.3 (s390x 64-bit)

IBM zSeries Red Hat Linux Ent Serv 5.5 (s390x 64-bit)

IBM zSeries SuSE Linux Ent Serv 10.3 (s390x 64-bit)

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



Issue 1: Entitlement reporting (pbcheck -e) failed with a seg fault when the

policy contained the function sub() calling the function system()

Resolution: This was due to a bad memory initialization and is now fixed.

Issue 2: pbrun gives no output on SELinux when telnet is used to access the host.

Resolution: This was due to a lack of SELinux permissions on pbrun to write to a

telnet session.The PowerBroker SELinux policies have now been

updated with this permission.

Issue 3: A 'pbrun vgs' or 'pbrun lvcreate' on Linux produced the error:

"File descriptor leaked on vgs invocation"

Resolution: This was due to file descriptors left open before forking for the

new process. All extra file descriptors are now closed properly.

Issue 4: pblocald fails to prevent execution of non-secure task when

runsecurecommand is set.

Resolution: pblocald now correctly prevents the execution of a non-secure task

when runsecurecommand is set.

Issue 5: When a stock PB install was not making use of a logserver, the

runconfirmuser displays the clear-text password (6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: This issue is now fixed.

Issue 6: The policy function gsub failed for some regular expressions

(6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: This issue is now fixed.

Issue 7: When enforcruncwd was set to yes, and a command was executed from a

directory without proper permissions and iologging is on, pbksh was

hanging (6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: This issue is now fixed.

Issue 8: When the policy variable "shellcheckbuiltins" was set to true at shell

start, a print() statement changed the tty behavior after a

"built-in command" was issued (6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: The tty setting is now correctly restored.

Issue 9: When submitconfirmuser was preceded by a command (such as grep), after

the password was entered, the output of the secured task run by pbrun

was displayed on the same line (6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: This was due to the tty settings not being restored correctly after

the password was entered and is now fixed.


Issue 10: The PowerBroker shells (pbksh and pbsh) were echo'ing back the commands

when in native root mode (6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: The commands are no longer echo'ed back and the shells behave

properly in native root mode.

Issue 11: "pbrun -di" request failed when networkencryption was enabled and

runconfirmuser was set (6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: This was due to the communication structure not being properly

updated between pblocald and pbrun and is now fixed.

Issue 12: pbreport errors with "FATAL ERR - instruction: mvc.. bb0($rc200),aa0 ($rc2"

when the report was filtered by date and the output was too large

(6.0.1 release only)

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 13: When running a report from the GUI, as a non-root user, the report

failed with a "permission denied" error on the pb.eventlog

(6.0.1 release only).

Resolution: This was due to pblog not acquiring the correct privileges and is

now fixed.

Issue 14: "pbcheck -e" did not emit the correct value of runargv[0] in the

entitlement output. The value reported was always set to the runcommand


Resolution: pbcheck Entitlement reporting now shows the correct value of


Issue 15: The single Sign-On mechanism did not work in PBGUI when launched

through PowerBroker Management Console when https (SSL) is used

with WebLogic.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 16: Publishing policies through PowerBroker Management Console caused a

hang when a policy larger than 16K and https was used.

Resolution: This was due to the packet size limit with SSL and is now fixed.



Issue 1: A new issue was introduced in 6.0.1-10, preventing all PowerBroker

components to function correctly when masterport, localport, logport,

and/or syncport were changed from their numeric values to their named

values in /etc/services.

Resolution: This issue is now fixed in 6.0.1-11 which will fully replace




1. On AIX platforms, PowerBroker pbrun now sets the ulimit of the runuser based

on the values in /etc/security/limits of the runhost.

2. The option -d (-d, --display_headers) has been added to "pbcheck -e" to

display the header showing the name of the displayed fields.

3. In PowerBroker 6.0.0, pbsyncd had a hard-coded value of 50 milliseconds to

waiting time between packets send to PSMC . This value is now configurable

(on PSMC side) and has been added to psmc.settings file.

4. "pbsyncd -M" was enhanced to check both incoming and outgoing connections to

the PSMC.

5. On Solaris and Linux, PowerBroker patches are also delivered in the form of

Packages, and can now be installed using the native platform package installer.

6. pbbench now supports /dev/null for logs

7. Diagnostic messages for submittimeout and runtimeout are now different.

8. Added support for 'shellforbiddencommands' and 'setkeystrokeactions' in the

report files.

9. New supported platforms:

IBM zSeries SuSE Linux Ent Serv 10 (s390 64-bit)

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



Issue 1: When using the PSMC generated usernames, one could access PBGUI with

full privileges if the same username was created as a NIS, LDAP, or

local user.

Resolution: PBGUI now authenticates back with PSMC for usernames with a "+PSMC"

prefix, even if the same username exists in NIS, LDAP or as a local user.

Issue 2: In a "for" loop in the policy, the counter could not be manipulated

within the loop.

Resolution: The "for" loop is now behaving as a standard "for" loop of any

language, and if the value of the counter is changed, the value

is kept and is not reset to the next iteration.

Issue 3: In PowerBroker 6.0.0, a change of behavior was introduced in the output

of "pbreplay -t". The timestamp was not displayed in every line anymore.

Resolution: We now display the timestamp at the beginning of every line of the


Issue 4: When the notation "<port>:interface=<ip_address>" was used for the

"masterport", "localport" or "logport", PowerBroker client could not

resolve the hostname and failed with the error

"3411 master <hostname> is not listed in run host <host>'s

acceptmaster rules".

Resolution: The <ip_address> is now correctly resolved and the hostnames compared



Issue 5: When a user-defined variable used in the policy, was unset( ) at the end

of the policy, the entitlement report was reporting an "unknown variable"


Resolution: Entitlement report is now ignoring the unset( ) action when composing

the report.

Issue 6: When the "iolog" variable was set to a statement that contained a

variable, the "iolog" field in the entitlement report was always set

to "no".

Resolution: The issue is now fixed, and the "iolog" field is now set to "yes" for

soft value iolog file names.

Issue 7: If a list within a list was used in the policy, the entitlement report

was not considering the fields within the {} as a separate field

(i.e "a, b, {x, y, z}, c" was interpreted as "a, b, x, y, z, c".

Resolution: The entitlement report now shows the fields within {} as one field.

Issue 8: When runuser, runcommand, runhost and runargv were not explicitly set in

a policy and therefore default to the submituser, command, submithost,

and argv variables, the entitlement report shows them as empty strings.

Resolution: The entitlement report is now correctly using submituser, command,

submithost, and argv for runuser, runcommand, runhost and runargv

when they are not explicitly set in the policy.

Issue 9: Due to a bug in the glibc library on Z/Linux S390 31 bit, the binaries

compiled on this type of operating system and run on a Z/Linux S390 64

bit were corrupting the wtmp file and causing the "last" command not to

work properly.

Resolution: PowerBroker now provides two separate tar files for Z/Linux S390

31 bit and Z/Linux S390 64-bit to work around this glibc bug.

Issue 10: pblog was not displaying the records after the "record with the field

not set".

Resolution: This is now fixed and pblog now shows all the records correctly.

Issue 11: Intermittently, when the keystrokes were typed too fast or

copied/pasted, keystroke logging failed to log the input in the I/O


Resolution: This was due to the incorrect comparison of the input and output

buffers and is now fixed.

Issue 12: pbksh ignores the interrupt signal (i.e CTRL-C)

Resolution: We now correctly check the return status of the child (the command)

before continuing to run the next command.

Issue 13: The policy function split() was ignoring the last delimiter in a list

if it was followed by nothing ("a-b-c-")

Resolution: The function split() now takes the last delimiter into consideration

when the third argument of the function is "false".

Issue 14: In a chroot'ed environment, the 'pbrun <command>' hangs when the

<command> does not exist in the chroot'ed directory, if pb.settings

is not copied to the etc directory of the chroot'ed directory

Resolution: Since pb.settings was missing, pbrun was trying to log an error but

the required information to log the error needed to be obtained

from pb.settings, therefore resulting in an infinite loop.

pbrun is now printing the error to the standard error if pb.settings

is missing.

Issue 15: On Mac OS (both i386 and PowerPC), when "masterprotocoltimeout" is set

to 1000, pbrun --di fails with error "5408.01".

Resolution: This was due to an incompatibility of the time functions used on

Mac OS and is now fixed.

Issue 16: On Mac OS 10.5 i386, when pamsessionservice is set to a service that

uses "pam_securityserver.so", pbrun seg faults.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 17: pbcall -getgroup(s) produced a segmentation fault when the incorrect

syntax was used.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 18: pbksh session is stuck and does not continue to write keystroke data

when the primary PowerBroker master becomes unavailable in the middle

of the session.

Resolution: A new keyword, "iologack" was introduced to acknowledge packets sent

and to prevent a hang.

Issue 19: If pb.key was located in a directory with no execute permissions for

non-root users; the error "3033 key file unreachable" was displayed

by PowerBroker.

Resolution: We are now acquiring the correct privileges before checking on the

existence of the file.

Issue 20: PowerBroker truncates values greater than 65535 when used as a port


Resolution: PowerBroker is now correctly reading the values greater than 65535.

Issue 21: Running "pbrun <file>" as a non-root user, where <file> does not have

execute permissions for non-root users, does not fail.

Resolution: PowerBroker is now executing the shell scripts using "sh -c" option.

Issue 22: On Solaris, when a non-root user executes pbrun of a non-existing file,

it fails with "5457 Could not reacquire root".

Resolution: This was due to a non-standard behavior of OS functions used to

acquire the correct privileges on Solaris, and a work-around was

added to correct the behavior.

Issue 23: pbksh was killed if a CTRL-C (interrupt) was issued with

"shellcheckbuiltins=true" in the policy.

Resolution: The signal handler is now correctly set when "shellcheckbuiltins" is

set to true in the policy.

Issue 24: If the policy contains functions such as getuserpasswd, runconfirmuser,

etc and the command run has its pty closed when the password is requested,

it is displayed on the standard output.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 25: For non-root users, the policy 'runcksum' verification failed.

Resolution: This was happening when the file running the check sum did not have

access privileges for the non-root users. PowerBroker is now acquiring

the correct privileges before checking the existence of the file and

running check sum.

Issue 26: Power Broker does not capture input and only captures standard output

and standard error streams when a job is run in "pipe mode" and lognopassword

is set to true.

Resolution: Since the input was coming from a pipe, it was mistakenly considered

to be a password and therefore was not logged. This is now fixed.

Issue 27: pbcheck -e was not processing "include" file inside of an "if"


Resolution: pbcheck is now correctly processing "include" files anywhere in the


Issue 28: When a script was executed by PowerBroker, if the interpreter specified

in the first line of the script did not exist, pbrun crashed.

Resolution: pbrun now checks for the existence of the interpreter on the first

line of a script before using it.

Issue 29: Rejected keystrokes (set by setkeystrokeaction) resulted in extra or

missing finish events in the event logfiles.

Resolution: This was due to missing calls to keystroke logging in some cases or

to additional calls in other cases, and is now fixed.

Issue 30: pbrun produced a segmentation fault when submitmaster is an invalid

host and pbrunlog is a non existing path.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 31: Kerberos password is not requested a second time by pbksh after the

first failure.

Resolution: The Kerberos ticket cache, used by pblogd and pblocald, was used by

pbksh and therefore it was not requesting the password anymore.

This is now fixed.

Issue 32: runchroot policy variable was not working with PBGUI.

Resolution: PBGUI now supports runchroot. This requires both pbguid and pbmasterd

to be at version 6.0.1 and above.

Issue 33: On some operating systems, pbnvi showed the following message

"Error: /var/preserve/vi.recover: No such file or directory" before

opening the file.

Resolution: pbnvi was not checking the existence of the "preserve" path at run

time. This is now fixed.

Issue 34: PBGUI did not save GUI configuration variables, such as: "Netgroup

Lookup" and "Select List Limit" for Policy Editor.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 35: On some platforms, when the "runcksum" policy variable contained extra

characters at the beginning but the trailing value was the correct check

sum, it was considered correct.

Resolution: This was due to the way the content of this variable was read on some

platforms, and it is now fixed.

Issue 36: When an event had "\n" in it, the report generated from the event log

was not displaying the entire event log.

Resolution: The report generator used by PowerBroker, expects all data to be on

the same line. When the report is generated, the \n is now replaced

by the character "\n" and the entire event log is displayed.

Issue 37: When pbmasterd rejects a request due to slave protocol error, it does

not record the reject in the event log.

Resolution: The reject is now correctly logged in the event log.

Issue 38: Using the asterisk (*) in a regular expression for gsub() function

causes pbcheck to hang.

Resolution: The processing of some of the special characters in the regular

expressions resulted in an infinite loop. This is now fixed.

Issue 39: pbinstall comments recordunixptysessions in pb.settings backwards

("no" was commented out instead of "yes").

Resolution: pbinstall now comments out recordunixptysessions when it's set to

"yes" only, since the default is "yes".

Issue 40: pbpatchinstall was continuing to install when there was not enough

disk space.

Resolution: pbpatchinstall now exits if there is not enough disk space.

Issue 41: pbpatchinstall was not checking if a PowerBroker binary, such as pbksh,

is in use before trying to replace it.

Resolution: pbpatchinstall now renames the binary, and then tries to replace it.

If there is a problem, it will issue a warning message.



1. A problem was introduced in PowerBroker shells (pbksh and pbsh) when

running in native root mode. The shells will echo back the command

types on the standard input. The eventlog and I/O logs do not contain

this extra output.



- On some platforms, pbguid produced a seg fault when clicking

on "GUI configuration".

- Corrections have been made to two of the sample policies, pbguid.conf

and pblib.conf.



1. Event and I/O Log Integration with PowerSeries Management Console (PSMC)

PowerBroker is now integrated with PowerSeries Management Console. If

configured to do so, while writing the event logs and I/O logs to disk,

PowerBroker logservers will also send the logs to PSMC using a Message

Queue server (ActiveMQ).

2. PBGUI new interface

PowerBroker GUI has now a new look that matches the PowerSeries Management

Console interface. PBGUI can now be launched either stand-alone, or from PSMC.

3. SELinux compatibility support: PowerBroker is now integrated with SELinux

targeted policy on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 to confine PowerBroker.

The pbrun, pbmasterd, and pblogd, and optionally the pblocald PowerBroker

components will run in their own confined domains.

4. Support for native Linux and Solaris Package Installers for PowerBroker.

5. pbsync now collects and merges I/O logs.

6. pbsync has an added functionality to synchronize old and new event and

IO logs to the PSMC.

7. pbsync now reads the local pb.settings for each remote log servers to get

the path where the event log is located. Previously, pbsync was using the path

of the event log where pbsync was launched from, for the remote log servers.

8. Two new keywords are introduced to disable optimized run mode in the

pb.settings file, for the pbrun client and for pbmasterd, and a new policy

variable is introduced to disable optimized run mode via the Policy.

9. System node and host names on HP-UX have default length limits of 8 and 64

bytes, respectively. On HP-UX 11i v2 (B.11.23.01) and HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31.01)

and later versions, the system administrator can configure the system to expand

both these limits to 255 bytes. PowerBroker now supports system node and

host names up to 255 bytes. On HP-UX PA-RISC systems, the new flavor

pbhppa_hpuxD needs to be used in order to support long node and host names.

10. A new setting "syncprotocoltimeout" was added to control the protocol timeout

between pbsync and pbsyncd.

11. A new feature "Environment File Processing" allows PowerBroker to alter the

run environment using environment configuration files such as /etc/environment.

The policy variable "runenvironmentfile" and the settings keyword

"environmentfile" can be set to the full /path/filename of the environment

file to use.

12. Due to the encryption changes in 5.2.0, when network encryption was used

along with Kerberos, a 5.2.0 client was not able to communicate with an

older master. In this release, 6.0.0 clients can now communicate with masters

and logservers older than 5.2.0.

13. New example policies have been added to PowerBroker. The directory structure

where these examples now resides has also changed to better organize

the example policies.



Issue 1: When I/O logging was enabled in the policy, and iologencryption and

networkencryption used different encryption keys, or when I/O logs

were encrypted and Kerberos was used, pbksh was failing with

"3061 encrypt mangler initMangle failure" for a non-root user.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 2: In certain circumstances, pbguid was corrupting the policy file.

Resolution: This was due to a memory corruption in the code and is now fixed.

Issue 3: pbsync failed when algorithms specified in eventlogencryption are in a

different order on the master and the client.

Resolution: pbsync is now able to merge event logs with different encryption.

It will use the oldest encryption algorithm to encrypt the merged

event log.

Issue 4: PowerBroker did not honor PAM ulimit

Resolution: PowerBroker was calling PAM session from the parent process, thus

the child executing the secure taks did not get the ulimits.

It is now correctly calling PAM session from the child and

therefore honoring the PAM ulimit.

Issue 5: pbsync and pbsyncd failed when Kerberos and/or SSL was enabled.

Resolution: This was due to a mis-construnction of the buffers used to

communicate with the master and other coding issues.

This is now fixed.

Issue 6: When the Kerberos keytab was empty (0 bytes) on the client machine,

pbmasterd was hanging and consuming CPU as a run-away process

and pblocald was crashing.

Resolution: This was due to a Kerberos bug. PowerBroker now checks for this

condition before calling the faulty Kerberos function.

Issue 7: On AIX 5.2/5.3, when LAM is configured to use KRB5A in the file

/usr/lib/security/methods.cfg and the user is configured to use STD_AUTH,

submitconfirmuser does not work when Kerberos password is entered at

the password prompt.

Resolution: This issue was due to the fact that Kerberos shared libraries were

not loaded, since "Kerberos" keyword was set to "no" in pb.settings.

A new keyword "LoadKrb5Libs" has now been added to force Kerberos

libraries to load even if "Kerberos" keyword is set to "no".

Issue 8: When "networkencryption" is set to none and there is a problem connecting

to the local server, pbbench seg faults on the logserver

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 9: pbrun in Optimized Run Mode did not capture the exit status of the

delegated job

Resolution: This issue was introduced in 5.1.2 and above. pbrun

(in optimized run mode) shows the exit status of pbrun instead of

the exit status of the delegated job. This is now fixed.

Issue 10: On MacOS, 'pbrun csh' failed with error "csh: Permission denied",

when it was run from a non-root user, with a policy setting runuser

and rungroup.


Resolution: This was due to a problem on MacOS only, with changing the group id

to the effective group id. The problem is now fixed.

Issue 11: On HP-UX, superdaemons (pbguid and pbsyncd specifically), when launched

from inittab, did not inherit the PATH.

Resolution: The installer now has a shell wrapper for pbsyncd and pbguid,

setting the PATH before launching the binary.

Issue 12: Syslog messages displayed junk characters instead of %s when %s was

used in the first argument passed to the syslog function in the policy,

and the command passed to syslog also contained a %.


Resolution: The %s contained within the policy variable was being interpreted by

a *printf-like function as a print format character. Corrected the

code so that policy or environment variables are not interpreted

as printf format specifiers.

Issue 13: When runconfirmuser is used in the policy, and a wrong password is

entered for a local user, the event log reports an exit status of


Resolution: pbrun is now correctly sending the result of password checking

to the log.


Issue 14: Environment variable TERM was not correctly read when another

environment variable starting with "TERM" was present

(for example TERMINAL_EMULATOR).

Resolution: This was due to a problem in the code where only the first

4 characters of the environment variables were scanned to find

the variable TERM. This is now fixed.

Issue 15: pbreplay -t -o <file> displays the commands incorrectly.

Resolution: The commands listed were not shown correctly, and had duplicate

characters. This is now fixed.

