Use the Password Safe PS_Automate utility


The Password Safe PS_Automate utility helps to avoid the need to manually enter credentials when launching Windows GUI applications from Password Safe, saving time and increasing security.

The PS_Automate utility allows you to seamlessly pass vaulted credentials from Password Safe to a remote application using the pass through option (using token pass instead of credentials). This includes the ability to launch and authenticate to a web page or to a standard Windows GUI application.

To ensure a seamless experience, the utility supports Incognito mode for popular web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, with Edge being the default. By using an INI file, you can easily specify the input and operational behavior for the utility.

The PS_Automate utility, as well as INI files for Amazon Web Services, Azure, Office 365, and Google, are made available when enhanced session auditing is enabled in Password Safe. The files are deployed by the session proxy when a session is created in Password Safe.

The system where the PS_Automate utility is deployed must have internet access, in order to automatically download the latest version of the required browser drivers on first use:

  • chromedriver.exe
  • msedgedriver.exe
  • geckodriver.exe

The utility uses the browser drivers, and the versions of the drivers must match the versions of the browsers used.

PS_Automate is a utility for Windows only. It is not supported on macOS.


The usage syntax for the PS_Automate utility is as follows:

Web applications

ps_automate.exe [ini=path to inifile][TargetURL=url] [BrowserName=name of browser]

Windows applications

ps_automate.exe [ini=path to inifile]

For testing purposes the utility also accepts username and password on the command line: [username=username] [password=password]. However, this is not recommended for production use, as command line parameters can be written to Windows logs, such as the event log.

ps_automate.exe ini="BIWebApp.ini" TargetURL="https://localhost/WebConsole/index.html#!/dashboard" BrowserName="chrome"
ps_automate.exe ini= "C:\automate\AWSWebApp.ini" TargetURL="" BrowserName="firefox"
ps_automate.exe ini="MSWebApp.ini" TargetURL=""BrowserName="msedge"
ps_automate.exe ini="ssms_database.ini"