Arithmetic Operators

The Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux Security Policy Scripting Language supports the arithmetic operators shown in the following table.

Operator Description
++ Prefix autoincrement
-- Prefix autodecrement
++ Postfix autoincrement
-- Postfix autodecrement
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus
+ Addition
- Subtraction
+= Addition self assignment
-= Subtraction self assignment
*= Multiplication self assignment
/= Division self assignment
%= Modulus self assignment

The subtraction, addition, multiplication and division operators perform arithmetic operations. The default evaluation order for arithmetic operators is:

  • Multiplication, division, and modulus division, left to right
  • Addition and subtraction, left to right
result = 6 * 4 / 2 - 4 + 2;

result contains the integer value 10.

Prefix Autoincrement Operator


The prefix autoincrement operator (++) adds one to a variable and returns the result.

a = 3;
b = ++a;

In this example, both a and b are equal to 4.

Prefix Autodecrement Operator


The prefix autodecrement operator (--) subtracts one from a variable and returns the result.

a = 3;
b = --a;

In this example, both a and b are equal to 2.

Postfix Autoincrement Operator


The postfix autoincrement operator (++) returns the value of a variable and adds one to the variable.

a = 3;
b = a++;

In this example, a is equal to 4 and b is equal to 3.

Postfix Autodecrement Operator


The postfix autodecrement operator (--) returns the value of a variable and subtracts one from the variable.

a = 3;
b = a--;

In this example, a is equal to 2 and b is equal to 3.

Addition Operator


The addition operator ( + ) adds two numbers.

result = 5 + 3;

Subtraction Operator


The subtraction operator ( - ) subtracts two numbers.

result = 5 - 3;

Multiplication Operator


The multiplication operator ( * ) multiplies two numbers.

result = 5 * 3;

Division Operator


The division operator ( / ) divides two numbers.

result = 5 / 3;

Modulus Operator


The modulus operator ( % ) returns the remainder of integer division.

result = 5 % 3;

In this example, result contains the integer value 2. Dividing 5 by 3 yields a result of 1 and a remainder of 2. The reminder portion of the answer, in this case 2, becomes the result of the modulus division operation.

Addition Self-assignment Operator


The addition self-assignment operator (+=) adds a value to a variable and stores the result in the variable.

a += 3;

In this example, 3 is added to a and the result is stored in a.

Subtraction Self-assignment Operator


The subtraction self-assignment operator (-=) subtracts a value from a variable and stores the result in the variable.

a -= 4;

In this example, 4 is subtracted from a and the result is stored in a.

Multiplication Self-assignment Operator


The multiplication self-assignment operator (*=) multiplies a variable by a value and stores the result in the variable.

a *= 5;

In this example, a is multiplied by 5 and the result is stored in a.

Division Self-assignment Operator


The division self-assignment operator (/=) divides a variable by a value and stores the result in the variable.

a /= 6;

In this example, a is divided by 6 and the result is stored in a.

Modulus Self-assignment Operator


The modulus self-assignment operator (%=) divides a variable by a value and stores the modulus in the variable.

a %= 5;

In this example, a is divided by 5 and the remainder is stored in a.