Users: Change Password and Username, Add User, Delete User

Screenshot of Users tab in /appliance header

Screenshot of Users page in /appliance

Screenshot of User :: Add page in /appliance

On the Users page, you can add, edit, or delete administrative users for the /appliance interface. You can also change an administrator's username, display name, or password. BeyondTrust recommends changing your password regularly to protect against unauthorized access.

You must have at least one user account defined. The BeyondTrust Appliance B Series comes with one account predefined, which is the admin account. You can keep just the admin account, create additional accounts, or replace the admin account.


To set account restriction rules, including password expiration and history, please see Appliance Administration: Restrict Accounts, Networks, and Ports, Enable a STUN Server, Set Up Syslog, Enable Login Agreement, Reset Admin Account.