Archive Events with the BTArchive

You can archive events in two ways: either with the Enterprise Database Management plug-in or with the command line.

The AD Bridge event-archiving utility BTArchive combines events older than one year into compressed archives and stores them in a separate database table. A separate archive is created for each month of old event data. After events are archived, they are deleted. The event-archiving utility is intended to be run according to a monthly schedule.

Archive Events using the Console

To archive events using the console:

  1. In the console tree, expand Enterprise Database Management.
  2. Right-click Archive Status, and then select Create archive.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

Archive Events using the Command Line

To view the arguments of BTArchive, execute the following command at the shell prompt on a Windows computer running the AD Bridge collectors:

C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise>btarchive --help

The –p and –c options identify the database type and connection string of the central AD Bridge database.

The connection string is the same as the one that you used when you configured the connection to the database. With SQL Server, for example, you enter a string like this:

Data Source=DBSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=LikewiseEnterprise;Integrated Security=True
Data Source=W2K12-R2\SQL;Initial Catalog=LikewiseEnterprise;Integrated Security=True

The -a and –t options are used to control the archive time unit and the date threshold for archiving.

We suggest you use the default settings, which are -a monthly and -t 12. These defaults create monthly archives for data older than 12 months.

The –o option is used to control where the log output of BTArchive is written.

By default, the output is written to the console.