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GET Credentials/{requestId}


Retrieves the credentials for an approved and active (not expired) credentials release request.

Required permissions


URL parameters

requestId: ID of the request for which to retrieve the credentials.

Query parameters

  • type: (optional, default: password) Type of credentials to retrieve.
    • password: Returns the password in the response body.
    • dsskey: Returns the DSS private key in the response body.

The key is returned in the state in which it was set. For example, an encrypted key is returned encrypted.

    • passphrase: Returns the DSS key passphrase in the response body.

passphrase supported only for encrypted DSS keys.

Request body


Response body

Credentials: string

Response codes

  • 200 - Request successful. Credentials in the response body.
  • 403 - User does not have permissions to request credentials for the indicated account or the account does not have API access enabled.
    • 4031 - User does not have permission to request credentials. 4034 - Request is not yet approved.
  • 404 - Could not find the request to release. The specified request ID may have already been released or has expired.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

GET Aliases/{aliasId}/Credentials/{requestId}


Retrieves the credentials and alias details for an approved and active (not expired) credentials release request for an alias.

Required permissions


URL parameters

  • aliasId: ID of the alias.
  • requestId: ID of the request for which to retrieve the credentials.

Query parameters

  • type: (optional, default: password) Type of credentials to retrieve.
  • password: Returns the password in response body property Password.
  • dsskey: Returns the DSS private key in response body property PrivateKey.

The key is returned in the state in which it was set. For example, an encrypted key is returned encrypted.

  • passphrase: returns the DSS key passphrase in response body property Passphrase.

passphrase supported only for encrypted DSS keys.

Request body


Response body

Content-Type: application/json

            AliasID: int,
            AliasName: string,
            SystemID: int,
            SystemName: string,
            AccountID: int,
            AccountName: string,
            DomainName: string,
            Password: string,
            PrivateKey: string,
            Passphrase: string

Response codes

  • 200 - Request successful. Account details and credentials in the response body.
  • 403 - User does not have permissions to request credentials for the indicated alias or the account referenced by the alias does not have API access enabled.
    • 4031 - User does not have permission to request credentials.
    • 4034 - Request is not yet approved.
  • 404 - Could not find the request to release. The specified request ID may have already been released or has expired.

For more information, please see Common response codes.