ISA requests

The ISARequests endpoint is for Information Systems Administrator (ISA) role access.

For more information on Requestor and Requestor/Approver role access, please see POST Requests.

POST ISARequests


Creates a new Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release request and returns the requested credentials.

Similar to POST Requests (AccessType=View) and GET Credentials in a single call.

Required roles

ISA Role to managed account referenced by ID.

Query parameters

  • type: (optional, default: password) Type of credentials to retrieve.
    • password: Returns the password in the response body.
    • dsskey: Returns the DSS private key in the response body.

The key is returned in the state in which it was set. For example, an encrypted key is returned encrypted.

    • passphrase: Returns the DSS key passphrase in the response body.

passphrase supported only for encrypted DSS keys.

Request body

Content-Type: application/json

    SystemID: int,
    AccountID: int,
    DurationMinutes: int, // can be null
    Reason: string

Request body details

  • SystemID: (required) ID of the managed system to request.
  • AccountID: (required) ID of the managed account to request.
  • DurationMinutes: (optional) The request duration (in minutes). If omitted, uses the value ManagedAccount.ISAReleaseDuration.
  • Reason: (optional) The reason for the request.

Response body

    Credentials: string

Response codes

201 - Request successful. Credentials in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.