AD Bridge 9.0.2 Release Notes

July 9, 2019

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Platform support: RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 supports SElinux policy. AD Bridge can be deployed to RHEL machines with SELinux policy enabled. You must install libnsl before installing AD Bridge. An update to libnsl will be available in the next release of AD Bridge.
  • Support Script: The Support Script (/opt/pbis/libexec/ is updated with improved autoenroll logging.
  • Group Policy Object Editor (GPOE): fstab policy: Settings on the policy are retained when updating.

Issues Resolved:

  • Resolved an issue with the Support Script (/opt/pbis/libexec/ The script was not gathering information from machines running against AD Bridge versions greater than 9.0.
  • Resolved an issue with authentication. When a machine goes offline, you cannot log on if requiremembershipof policy is configured and the user's cache has expired. This can prevent successful authentication to the machine and can prevent requiremembershipof validating even if the machine goes back online. We recommend upgrading to AD Bridge 9.0.2.
  • Resolved an issue with autofs policy in GPOE. Autofs files were getting removed from sysvol if previously deleted. This can occur in the policy editor if files are created and removed repeatedly within the same session.