Export and import crypto keys for Event Server configuration

Export the key

Perform the following steps on the primary BeyondInsight server to export the crypto key:

  1. Go to the BeyondInsight installation directory. For example, by default: \Program Files (x86)\eEye Digital Security\Retina CS\.
  2. Run xmltodatabasesynctool.exe.
  3. Click Cryptography Key.
  4. Verify Export Key is selected.
  5. Enter a password.
  6. Click Export.
  7. Copy RetinaCS.eKey to a network share.

Import the key

Perform the following steps on each event collector server to import the crypto key:

  1. Access the network share where you exported the crypto key and copy to the Event Server computer.
  2. Run xmltodatabasesynctool.exe.
  3. Click Cryptography Key.
  4. Select Import Key.
  5. Enter the password that you created when you exported the key.
  6. Click Import.
  7. Find the key, and then click Open.
  8. After you import a crypto key, you must set the following values to NULL in the dbo.Version table Access code and Expiry. In SQL Server Management Studio, run the following query on the BeyondInsight database:

    update version set AccessCode = null, Expiry = null