Insert PowerShell Scripts

Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows allows you to target specific PowerShell scripts and assign privileges to the script without granting local administration rights to the user. Scripts can also be blocked if they are not authorized or allowed.

  1. Select the Application Group you want to add the PowerShell script to.
  2. Right-click and select Insert Application > PowerShell Script .
  3. You can leave the File or Folder Name blank to match on all applications of this type, type in a specific name or path manually, or click Browse File, Browse Folder or Template.
  4. Enter a description, if required. By default, this is the name of the application you're inserting.
  5. You need to configure the matching criteria for the PowerShell script. You can configure:
    • File or Folder Name matches
    • Command Line matches
    • Drive matches
    • File Hash (SHA-1 Fingerprint) matches
    • File Hash (SHA-256) matches
    • Publisher matches
    • Trusted Ownership matches
    • Parent Process matches
    • Source URL matches
    • BeyondTrust Zone Identifier exists
  6. You need to configure the Advanced Options for the application. You can configure:
    • Allow child processes will match this application definition
    • Force standard user rights on File Open/Save common dialogs
  7. Click OK. The application is added to the Application Group.

A PowerShell script that contains only a single line is interpreted and matched as a PowerShell command, and does not match a PowerShell script definition. We recommend PowerShell that your scripts contain at least two lines of commands to ensure they are correctly matched as PowerShell scripts. This cannot be achieved by adding a comment to a script.

Example PowerShell Configurations

Create New Configuration, Save to Local File
# Import both Defendpoint cmdlet module
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\PowerShell\Avecto.Defendpoint.Cmdlets\Avecto.Defendpoint.Cmdlets.dll'
# Create a new variable containing a new Defendpoint Configuration Object
$PGConfig = New-Object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Configuration

## Add License ##
# Create a new license object
$PGLicence = New-Object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.License
# Define license value
$PGLicence.Code = "5461E0D0-DE30-F282-7D67-A7C6-B011-2200"
# Add the License object to the local PG Config file

## Add Application Group ##
# Create an Application Group object
$AppGroup = new-object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.ApplicationGroup
# Define the value of the Application Group name
$ = "New App Group"
# Add the Application Group object to the local PG Config file

## Add Application ##
# Create an application object
$PGApplication = new-object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Application $PGConfig
# Use the Get-DefendpointFileInformation to target Windows Calculator
$PGApplication = Get-DefendpointFileInformation -Path C:\windows\system32\calc.exe
# Add the application to the Application group

## Add Message ##
# Create a new message object
$PGMessage = New-Object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.message $PGConfig
#Define the message Name, Description and OK action and the type of message
$PGMessage.Name = "Elevation Prompt"
$PGMessage.Description = "An elevation message"
$PGMessage.OKAction = [Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Message+ActionType]::Proceed
$PGMessage.Notification = 0
# Define whether the message is displayed on a secure desktop
$PGMessage.ShowOnIsolatedDesktop = 1
# Define How the message contains
$PGMessage.HeaderType = [Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.message+MsgHeaderType]::Default
$PGMessage.HideHeaderMessage = 0
$PGMessage.ShowLineOne = 1
$PGMessage.ShowLineTwo = 1
$PGMessage.ShowLineThree = 1
$PGMessage.ShowReferLink = 0
$PGMessage.ShowCancel = 1
$PGMessage.ShowCRInfoTip = 0
# Define whether a reason settings
$PGMessage.Reason = [Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.message+ReasonType]::None
$PGMessage.CacheUserReasons = 0
# Define authorization settings
$PGMessage.PasswordCheck = 
$PGMessage.AuthenticationType = [Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.message+MsgAuthenticationType]::Any
$PGMessage.RunAsAuthUser = 0
# Define Message strings
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.Caption = "This is an elevation message"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.Header = "This is an elevation message header"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.Body = "This is an elevation message body"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.ReferURL = "http:\\"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.ReferText = "This is an elevation message refer"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.ProgramName = "This is a test Program Name"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.ProgramPublisher = "This is a test Program Publisher"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.PublisherUnknown = "This is a test Publisher Unknown"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.ProgramPath = "This is a test Path"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.ProgramPublisherNotVerifiedAppend = "This is a test verification failure"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.RequestReason = "This is a test Request Reason"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.ReasonError = "This is a test Reason Error"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.Username = "This is a test Username"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.Password = "This is a test Password"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.Domain = "This is a test Domain"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.InvalidCredentials = "This is a test Invalid Creds"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.OKButton = "OK"
$PGMessage.MessageStrings.CancelButton = "Cancel"
# Add the PG Message to the PG Configuration

