View Endpoint Privilege Management reports

Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting includes a rich set of dashboards and reports designed to simplify the centralized management and auditing of Endpoint Privilege Management activity throughout the desktop and server estate.

A report is a dashboard or a table, and is a generic term used to describe any form of data displayed in Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting. You can click on links within reports to see the data at greater levels of granularity. These are referred to as drilldowns.

A dashboard is a report, which at the top level, presents you with a series of charts and summarized data. Some dashboards have sub-reports that are presented as charts or tabular data. All dashboards have a Microsoft Windows view to display events from Windows endpoints. Some dashboards and reports also have a macOS view.

The below sections describe each of the dashboards, and the reports and event data accessible from each view.

Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting is not installed out of the box in BeyondInsight. For BeyondInsight releases prior to 23.1, please contact your BeyondTrust representative for assistance with installing the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting feature in your BeyondInsight environment.