"Target Types All" Report in Endpoint Privilege Management

The table lists all applications active in the time period, grouped by the application description and ordered by user count descending.

The following columns are available for the Windows and macOS Discovery All table:

  • Description: The description of the application.
  • Platform: The platform the events came from.
  • Publisher: The publisher of the application.
  • Product Name: The product name of the application.
  • Application Type: The type of application.
  • Product Version: The version number of the application.
  • # Process Count: The number of processes.
  • # User Count: The number of users.
  • # Host Count: The number of hosts.

Some of these columns allow you to drill down to additional information:

  • i icon: Opens the Application report with the Application Desc and Publisher filters applied.
  • Process Count: Opens the EventsAll Table with the Distinct Application ID filter applied.
  • User Count: Displays a list of users who generated events with that application within the time period.
  • Host Count: Displays a list of hosts that generated events with that application within the time period.

If you want to see only applications controlled automatically or only applications launched using the shell menu, you can use the Shell or Auto filter. The values can be useful in discovering how many times applications are automatically elevated in comparison to deliberately elevated by the user through shell elevation.

For more information on the available quick filters, see the following: