Domains: Add and Manage Domains



Add, view, and manage information about your domains.


Add Domain

Click Add to manually add a new domain to the Domains list.

Domain Name

View the name of the domain.


View the Jumpoint used to discover accounts and endpoints on the domain.

Management Account

View the management account associated with the Jumpoint and domain.


Click Discover to initiate the Jumpoint to scan and discover endpoints and accounts on the domain.


Click Edit to modify domain information.


Click Delete to delete this domain from the Domains list.

Add or Edit Domain

DNS Name

Enter the DNS Name of the domain.


Choose an existing Jumpoint located within the environment you wish to discover accounts.

Management Account

Select the management account needed to initiate a discovery job for this domain. Choose to use a new account, which requires a Username, Password, and Password Confirmation to be entered. Or choose to use an existing account discovered from a previous job or added manually in the Accounts section.

Scheduled Domain Discovery

Enable and configure domain discovery to run on a set schedule.

Enable Scheduled Discovery

Check the box to enable the Discovery Schedule options.

Discovery Schedule

Select the days of the week and the time for the discovery job to run.

Discovery Scope

Select the objects you wish Vault to discover:

  • Domain Accounts
  • Endpoints
  • Local Accounts
  • Services

You can enter a Search Path, or leave it blank to search all OUs and containers. You can also use an LDAP Query to narrow the scope of user accounts and endpoints searched.