Configure and install a Jumpoint for Windows systems

Setup of a Jumpoint on a remote network is a multi-step process that includes configuring from the /login administrative interface, downloading the installer, and running the installation wizard.

Understand Clustered Jumpoints

Before configuring a Jumpoint, it is important to understand the difference between clustered Jumpoints and stand-alone Jumpoints, because they have different feature sets and because a clustered Jumpoint cannot be converted to stand-alone, nor a stand-alone Jumpoint converted to clustered. A clustered Jumpoint allows you to install up to ten redundant nodes of the same Jumpoint on different host systems in the same local network.

A clustered Jumpoint is available as long as at least one of the installed nodes is online. This provides redundancy, preventing the failure of all Jump Items associated with the failure of a single, stand-alone Jumpoint, and improves load balancing across the system.

All configuration of clustered Jumpoints is done in /login, with no local configuration available on the local host either during or after the installation. This means that if you install a clustered Jumpoint, selecting the BeyondTrust Jumpoint Configuration item on the start menu of the Jumpoint host does not result in a configuration window, and only an About box is shown. Editing a clustered Jumpoint in /login loads the same configuration page that was used to create the Jumpoint. This means clustered Jumpoint configuration lacks the following options which are available to stand-alone Jumpoints:

  • Proxy
  • Intel vPro
  • Shell Jump
  • TTL

This also means that a clustered Jumpoint cannot be configured as a Jump Zone Proxy. vPro, RDP, VNC, Shell Jump, and normal Jump sessions are all supported when using clustered Jumpoints; however, the advanced configuration of these features is not available. This includes settings such as provisioned SSH hosts, vPro reimaging, Jump Zone Proxy, TTL, etc.


Buttons to select Jump, Jumpoint, and Jumpoint Management - Add

  1. From the /login administrative interface, go to Jump > Jumpoint.
  2. Click Add.


Screenshot of Add Jumpoint form in /login.

  1. Create a unique name to help identify this Jumpoint. This name should help users locate this Jumpoint when they need to start a session with a computer on the same network.
  2. Set a code name for integration purposes. If you do not set a code name, PRA creates one automatically.
  3. If you have a Password Safe integration, and the Jumpoint for External Jump Item Sessions selection is set to Automatically Selected by External Jump Item Network ID, on the /login Security page, enter the External Jump Item Network ID. This value is equivalent to the Workgroup attribute for managed systems in Password Safe. It is matched against the Network ID property of external Jump Items returned by the Endpoint Credential Manager to determine which Jumpoint handles the session.
  4. Add comments to help identify this Jumpoint.
  5. Select Windows for the Jumpoint Platform. Once the Jumpoint has been created, this option cannot be changed.
  6. Leave the Disabled box unchecked.
  7. Check the Clustered box, if appropriate.


A clustered Jumpoint allows you to install up to ten redundant nodes of the same Jumpoint on different host systems. If this option is selected, the Jumpoint will be available as long as at least one of the installed nodes is online. This provides redundancy, preventing the failure of all Jump Items associated with the failure of a single, stand-alone Jumpoint, and improves load balancing across the system. All configuration of clustered Jumpoints is done in /login, with no local configuration available during the install. Once created, a clustered Jumpoint cannot be converted to stand-alone, nor a stand-alone Jumpoint converted to clustered.


Jumpoint clustered nodes must be installed on hosts residing in the same local area network.

  1. If you want users to be able to connect to SSH-enabled and Telnet-enabled network devices through this Jumpoint, check the Enable Shell Jump Method option.
  2. If the Enable Protocol Tunnel Jump Method option is checked, users may make connections from their systems to remote endpoints through these types of Jumpoint.When Enable Protocol Tunnel Jump Method is checked, there is an option to enter Managed IP Addresses for Protocol Tunnel Jump. You can enter multiple IP address ranges. This allows using the Network Tunnel feature on networks without DHCP. For more information, see Protocol Tunnel Jump Shortcuts and Network Tunnel Jump Shortcuts.
  3. From the Jumpoint edit page, you may authorize users to start sessions through this Jumpoint. After you have created the Jumpoint, you can also grant access to groups of users from Users & Security > Group Policies.
  4. Save the configuration. Your new Jumpoint should now appear in the list of configured Jumpoints.

Once you have installed the Jumpoint, PRA populates the table with the hostname of the system it is installed on, as well as with that system's public and private IP addresses. This information can help you locate the Jumpoint's host system in case you need to change the Jumpoint's configuration.


Now that your Jumpoint is configured, you need to install the Jumpoint on a single system in the remote network you wish to access. This system serves as the gateway for Jump sessions with other computers on the remote network. You can either install the Jumpoint directly on the host or email the installer to a user at the remote system. If this is to be a clustered Jumpoint, you can add nodes later.

Jumpoint Download

  1. From the table, find the appropriate Jumpoint and click the link to download the installer file (bomgar-jpt-{uid}.exe).
  2. If you have access to the system you want to use as the Jumpoint host, you can run the installation file immediately.
  3. Otherwise, save the file and then email it to the remote user to deploy on the system that will serve as the Jumpoint host.

If you need to change the Jumpoint's host system, click Redeploy. This uninstalls the Jumpoint from its current location and sets the download links as available. You can then install the Jumpoint on a new host. The new Jumpoint replaces the old one for any existing Jump shortcuts that are associated with it. The new Jumpoint does not copy over the configuration from the old Jumpoint and must be reconfigured during installation.

The Jumpoint EXE installer can be deployed through a command line interface or a systems management utility, such as Microsoft Intune. When deploying an EXE installer, the /S option can be specified for a silent installation, without any user interaction on the target system. When the /S option is used, the Jumpoint installer uses the default installation options.
bomgar-jpt-24cf209c6aab939fc418813b9723995ev.exe /S

The Jumpoint installer expires 7 days after the time of download.


BeyondTrust Jumpoint Setup

  1. From the system that will host the Jumpoint, run the installation package. When the installation wizard appears, click Next.


Jumpoint Installer Waiver Agreement

  1. Read and accept the waiver agreement. You must accept the agreement to be able to proceed with the installation.


Jumpoint Installer Disclaimer

  1. Read and agree to the disclaimer.


Jumpoint Installer Choose Install Location

  1. Choose where you would like the Jumpoint to install. The default location is C:\Program Files\Bomgar \Jumpoint or C:\Program Files (x86)\Bomgar \Jumpoint. Click Install.


  1. If you are installing a single Jumpoint, the Jumpoint Configuration application opens where you can configure proxy settings. The proxy configuration steps are documented in below sections. If you are installing a clustered Jumpoint node, the installation finishes.

BeyondTrust Jumpoint Setup Complete

  1. After installing the Jumpoint, you receive a confirmation message. Click Finish.


Once the Jumpoint is installed, the configuration options can be modified using the Jumpoint Configuration application, which you can access from the Windows Start menu.

Deploy behind proxy

In the case of clustered Jumpoints, there is no customization at the local level. As a result, you will not see the configuration window that allows for Proxy and other configuration items available for stand-alone Jumpoints. If you are installing a clustered Jumpoint, you can skip the following steps and go directly to Clustered Jumpoint Setup: Add Nodes.

For a Jumpoint to be deployed on a remote network that is behind a proxy, appropriate proxy information may be necessary for the Jumpoint to connect back to the BeyondTrust Appliance B Series.

    Basic options for configuring a Windows Jumpoint behind a Proxy.

  1. From the dropdown on the Proxy tab in the Jumpoint Configuration application, select Basic or NTLM to configure proxy settings.
  2. Enter the Proxy Host, Proxy Port, Username and Password, and then click OK. The Jumpoint supplies the proxy information whenever Jumping to another system on the remote network, providing the credentials necessary to download and run the endpoint client on the target system.

You can configure a Jumpoint to go through another Jumpoint deployed as a Proxy Server. This allows secure access to isolated, non-routable, OT networks without being constrained to only Jump Clients. Follow these steps:

  1. On System1, install a Jumpoint with a JumpZone Proxy configured.
  2. System2 is isolated from the internet.
  3. On System2, set the system's proxy configuration to point to System1's JumpZone Proxy.
  4. On System2, install a Jumpoint which detected the system's proxy configuration.
  5. On System2, configure the Jumpoint's Basic Proxy configuration to point to the JumpZone Proxy on System1.
  6. On System3, run a Representative Console and configure an RDP Jump Item to System4 using System2's Jumpoint.
  7. On System3, jump to the RDP Jump Item to System4 through System2's proxy configuration, through System1's JumpZone Proxy.

You can’t daisy chain the proxies, so System2 can’t both have JumpZone Proxy enabled and connect out through System 1. Thus, Jump Client jumps likely will not work since they would need to connect directly to System1’s JumpZone Proxy. However, Remote Push works. Other jump types get their proxy configuration from the jumpoint’s bomgar.ini file. If the jumpoint itself is able to connect, other jump types should also be able to connect.


Configure Windows Jumpoint as a Proxy Server

Options for configuring a Windows Jumpoint as a Proxy Server.

You can set up this Jumpoint to function as a proxy itself by selecting Jump Zone Proxy Server from the dropdown on the Proxy tab in the Jumpoint Configuration application. With Jump Zone Proxy Server selected, you can use this Jumpoint for proxy connections for clients on the network that do not have a native internet connection, such as POS systems. Using a Jumpoint as a proxy will route traffic only to the B Series Appliance. A Jumpoint can also be used to proxy Jump Client connections.

In order for a Jumpoint to function as a Jump Zone Proxy Server, its host system cannot reside behind a proxy. The Jumpoint must be able to access the internet without having to supply proxy information for its own connection.

  1. Enter the hostname to use at the listening interface, and set which port to use.


The proxy host and port should be set carefully since any Jump Client deployed using this Jumpoint as a proxy server uses the settings available to it at the time of deployment and are not updated should the host or port change. If the host or port is changed, the Jump Client must be redeployed.


  1. Set whether to allow all IP addresses or to limit the IPs that can connect through this proxy.
  2. If allowing or denying access, enter one IP address or CIDR subnet range per line.

It is a best practice to make an exception in the Windows firewall for the port on which the proxy server listens for the process to accept connections.


Clustered Jumpoint Setup: Add Nodes

The steps for creating a clustered Jumpoint in /login are the same as for a standalone, except that once you have created the clustered Jumpoint, you can add nodes to it. At least one node needs to be installed for the Jumpoint to be online.

Click the Add Node link to download the installer file.

If you have access to the system you want to use as the Jumpoint host, you can run the installation file immediately.

Otherwise, save the file and then email it to the remote user to deploy on the system that will serve as the Jumpoint host.

Jumpoint Cluster Add Node

Follow the prompts and install the node. Note that there are no configuration screens. Once installed, the clustered Jumpoint shows the new node(s) installed, associated information, such as the public and private IP addresses, whether a node is online or offline, as well as the number of nodes installed.

Nodes can be deleted but cannot be individually edited. In the access console, none of the nodes are visible; only the Jumpoint under which they are installed is visible. Nodes function as redundant connection points. When a user needs to use the Jumpoint, Privileged Remote Access selects one of the nodes at random. At least one node must be online for the Jumpoint to work.