BeyondTrust Remote Support Middleware Engine Troubleshooting

Issue/Symptom Possible Causes Resolution
BeyondTrust Middleware Engine Windows service fails to start.

Installation prerequisites have not been met.

Invalid configuration in <install_dir>\MiddlewareConfig.txt.

For information, please see Install the BeyondTrust Remote Support Middleware Engine.

For additional troubleshooting information, open the Windows Event Viewer and look for any messages in the application log with a source of MiddlewareEngineService or BeyondTrustMiddlewareEngine.

Additional error messages can be found in \Logs\BomgarMiddlewareEngineService.log, where the BeyondTrust Middleware Engine is installed.

If this is a new installation, the BeyondTrust Middleware Engine can be uninstalled and reinstalled from Windows Programs and Features.

If the service no longer starts after the MiddlewareConfig.txt file has been modified, either resolve any issues with the MiddlewareConfig.txt file and try again or delete the MiddlewareConfig.txt file and start the service. The BeyondTrust Middleware Engine uses the default values for configuration. The service should now start, and the admin tool can be used to modify the configuration.

Events are not being delivered to a plugin as expected.

Invalid configuration of the plugin.

Invalid API configuration on the B Series Appliance (e.g., the API account not having proper privileges or incorrect outbound event configuration).

Invalid network configuration.

Enable DEBUG logging by opening the administration tool, clicking Edit Middleware Configuration, changing the log level, and saving.

Run a test on the plugin configuration in the middleware administration tool.

Read the documentation for the specific plugin and ensure the configuration is correct.

An event is delivered to a plugin but is failing.

Invalid configuration of the plugin.

Invalid network configuration.

Other issues.

Enable DEBUG logging by opening the administration tool, clicking Edit Middleware Configuration, changing the log level, and saving.

Run a test on the plugin configuration in the middleware administration tool.

Read the documentation for the specific plugin and ensure the configuration is correct.

In the administration tool, click the history icon next to the plugin. View the list of events and find the one that is failing. Click the link to view the error detail. If the error detail is not enough to diagnose the issue, note the Event GUID for the event, navigate to the logs under <install_dir>\Logs, and find the log message for the event. All log messages for the event contain the event GUID.

If unable to resolve an issue, please contact BeyondTrust Support .