Issue 16: The timestamp displayed by "pbreplay -t" does not display the timestamp

and the command on the same line.

Resolution: This was a design issue. The timestamp and the command were displayed

on two lines, which prevented the use of "grep" to search for the list

of command of a specific date. The timestamp and the command are now

displayed on the same line.


Issue 17: "pbcall -getgroups <user>" returns a string with a trailing comma.

Resolution: The behavior was changed in 5.1.x releases, and is now changed back

to pre-5.1.0. The string returned no longer has a trailing comma.

Issue 18: The functions gsub and pad did not correctly substitute by %.

Resolution: The % was not substituted correctly, if the string to substitute also

contained %. This is now fixed.

Issue 19: The policy function "system" causes memory corruption on Linux

x86 64 bit when response is exactly 760 characters.

Resolution: This was due to a bad memory initialization in the code and is

now fixed.

Issue 20: PBGUID is not working in https mode on HP 11.0 PA-RISC and AIX 5.1

Resolution: This was due to missing calls to get an RNG (Random Number Generator)

before the SSL functions and is now fixed.


Issue 21: A seg-fault caused within a non-child signal handler results in a hang

on PowerBroker daemons consuming CPU.

Resolution: This was observed on AIX and HPUX: when for any reason a seg fault

caused the program to enter the signal handler then within the signal

handler, a coding error results in a segmentation fault.

This was resulting in a hang, with the process consuming CPU.

This is now fixed.

Issue 22: When a non-root user session is recorded (iolog is used in the policy)

and the "iologencryption" and "networkencryption" used different

encryption keys, pbksh was failing with

"3061 encrypt mangler initMangle failure".

Resolution: The root privileges were not acquired before reading a file owned

by root. This is now fixed.

Issue 23: If the "iolog" is set to a secured directory, pbksh fails with

"5473 Could not stat file system for <directory>: Permission denied"

when executed from a non-root user.

Resolution: The root privileges were not acquired before writing to the secured

directory. This is now fixed.

Issue 24: The option "pbguid --https" was not functional even though it was


Resolution: The option name was changed to "--secure" and is now functional.



- When a command is executed through pbksh or pbsh, and a directory

with the same name as the command exists in PATH, pbksh/pbsh tries

to execute the directory.



Note: BeyondTrust recommends that before any clients are upgraded to the

latest release of PowerBroker, the Master and the Log servers should be

upgraded to the latest release. For PowerBroker 5.2.0, due to the changes

in the encryption code, this is an absolute requirement.

1. PowerBroker now allows different encryption algorithm/key pairs to be used on

different hosts. This provides the ability to have two or more algorithms/key

pairs to be active simultaneously. This allows the old algorithm/key pairs to

continue to function on previous releases of PowerBroker while new

algorithm/key pairs are phased in during an upgrade.


2. PowerBroker is now separating the encryption algorithm/key pairs for network

traffic, event logs, I/O logs and report files. The keyword 'encrypt' and

'keyfile' are now obsolote and have been replaced by the new keywords.

The install script, pbinstall, will take care of "migrating" the old

keywords to the new ones.


3. PowerBroker GUI now has support for PAM and can authenticate non-local users,

such as LDAP or Active Directory users.

4. A new setting called "libpam" has been added to pb.settings to specify the

path to the PAM library location.

5. PowerBroker's pbrun, pbsh, and pbksh submit host clients are no longer

required to have the "Server Side" SSL key/certificates. Also the existence

of the CA that signed the SSL Server's certificate on PowerBroker "clients"

is now optional. Only PowerBroker for Unix & Linux (pbmasterd, pblocald, pblogd

and pbguid) require the SSL "Server side" certificates.

6. A "Font Size" field has been added to "View I/O log" window on PBGUI to

allow the user to control the size of the font used when displaying I/O logs.

7. Added synonyms aes-128 for aes-16-16, aes-192 for aes-16-24 and aes-256 for


8. PowerBroker now provides a new utility, pbversion, to display the version of

all PowerBroker binaries installed on the host.

9. A new option, 'requiressl', has been added to 'ssloptions' keyword allowing

you to override the default 'allownonssl'. You can use this option when you

require SSL communications between PowerBroker components. A non-SSL

PowerBroker client will not be able to communicate with the master.

10. PowerBroker is now integrated with the Safenet HSM using the SafeNet SSL


11. New supported platforms

SuSE Linux 9 (PowerPC 32-bit), SuSE Linux 9 and 10 (Power5 64-bit)

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



Issue 1: pbsync was not functioning correctly when encryption was enabled.

Resolution: pbsync now recognize and properly function when the network and

event or I/O log encryption is enabled.

Issue 2: pbrun was filling the syslog with the error "Kernel has lost command"

when runtimeout was reached. pbrun was hanging and consuming virtual


Resolution: This error is now only logged once to the syslog.

Issue 3: When quitting from the command 'pbrun cat <file> | more', the message

3107 was displayed erroneously.

Resolution: PowerBroker now displays the correct "broken pipe" message.

Issue 4: pbguid policy editor was producing a segmentation violation when used

with some policies.

Resolution: The issue has been fixed and pbguid is no longer producing a

segmentation violation.

Issue 5: On some platforms pbguid event log viewer was producing a segmentation

violation with a very large event log.

Resolution: The issue has been fixed and pbguid is no longer producing a

segmentation violation.

Issue 6: During an idle pbrun session when submituser was not root and runtimeout

was reached, the error "interrupted system call" was displayed.

Resolution: The timeout is now properly handled by PowerBroker for a non-root


Issue 7: When PowerBroker daemon (pbmasterd, pblocald, pbguid, pblogd and pbsyncd)

were run in daemon mode (-d option) when launching a child process,

the child processes were also listening to the associated port.

Resolution: The associated port is now closed for the child processes.

Issue 8: Occasionally, PBGUID was not saving the policy on AIX 5.2 due to a

memory corruption.

Resolution: The issue has been fixed.

Issue 9: On AIX 5.x platforms, PowerBroker binairies were linked statically

with libpam library.

Resolution: The binaries are now dynamically loading the libpam library.

Issue 10: When Optimized run mode was used, and runtimeout and/or idletimeout

was reached, the error displayed was "Command caught signal 15"

instead of "runtimeout (or idletimeout) reached.

Resolution: The correct message is now displayed.

Issue 11: The function ldap_getvalues was producing a segmentation violation

on Linux Itanium platforms.

Resolution: The issue has been fixed.

Issue 12: Intermittently 'runtimelimit' was not correctly honored by pbrun.

Resolution: The issue has been fixed.



QNX is not certified for use as a PowerBroker Master or as a PowerBroker

Log Server. QNX is only supported for use as a PowerBroker client (pbrun).

