Special Actions: Create Custom Special Actions

Access Console

Special Actions

Special Actions

Create special actions to speed your processes. Special actions can be created for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.

Add New Special Action, Edit, Delete

Create a new special action, modify an existing special action, or remove an existing special action.

Add or Edit Special Action

Action Name

Create a unique name to help identify this action. During a session, a user can see this name on the special actions dropdown.


In the Command field, enter the full path of the application you wish to run. Do not use quotation marks; they will be added as necessary. Windows systems may make use of the macros provided. If the command cannot be located on the remote system, then this custom special action will not appear in the user's list of special actions.


If the provided command will accept command line arguments, you may enter those arguments next. Arguments may use quotation marks if necessary, and arguments for Windows systems may use the provided macros.

For help with Windows arguments, search for "command line switches" on docs.microsoft.com.


If you check the Confirm box, users will be prompted to confirm they want to run this special action before it will execute. Otherwise, selecting the special action from the menu during a session will cause that special action to run immediately.

Special Actions Settings

Show Built-In Special Actions

If you want to enable the default special actions provided by BeyondTrust, check Show Built-In Special Actions. Otherwise, to enable only your custom special actions, deselect this option.

The Windows Security (Ctrl-Alt-Del) special action cannot be disabled.