Samba Integration for Systems Administrators

This section assumes you are a systems administrator who knows how to manage shared files and folders on Linux, Unix, and Windows computers, including configuring the Linux and Unix file servers to run Samba and to comply with your IT security policy.

Instructions on how to set up Samba are beyond the scope of this document.

For information about installing and configuring Samba, see the Samba documentation.


The following prerequisites must be in place:

  • Root access to the Linux or Unix file server where you want to run Samba and AD Bridge.
  • AD Bridge 6.0.8330 or later.
  • The Linux or Unix computer must be connected to Active Directory with AD Bridge.
  • Samba 3.6 or later.
  • Samba 4.x support requires AD Bridge 8.5.2 or later.
  • Samba package must support ADS security. AD Bridge relies on ADS security in a Samba and AD Bridge configuration.
  • Samba 4.10 and later, run the following commands:
/opt/pbis/bin/samba-interop-install --uninstall
/opt/pbis/bin/samba-interop-install --install

For more information, see the following:

Install Files

AD Bridge includes a tool to install the files necessary to use Samba: /opt/pbis/bin/samba-interop-install –install.

Run the tool with the install option:

  • AD Bridge idmapper plug-in for Winbind replaces Samba's version.
  • libwbclient is replaced with the AD Bridge version.
  • The machine password is synchronized in Active Directory.
  • The AD Bridge version of libwbclient communicates directly with the AD Bridge authentication service, instead of Winbind.


If any of the following occur then it is recommended to reinstall the samba-interop tool. This is to correct any synchronization that might have been broken.

  • Samba is updated
  • Operating system is updated
  • AD Bridge is upgraded
  • Joining a new domain
  • Rejoining your existing domain