Configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Integration with BeyondTrust Remote Support


You must purchase this integration separately for both your Remote Support software and your Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution. For more information, contact BeyondTrust's Sales team.

Configuration within Microsoft Dynamics 365 consists of installing two custom solutions:

  1. Log into as an administrator.
  2. Ensure the appropriate environment is selected.

    Microsoft Dynamics 365

  3. In the left menu, click Solutions.


  4. Click Import.
  5. From the Import a Solution pop-up, click Browse and select the provided Click Next.
  6. When presented with Solution Information, click Import.
  7. When the solution is finished importing, click Publish All Customizations.
  8. Repeat the above steps to import the file.
  9. In the list of solutions, open the BeyondTrust Remote Support solution.

    Solution: BeyondTrust

  10. Open the resource in the list named bt_/javascripts/LaunchModalDialog.js.



    Text Editor

  11. Click the Text Editor button. In the editor, find the line that begins with var hostname = and change to the appropriate hostname for the Remote Support appliance. Click OK when done.


  12. Click Save, and then click Publish.