Create Automated Tasks Using ePO Server Tasks

Use ePO server tasks to create an automated schedule of tasks that you want your ePO server to perform.

  • Create an event staging server task: Required to move events from the ePO database to the BeyondTrust Reporting database.
  • Create purge server task: (Optional) Recommended to maintain your database.
  • Create a reputation update server task: (Optional) Updates the reputation from VirusTotal and/or TIE.
  • Create a purge threat event log server task: (Optional) Purges the ePO threat event log. This is an additional server task that you can create if you have a business need to purge the events from the BeyondTrust table in the ePO database only. We recommend using the built-in ePO server task called Purge Rolled up Data. This task removes all the events from the BeyondTrust table in the ePO database and the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting database.