1. Authentication does not work with the PowerBroker GUI. As a result,

root is not allowed to login.

2. When TERM is set to xterm on QNX, pbless produces a segmantation fault.

Setting TERM to vt100 works.

3. pbsync -l or pbsync -L will fail with the error:

"BeyondTrust : temp File is not ready Resource temporarily unavailable".

4. pbcheck will produce a segmanation fault if used with option -e.

5. The shells (pbksh, pbsh) are not fully supported.

6. "pbrun --di <command>" hangs when <command> is a non-existing command or is not

in the path.



1. Added a new 'abridged' option to pbcheck -e: For large policies with hundreds

of if statements, pbcheck -e could take a very long time to generate

entitlement reports. The "Abridged" option is able to produce Entitlement

Reports in this situation by ignoring interactions caused by "self-contained"

IF statements. A self-contained IF statement is one which always accepts or

rejects once you enter it, with no other way of terminating the IF clause.

2. Added a new -p (--policydir) option to pbcheck to control the location of

the include files in the configuration policy.

3. Added a new setting called "pamsuppresspbpasswprompt" to pb.settings to

control the behavior of PAM prompt.

4. Added a new setting called "transparentfailover" to pb.settings to allow

the user to suppress failover messages and to silently failover to the

next master or logserver.

5. Added a new setting called "showunsecurewarnings" to pb.settings to allow

the user to display licensing error messages even if warnuseronerror is

set to no.

6. A new setting 'port' field was added to the GUI in the Policy Editor,

to allow the user to specify the port number to use an inbound connection

from the browser. Previously the port number between 0 to 1023 was

randomly picked by PowerBroker.

7. Added a new setting "nameresolutiontimeout" to pb.settings to allow the

user to specify the timeout for DNS resolution for all PowerBroker binaries.

Previously this was only possible for PowerBroker Shells.

This new setting replaces the previous "shellnameresolutiontimeout".

8. New options +/- were added to pbreplay to slow down or accelerate the

replay of keystroke files.

9. Added a new menu option to the install and a setting "logfilepermissions"

to pb.settings to allow the user to specify the file permissions with which

various PowerBroker logfiles should be created.

10. pbbench now recognize "include" and "includedir" keywords in


11. New supported platforms

Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5 PowerPC and Mac OS 10.5 i386


- On Mac OS platforms, user authentication can only be done through

PAM. During the installation,the option 'pam' is set to Yes and options

'pampasswordservice' and 'pamsessionservice' are set to login.

This would allow authentication functions such as 'getuserpasswd'

to work properly on Mac OS platforms.

- In this release of PowerBroker, the GUI is not supported on Mac OS platforms.


Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



Issue 1: Occasionally, pbrun exit with error 3107 even when the command was


Resolution: pbrun no longer exit with error 3107 when standard input is


Issue 2: Occasionally, pbrun and/or pblocald processes were hanging when iologging

was on.

Resolution: This was due to child processing issues in PowerBroker processes and

is now fixed.

Issue 3: pbreplay --timestamp=%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S -I displayed everything twice.

Resolution: This command now correctly displays everything.

Issue 4: Successive invocations of the logmktemp() function in the policy reported

"file name too long".

Resolution: File name initialization has been corrected and multiple calls to

logmktemp is now correctly setting the file name.

Issue 5: On HP Itanium, environment variables set in the policy were not passed to

programs called from the policy.

Resolution: The environment variables are now correctly passed.

Issue 6: pbsyncd launched without any argument produced a seg fault on Solaris 10.

Resolution: pbsyncd no longer produces a seg fault and displays "pbsyncd is meant

to be run from inetd only!".

Issue 7: pbuninstall removed inetd.conf and xinetd.conf on RedHat 2.1 and AIX.

Resolution: These files are no longer removed during the uninstall.

Issue 8: The output of "who -R" was truncated when executed from a 'pbrun bash'

on HP 11 PA-RISC platforms.

Resolution: The information in utmp/wtmp is now correctly updated.

Issue 9: During the install, when the pbbuildidr directory was set to a system

directory, permissions of all files in this directory was changed.

Resolution: pbinstall now only changes the permissions of the PowerBroker files

when copied in system directories.

Issue 10: pbreplay options -I, <space> and 'g' were not working properly.

Resolution: pbreplay options -I, <space> and 'g' are now working properly.

Issue 11: During the install, the permissions of /dev/null were changed if the

logfile names were set to /dev/null.

Resolution: When logfile names are set to /dev/null, pbinstall no longer alters

the permissions of /dev/null.

Issue 12: In certain conditions, when multiple PowerBroker masters were

accessing the license file, an error "3510 Problem reading license file"

was displayed due to a locking issue of .pb.license.

Resolution: The locking process has been corrected.

Issue 13: pbmasterd seg faults when multipe calls to setenv, getenv are made

in the policy.

Resolution: This was due to a memory corruption in pbmasterd and is now fixed.

Issue 14: When SSL is enabled, "pbrun -di cat" of large files failed.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 15: The function ldap_initialize was not returning null if it failed.

Resolution: The function ldap_initialize now correctly returns null upon failure.

Issue 16: PBGUID was only showing the first shared library in the list of all

shared libraries.

Resolution: PBGUID now shows the list of all shared libraries.

Issue 17: PBGUID configuration item "timeout" incorrectly displayed the default

value instead of displaying the current value of the timeout.

Resolution: PBGUID configuration item now correctly shows the current value of

the timeout.



1. On HPUX and AIX platforms, PowerBroker binaries are no longer statically

linked with Kerberos, OpenSSL and OpenLDAP libraries. These libraries are now

provided as shared libraries and dynamically loaded at run time if needed.



Issue 1: On AIX and HPUX, the start date and logoff status was not recorded

correctly in wtmp.

Resolution: This has been corrected.



1. On Linux and Solaris platforms, PowerBroker binaries are no longer statically

linked with Kerberos, OpenSSL and OpenLDAP libraries. These libraries are now

provided as shared libraries and dynamically loaded at run time if needed.



Issue 1: pbrun failed with error logging subsystem failure when the file system

where the logfile resides had over 2.5TB of free space.

Resolution: This has been corrected.

Issue 2: pbguid: the size of character fields present in the reports was

limited to 100 characters.

Resolution: The maximum size of character fields has been increased to 500




- If the amount of free space in the log directory was larger than

2,147,483,647K PowerBroker failed to write to the logfile with the

following error:

"3387.01 insufficient file system for log file xxxx".



Issue 1: pblocald consume cpu when the window where pbrun was running in

disabled optimized run mode is killed.

Resolution: Blocked Signal handling has been corrected.


NEW FEATURES IN RELEASE 5.0.4 (5.0.4-05)

1. Added MD5 checksum verification to pbsum. The runmd5sum variable

was added to store an MD5 checksum value.

2. New supported platforms

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (32-bit and 64-bit), VMware ESX 3.0 (x86 32-bit),

RedHat 4.0 Itanium, RedHat 5.1 (x86 32-bit and 64-bit)

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.

3. From this release of PowerBroker, the tar file pbhppa_hpuxB should be used for

all HP-UX PA-RISC (32-bit and 64-bit) platforms.

Please refer to the README file for the specific Unix versions.




Issue 1: pbvi, pbnvi, pbless failed to open files correctly, failed to display

data, or failed with "unknown terminal type" message.

Resolution: These utilities now operate correctly.

Issue 2: pbmasterd seg faults when gsub with empty string as second argument is

used in the policy.

Resolution: The gsub policy function has been fixed.

Issue 3: pbrun exits with 3107 error code when stdin is redirected.

Resolution: pbrun handling of redirected stdin has been corrected.

Issue 4: pbrun bash ignores interrupts (^C).

Resolution: Interrupt handling has been corrected.

Issue 5: pbrun pbksh hangs when exiting pbksh.

Resolution: SIGCHLD handling has been corrected.

Issue 6: pbrun or pblocald consume cpu when window is killed.

Resolution: SIGCHLD handling has been corrected.

Issue 7: pbguid fails to display eventlog details.

Resolution: pbguid now displays eventlog details.

Issue 8: pbsync reports the imported log is not complete, but the transaction

is complete.

Resolution: The correct log size is now transmitted.

Issue 9: pbinstall default installation changed encryption from des to none.

Resolution: Default installation now sets encryption to des.

Issue 10: PB master failover fails on AIX with round robin DNS.

Resolution: Round robins DNS is now handled correctly.

Issue 11: Intermittently commands using a pipe will error with "broken pipe"

under pbksh.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 12: Option -c of pbreplay was not working correctly.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 13: A problem was introduced in 5.0.3 where saved iologs were no longer

replayed correctly.

Resolution: This is now fixed in 5.0.4, however 5.0.3 iologs will not replay


Issue 14: pbguid errors with "5406.05 listen: Protocol not supported."

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 15: PowerBroker password prompt was suppressed in password functions.

Resolution: This is now fixed.

Issue 16: pbbench -V was returning IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses when comparing

Forward and Reverse DNS lookup.

Resolution: This is an issue on systems that where IPv6 is supported but IPv4

is enabled. This is now fixed.

Issue 17: When pbguid was in daemon mode, policy editor was showing

"illegal attempt to open" when attempting to open the configuration


Resolution: This is an issue on systems that where IPv6 is supported but IPv4

is enabled. This is now fixed.

Issue 18: wtmp file was corrupted due to an errorneous pid.

Resolution: This is now fixed.



QNX is not certified for use as a PowerBroker Master or as a PowerBroker Log Server.

QNX is only supported for use as a PowerBroker client.

1. Authentication does not work with the PowerBroker GUI. As a result, root is not

allowed to login.

2. When TERM is set to xterm on QNX, pbless produces a segmantation fault.

Setting TERM to vt100 works.

3. pbsync -l or pbsync -L will fail with the error: "BeyondTrust : temp File is

not ready Resource temporarily unavailable".

4. pbcheck will produce a segmanation fault if used with option -e.



1. New supported platforms

HP-UX 11i v3 Itanium(B.11.31), HP-UX 11i v3 PA-RISC and

IBM AIX v6.1 (POWER 64-bit) are now supported.

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



Issue 1: pblocald consume cpu when window is killed.

Resolution: SIGCHLD handling has been corrected.

Issue 2: In optimized run mode, when pbrun window is killed, other processes

were killed as well.

Resolution: SIGCHLD handling has been corrected.

Issue 3: In the previous build of PowerBroker 5.0.3 for sparc-solaris

(sparc_solarisC tar files) the binairies were not compatible on Solaris

SparcStation and were only running on UltraSparc.

Resolution: This is now fixed.



1. New supported platforms

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 are now

supported on the x86 (32 and 64 bit) architectures.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, and SuSE Linux

Enterprise Server 10 are now supported on the IBM s/390 31 bit and

64 bit architectures.

Please refer to the README file for the specific flavor names.



Issue 1: In previous versions, PowerBroker secured tasks used to be executed

from the "/tmp" directory when the runuser lacked the necessary

permissions to be in the runcwd. This occurred whenever the

submituser submitted the secured request from a directory where the

runuser set by the policy lacked the necessary permissions and the

policy failed to set the runcwd.

Resolution: A new keyword has been added to pb.settings; "enforceRunCWD"

enforces the runcwd when set to "yes" or when it is not set

(default). When set to "yes" and the user does not have permissions

for the runcwd, the task is rejected. When set to "no" PowerBroker

reverts to the old behavior of running the command in "/tmp".


enforceRunCWD <yes|no>

Valid Values:

yes Enforce the runcwd and do not run in /tmp

no Revert to old behaviour and run in /tmp


enforceRunCWD yes


Issue 2: Normal pbksh and pbsh startup could be blocked by name resolution

mechanisms when the network is down.


Resolution: The new pb.settings keyword "shellNameResolutionTimeout" allows a

timeout mechanism for the name resolution, and allows pbksh and

pbsh to start in native root mode. The allowed values can range

from 0 to 7200 seconds.


shellNameResolutionTimeout <number>

Valid Values:

0 Disable PowerBrokers' name resolution timeout feature

number Defines the timeout value, in seconds


shellNameResolutionTimeout 45

Issue 3: A buffer boundary overflow vulnerability exists in the PowerBroker

clients pbrun, pbksh, and pbsh.

Resolution: Corrected boundary checking.


Issue 4: PowerBroker failed to execute some shell scripts on NCR; execution

of some NCR shell scripts could possibly return a root shell.

Resolution: NCR platform shell script execution was corrected.

Issue 5: PowerBroker syslog entries for pass/fail were reversed; successful

commands were recorded as failures.

Resolution: Exit status recorded on the syslog messages was corrected.

Issue 6: Erroneous iologsyncpath warning displayed in pbbench.

Resolution: Misleading message was removed.

Issue 7: pbrun can intermittently result in a "3107 exited abnormally"

message and return a non-zero exit status, even when the secured

task ran successfully.

Resolution: Fixed pbrun to preserve exit status.

Issue 8: Piping the output of pbrun to a non-existing command hangs the

shell session.

Resolution: Fixed pbrun to display a write error failure message and exit


Issue 9: pbcheck resulted in a segmentation fault while executing an

entitlement report when the "getstringpasswd" function is used on

the policy.

Resolution: pbcheck now successfully generates an entitlement report.

Issue 10: pbguid may generate a segmentation fault error message when

accessed with some versions of Internet Explorer. Firefox, Opera,

and other browsers do not exhibit this behaviour.

Resolution: pbguid was corrected to address incompatibilities with Internet


Issue 11: Executing pbsyncd with no options results in a segmentation fault.

Resolution: Changed pbsyncd defaults to run without options

Issue 12: PAM/Kerberos-based submitconfirmuser (pbrun), getuserpasswd

(pbmasterd), or runconfirmuser (pblocald) fail.

Resolution: These functions now work with PAM using Kerberos.

Issue 13: Invoking pbsync client when there are no logservers entries in

pb.settings results in a segmentation fault.

Resolution: Fixed pbsync to display an error message and exit gracefully.

Issue 14: pbbench failed if SSL was enabled and pbsyncd was installed.

Resolution: Resolved the inconsistancies between pbbench and pbsyncd.

Issue 15: If a PowerBroker policy called the rubstr function without a

length argument, a bus error would result.

Resolution: Fixed the interpreter to resolve this issue.

Issue 16: PowerBroker corrupts wtmp on HP-UX.

Resolution: Corrected the data written to wtmp.

Issue 17: If the specified runhost does not have PowerBroker installed, the

reported host name in the eventlog contains a trailing "[a]".

Resolution: Trailing characters were removed.

Issue 18: Licensing algorithm could truncate license file, generating a "3514

Bad header in license message" error.

Resolution: Modified algorithm to prevent the corruption of the license file.

Issue 19: Replaying a corrupt keystroke file could result in pbreplay or

pbguid encountering a segmentation fault.

Resolution: pbreplay and pbguid no longer terminate with a segmentation fault

when replaying a corrupt keystroke log file.

Issue 20: pbsync does not merge local event logs.

Resolution: pbsync modified to merge all event logs.

Issue 21: pbinstall enters an endless loop if it cannot determine the


Resolution: Fixed pbinstall to exit with an error message.

Issue 22: Ambiguous keyword "pbiologsyncpath".

Resolution: The keyword is no longer supported.

Issue 23: Installed GUI example policy does not support Entitlement Reports.

Resolution: A new example policy distributed; it contains support for

entitlement reports.

Issue 24: pbreplay fails to display a time stamp, and on the screen when

using the space bar.

Resolution: Modified pbreplay to display the time stamp then the --timestamp or

-t options are used with the combination of the space bar.

Issue 25: PowerBroker LDAP libraries conflict with native nss LDAP libraries,

resulting in a segmentation fault.

Resolution: PowerBroker binaries were modified to resolve this issue.

Issue 26: Executing an entitlement report from the GUI may fail and display

the message: "Error: pbcheck process (pid:xxxx) exit status 65280"

Resolution: pbcheck was corrected to fix this issue.

Issue 27: Math overflow problems cause PowerBroker log servers to see a

negative amount of disk space, resulting in a rejected command.

Resolution: Disk space calculations were corrected.

Issue 28: pbmasterd and pblicense had licensing problems.

Resolution: Licensing problems have been resolved.

Issue 29: pbrun terminated with signal 58 unknown signal code on AIX

Resolution: DLPAR signal handling was added



Issue 1: pbksh does not startup in a timely fashion when network issues

are occurring.


Resolution: pbksh now responds quickly in native root mode during network




1: The new policy language mastertimelimit variable specifies a time

limit, between pbmasterd and pblocald, for a task request. If the

job does not finish within the specified number of seconds, it is

terminated. This is similar to mastertimeout, but is based on total

time rather than idle time. This is similar to runtimelimit, from

the pbmasterd point of view.


mastertimelimit = number;

Valid Values:

number Enable time limit checking

0 Disable time limit checking. This is the default.


mastertimelimit = 3600;

2: The new policy language mastertimeout variable specifies the amount

of idle time in seconds, between pbmasterd and pblocald. If the job

is idle for the specified number of seconds, it is terminated. This

is similar to runtimeout, from the pbmasterd point of view.


mastertimeout = number;

Valid Values:

number Enable idle checking

0 Disable idle checking. This is the default.


runtimeout = 3600;



Issue 1: suffixed install followed by non-prefix/suffix install erases

suffixed entries from inetd.conf.

Resolution: pbinstall has been fixed.

Issue 2: pbbench reports errors querying for ports, though pbrun works fine.

Resolution: The pbbench port checks have been changed to warnings.

Issue 3: `pbguid -d` results in segfault.

Resolution: `pbguid -d` now displays the help information and indicates

that -p is required with -d.

Issue 4: GUI doesn't display error message when invalid statements are set

in policy editor.

Resolution: the GUI now displays an error message when invalid statements

are encountered in the policy editor.

Issue 5: pbksh, in native root mode, changes tty characteristics.

Resolution: tty handling has been updated.

Issue 6: `pbrun cat file | less` changes tty characteristics.

Resolution: tty handling has been updated.

Issue 7: pbksh `cat file | wc -l` intermittently returns incorrect results.

Resolution: Timing issues have been addressed so that the complete output

is transmitted or piped appropriately.

Issue 8: pb 5.0.0 ssl implementation fails.

Resolution: ssl implementation has been addressed.

Issue 9: `pbrun cat` truncates data intermittently.

Resolution: Timing issues have been addressed so that the complete output

is transmitted appropriately.

Issue 10: scp fails when runuser's shell=pbksh & policy system call is used.

Resolution: The policy system() function has been fixed so it does not

interfere with scp protocol.

Issue 11: pb shells do not iolog when master and log server are not available.

Resolution: pb shells now iolog when master and log server are not available.

Issue 12: Expression Editor window look-and-feel does not match GUI.

Resolution: Expression Editor window look-and-feel has been updated to match

current GUI.

Issue 13: PB syslog entries for pass/fail are reversed.

Resolution: PB syslog entries for pass/fail are now fixed.

Issue 14: PB connections fail when the remote host name is (properly) empty.

Resolution: PB connections now work when the remote host name is empty.

Issue 15: pbcheck segfaults when processing includes in an entitlement report.

Resolution: pbcheck now correctly processes includes in entitlement reports.

Issue 16: Extra quotes are added to day names by pbguid.

Resolution: Extra quotes are no longer added to day names by pbguid.

Issue 17: pbreplay space (go to next input) not working properly in V5.0.

Resolution: pbreplay space now functions correctly.

Issue 18: `pbreplay --timestamp` results in "invalid pointer" message.

Resolution: pbreplay --timestamp option has been fixed.

Issue 19: pbbench command fails when SSL and pbsyncd settings are set.

Resolution: pbbench no longer fails when SSL and pbsyncd settings are set.

