Install BeyondInsight for Unix & Linux on Linux

To install BeyondInsight for Unix & Linux on a Linux operating system, use the following syntax.

RHEL and CentOS

# install, where {version} is the current version
rpm -i biul-{version}.rpm
# optional: verify software is running
service pbsmc status

# configure firewall using OS version appropriate command:
# RedHat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=4443/tcp --permanent 
firewall-cmd --reload

# or, RedHat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 6:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4443 -j ACCEPT 
service iptables save

Debian and Ubuntu

# install, where {version} is the current version
dpkg -i biul-{version}.deb

# optional: verify software is running
service pbsmc status

# configure firewall using OS version appropriate command:
# for ubuntu 14+:
 ufw allow 4443

# or other versions:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4443 -j ACCEPT 
service iptables save