DSS key policies

DSS Key Policies are formerly known as DSS Key Rules but the API remains DSSKeyRules to be compatible with earlier versions.

Quick navigation



Returns a list of DSS Key Rules.

Required permissions

Password Safe System Management (Read).

Request body


Response body

Content-Type: application/json

        DSSKeyRuleID: int, 
        Name: string, 
        Description: string, 
        KeyType: string, 
        KeySize: int, 
        EncryptionType: char,
        PasswordRuleID: int, // can be null

Response body details

  • KeyType: (RSA, DSA) The type of key to generate.
  • EncryptionType: The type of key encryption to use:
    • A: Auto-managed passphrase, generated using the associated password rule (see PasswordRuleID).
    • N: No encryption.
  • PasswordRuleID: (given when EncryptionType is A) ID of the password rule used to auto-generate the passphrase for DSS key encryption.

Response codes

200 - Request successful. DSS Key Rules in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

GET DSSKeyRules/{id}


Returns a DSS Key Rule by ID.

Required permissions

Password Safe System Management (Read).

URL parameters

id: ID of the DSS Key Rule.

Request body


Response body

Content-Type: application/json

    DSSKeyRuleID: int, 
    Name: string, 
    Description: string, 
    KeyType: string, 
    KeySize: int, 
    EncryptionType: char,
    PasswordRuleID: int, // can be null

Response body details

  • KeyType: The type of key to generate (RSA, DSA).
  • EncryptionType: The type of key encryption to use:
    • A: Auto-managed passphrase, generated using the associated password rule (see PasswordRuleID).
    • N: No encryption.
  • PasswordRuleID: (given when EncryptionType is A) ID of the password rule used to auto-generate the passphrase for DSS key encryption.

Response codes

200 - Request successful. DSS Key Rule in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.