Issue 20: Authentication fails using PAM and Kerberos.

Resolution: Authentication now functions properly when using PAM and Kerberos.

Issue 21: insert policy function does not work.

Resolution: The insert() policy function has been fixed.

Issue 22: pbguid policy editor has no support for ACL.

Resolution: pbguid policy editor now supports ACLs.

Issue 23: when setkeystrokeaction ends the execution, ends via

3091 Terminated on protocol failure

Resolution: Execution is now terminated without the protocol failure message.

Issue 24: encountering keystroke set by setkeystrokeaction results in

multiple finished events.

Resolution: multiple finished events are no longer logged.

Issue 25: printvars intermittently prints without returning to

the beginning of the next line.

Resolution: printvars output now displays correctly.

Issue 26: setkeystrokeaction results in pblog reporting:

unknown variable keystrokestatus.

Resolution: keystrokestatus is now logged when setkeystrokeaction terminates


Issue 27: clients maintain a connection in CLOSE_WAIT status.

Resolution: clients no longer maintain a connection in CLOSE_WAIT status.

Issue 28: pbsync fails with des encryption.

Resolution: pbsync now works with des encryption.

Issue 29: Tru64 5.1B needs additional calls to set_auth_parameters().

Resolution: Authentication now functions on Tru64 5.1B.

Issue 30: pbrun in the background gets sigttou and hangs.

Resolution: pbrun in the background no longer hangs due to sigttou.

Issue 31: pbbench tries connection to pbsyncd when no pbsyncd is configured.

Resolution: pbbench no longer attempts to connect to pbsyncd when pbsyncd

is not configured.

Issue 32: runtimeout and runtimelimit result in finish event and exittime

logged twice.

Resolution: finish event and exittime values are now logged once.

Issue 33: pbguid: open help window from show all variables link does not work.

Resolution: help link now works.

Issue 34: pbcheck -e seg faults on getuserpasswd() and submitconfirmuser().

Resolution: pbcheck -e no longer seg faults.

Issue 35: unsetenv() doesn't unset the environment variable.

Resolution: unsetenv now properly unsets the environment variable.

Issue 36: PB 5.0 pbmakeremotetar broken.

Resolution: pbmakeremotetar has been fixed.

Issue 37: pbrun segfaults when executed in a directory where the user has

no read permissions.

Resolution: pbrun no longer terminates with Signal 11 when executed in a

directory where the user has no read permissions.

Issue 38: `pbsync -d` when syncing eventlog improperly creates temp file

that contains the string iolog

Resolution: Temporary file now has a more appropriate name.

Issue 39: pbuninstall: removes but does not unconfigure pbsyncd.

Resolution: pbuninstall now unconfigures pbsyncd.

Issue 40: using "localhost", pbrun request hangs/times out.

Resolution: pbrun request now completes without hanging or timeout.

Issue 41: log server connection dropped while browsing a corrupt iolog file.

Resolution: corrupt iolog file no longer causes log server connection to drop.

Issue 42: pbless help displays incorrect options.

Resolution: pbless help is now correct.

Issue 43: pbguid event reporting: date field in header and footer shows

time, not date.

Resolution: pbguid date field now contains the date.

Issue 44: pbguid rewrites encrypted settings file as cleartext.

Resolution: pbguid now rewrites encrypted settings file as encrypted.



1. New policy language statements

The policy language has been extended with new functions and

new formats for the accept and reject statements.

New function grep - a native policy language interface to the

Unix grep command.

New function fgrep - a native policy language interface to the

Unix fgrep command.

New function egrep - a native policy language interface to the

Unix egrep command

New function tolower - convert a string to all lowercase.

New function toupper - convert a string to all uppercase.

New function getstringsetting - return a string value

from the settings file.

New function getnumericsetting - return a numeric value

from the settings file.

New function getlistsetting - return a list value

from the settings file.

New function getyesnosetting - return a boolean value

from the settings file.

2. Entitlement reporting

pbcheck has been extended to provide entitlement reports based on

the security policy. This will return a report detailing who

can run commands and under what conditions.

3. New GUI interface

The GUI has been made more user friendly.

4. Log synchronization

Two new programs, pbsync and pbsyncd, have been added to synchronize

I/O and event logs from one machine to another.

5. New settings

All of the new settings are to support the log synchconization system.

These are:

syncport: the TCP/IP port to be used by pbsync and pbsyncd

pbsynclog: Absolute path to the pbsync diagnostic log

pbsyncdlog: Absolute path to the pbsyncd diagnostic log

logresynctimermin: How often pbsync should resynchronize

files, when in daemon mode

pbiologsyncpath: List of paths for pbsync to synchronize

when in daemon mode

6. PowerBroker Shell extensions

The shell builtins and shell I/O redirections now honor the runuser,

rungroup and runumask variables.

7. Large File System Support

PowerBroker client and daemon programs are now large-filesystem aware.

8. Optimized Program Structure

When a log server is used and the submit host and run host are the

same machine, pblocald is no longer needed. This reduces startup

overhead, network traffic, eliminates spoofing and increases


9. pbreplay displays time stamps.

pbreplay can now display user-defined timestamps on each line of





Known Issues:

1.The installation suite requires the superdaemon configuration

files (the files which control inetd and xinetd) to be

non-executable. pbinstall currently reports this as:

Looking for SuperDaemons to configure...

cannot find a superdaemon (inetd or xinetd)

configuration file!

The work-around is to remove the execution bits from the

superdaemon configuration file(s) and retry the installation.

2. The policy language setting warnuseronerror may not be

changed by pbinstall. The work-around is to either use

the web-based settings GUI via pbguid or pbsguid or to

directly edit the setting in the settings file.

3. When a master daemon is installed with a log daemon it is

possible, but not desirable, to successfully install

PowerBroker without specifiying one or more log hosts. If

this occurs, the settings file on the master hosts must have

the logservers setting added either through the web-based

settings GUI or via a text editor.

4. Daemon error log files may be created by pbinstall for

daemons not installed on the system. The extraneous files

may be removed.

5. Although pbbuilder is no longer distributed, the

pbbuilder directory is created and populated with

html files when pbguid or pbsguid is installed.

6. No free space checks are done on /tmp (or $TMPDIR) by the

installation suite when it is on its own filesystem.

The work-around is to ensure there is adequate free disk

space on /tmp for the installation or remote installation






Contact BeyondTrust Software

BeyondTrust Software, Inc.

5090 North 40th Street, Suite 400

Phoenix, AZ 85018

Phone: +1 (800) 234-9072 (General Questions)

+1 (818) 575-4040 (Technical Support)

Fax: +1 (818) 889-1894

Web: http://www.beyondtrust.com