## Add custom Token ##
# Create a new custom Token object
$PGToken = New-Object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Token
# Define the Custom Token settings
$PGToken.Name = "Custom Token 1"
$PGToken.Description = "Custom Token 1"
$PGToken.ClearInheritedPrivileges = 0
$PGToken.SetAdminOwner = 1
$PGToken.EnableAntiTamper = 0
$PGToken.IntegrityLevel = Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Token+IntegrityLevelType]::High
# Add the Custom Token to the PG Configuration

## Add Policy ##
# Create new policy object
$PGPolicy = new-object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Policy $PGConfig
# Define policy details
$PGPolicy.Disabled = 0
$PGPolicy.Name = "Policy 1"
$PGPolicy.Description = "Policy 1"
# Add the policy to the PG Configurations

## Add Policy Rule ##
# Create a new policy rule
$PGPolicyRule = New-Object Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.ApplicationAssignment PGConfig
# Define the Application rule settings
$PGPolicyRule.ApplicationGroup = $PGConfig.ApplicationGroups[0]
$PGPolicyRule.BlockExecution = 0
$PGPolicyRule.ShowMessage = 1
$PGPolicyRule.Message = $PGConfig.Messages[0]
$PGPolicyRule.TokenType = [Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Assignment+TokenTypeType]::AddAdmin
$PGPolicyRule.Audit = [Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Assignment+AuditType]::On
$PGPolicyRule.PrivilegeMonitoring = [Avecto.Defendpoint.Settings.Assignment+AuditType]::Off
$PGPolicyRule.ForwardEPO = 0

## Set the Defendpoint configuration to a local file and prompt for user confirmation ##
Set-DefendpointSettings -SettingsObject $PGConfig -Localfile –Confirm
Open Local User Policy, Modify then Save
# Import the Defendpoint cmdlet module
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\PowerShell\Avecto.Defendpoint.Cmdlets\Avecto.Defendpoint.Cmdlets.dll'
# Get the local file policy Defendpoint Settings
$PGConfig = Get-DefendpointSettings -LocalFile
# Disable a policy
$PGPolicy = $PGConfig.Policies[0]
$PGPolicy.Disabled = 1
$PGConfig.Policies[0] = $PGPolicy
# Remove the PG License
$TargetLicense = $PGConfig.Licenses[0]
# Update an existing application definition to match on Filehash
$UpdateApp = $PGConfig.ApplicationGroups[0].Applications[0]
$UpdateApp.CheckFileHash = 1
$PGConfig.ApplicationGroups[0].Applications[0] = $UpdateApp
# Set the Defendpoint configuration to the local file policy and prompt for user confirmation
Set-DefendpointSettings -SettingsObject $PGConfig -LocalFile -Confirm
Open Local Configuration and Save to Domain GPO
# Import the Defendpoint cmdlet module
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\PowerShell\Avecto.Defendpoint.Cmdlets\Avecto.Defendpoint.Cmdlets.dll'
# get the local Defendpoint configuration and set this to the domain computer policy, ensuring the user is prompted to confirm the change
Get-DefendpointSettings -LocalFile | Set-DefendpointSettings -Domain -LDAP "LDAP://My.Domain/CN={GUID},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=My,DC=domain" –Confirm