Configure URL Redirects

When you're installing or upgrading to a virtual directory, the virtual directory inherits the settings of the parent web site. Thus, if the parent web site is configured with a redirect, the virtual directory is also configured with a redirect. This can cause a redirect loop, in which the user can never connect to the web app or web service.

URL redirects are not configured by default in IIS. They are used to redirect one address to another. For example, an attempt to reach the root web site using HTTP could redirect to the proper virtual directory with HTTPS.

To remove the redirect from the virtual directory:

IIS Manager - HTTP Redirect

  1. On the host server, open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Expand your server node, then Sites, and then your web site.
  3. Select your virtual directory. The default for the web app is PWCWeb, and the default for the web service is ERPMWebService.
  1. From the center pane, open HTTP Redirect.


IIS Manager - Clear HTTP Redirect Settings

  1. Clear all redirect options.
  2. Click Apply.


Other options to control switching from HTTP to HTTPS include:
  • Using the Microsoft IIS URL Rewrite Module
  • Creating a new default login page and configuring that page as the default document for the web site or virtual directory