System Variables

Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux system variables contain information that pertains to all Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux task requests. The following table summarizes the system variables.

Variable Description
date Contains the current date, taken from policy server host, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
day Contains the current date, taken from policy server host, in DD format.
dayname Contains the current day of the week, as a three-character abbreviation for the day of the week, taken from policy server host.
false A read-only variable with a predefined value of 0. May be used in place of a 0 value when evaluating a conditional expression or initializing a variable.
hour Contains the current hour, taken from policy server host, in HH format.
i18n_date Contains the UTF-8 encoded current date, taken from policy server host.
i18n_day Contains the UTF-8 encoded current day, taken from policy server host.
i18n_dayname Contains the UTF-8 encoded current day of the week, taken from policy server host.
i18n_hour Contains the UTF-8 encoded current hour, taken from policy server host.
i18n_minute Contains the UTF-8 encoded minute portion of the current time, taken from policy server host.
i18n_month Contains the UTF-8 encoded current month, taken from the policy server host.
i18n_time Contains the UTF-8 encoded current time, taken from the policy server host.
i18n_year Contains the UTF-8 encoded current year taken from the policy server host.
lineinfile Contains the file name of the security policy file that triggers the accept or reject condition for the current task request.
linenum Identifies the specific line number, within a security policy file, that triggers the accept or reject event for the current task request.
lognoreconnect The lognoreconnect variable controls how Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux optimizes network traffic between pblogd and pblocald. This optimization involves reconnecting pblocald directly to pblogd, thus bypassing pbmasterd for log related I/O streams.
masterhost Contains the fully qualified name of the policy server host machine (that is, the machine running pbmasterd).
minute Contains the minute portion of the current time, taken from policy server host, in MM format.
month The month variable contains the current month, taken from the policy server host machine, in MM format.
noreconnect Controls how Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux optimizes network traffic between pbrun and pblocald. This optimization involves reconnecting pbrun directly to pblocald, thus bypassing pbmasterd for I/O streams processing.

Indicates whether the policy server has optimized pblocald out of the connection.

Version 4.0 and earlier: variable not available.

Version 5.0 and later: variable available.

outputredirect Determines if Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux prompt output is written to the standard error stream (stderr) or the standard output stream (stdout).
pbclientcertificateissuer Contains the certificate issuer line from the client program.
pbclientcertificatesubject Contains the certificate subject line from the client program.
pbclientkerberosuser Contains the name of the client user’s principal when Kerberos is used.

Specifies the specific mode for a request.

Version 3.5 and earlier: variable not available.

Version 4.0 and later: variable available.

pbclientname Contains the name of the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux component from which the current task request originated.
pblogdreconnection Affects the formation of the reconnection between pblogd and pblocald.
pbrunreconnection Affects the formation of the reconnection between pbrun and pblocald.
pbversion Contains the version of Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux that is being run.
pid An integer that represents the pbmasterd process ID.
ptyflags Reserved for internal use.
status Contains the return code from the last system command that was run by the policy.
submittimeout Specifies the amount of idle time that the submitting user is allowed before the submit host terminates the current request.
subprocuser The subprocuser variable contains the user name under which all policy server host (that is, pbmasterd) sub-processes run (for example, commands that are run using the system() function).
time Contains the current time, taken from the policy server host, in HH:MM:DD format (for example, 08:24:52).
true A read-only variable that has a predefined value of 1. May be used in place of a numeric value 1 when evaluating a conditional expression or initializing a variable.
uniqueid Contains a 12-character or longer string that is guaranteed to be unique across the entire Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux system (that is, policy server host, submit host, run host and log host). Use this value to guarantee a unique identification in the event log files and to generate unique filenames.
year Contains the current year taken from the policy server host, in YYYY format.