Install the BeyondTrust Discovery Agent on standalone Windows system


The BeyondTrust Discovery Agent is a service that is packaged with BeyondInsight. By default, it runs on the appliance where BeyondInsight is installed, or in the case of a cloud instance, it runs where your resource brokers are deployed.

For on-premises deployments, the discovery agent can also be installed separately on a standalone Windows system and configured to communicate with BeyondInsight on your U-Series Appliance. This increases scanning capacity and is helpful in environments that have a large number of hosts.

You can download the discovery agent from the BeyondTrust Customer Portal at


Before installing the BeyondTrust Discovery Agent, ensure the following prerequisites are met on systems where the agent is being installed:

  • The .exe version of the agent installer is used so that it can install required prerequisites, such as the .NET 6 Hosting package.
  • The eEyeEmsClient.pfx certificate is located in c:\temp.