Configure Multi-Tab Support

To configure multi-tab support, make sure the jump server and basic application settings have been set up.

Mutli-tab is supported for application launching from a jump server only.

Application supports multi-tab

  1. From Remote Application Configuration, enable the Application supports multi-tab option . Click the ... button.


Remote Application Multi-tab Configuration

  1. Click Add.


  1. Complete all the information on the Multi-tab Configuration dialog.
    • Multi-tab configuration label is a label shown in the Multi-tab Configuration selection in the Remote Application Configuration window.
    • Multi-tab automation local executable path is a path to a compiled AutoIT script, which is able to open a new tab or establish a connection to new target system.
    • Automation executable arguments are specific to new-tab-executables. The ProcessID is used to find the handle of the application window, and the target system is transferred to the application for a new connection. Username and password are not needed.
    • Allow this multi-tab automation for existing application launches by EXE name controls how launched applications are detected. If it is unchecked, the applications selected from the multi-tab configuration are assumed to be previously launched.

In the example, we are using SQL Management Studio. There are two different application configurations: one for Integrated Windows Authentication and another one for SQL server authentication. Both scenarios use the same executable, ssms.exe. For Integrated Windows Authentication where different Windows accounts are being used to connect to target database servers, the option to Allow this multi-tab automation for existing application launches by EXE name should be unchecked. While using integrated Windows authentication and the SSMS process was launched from another user, it is impossible to connect to a secondary instance of MS SQL using the existing instance of smss.exe. The automation executable arguments should be similar to:

$(RemoteAccessTarget_TargetName) nouser nopasswords $(ProcessID)

ProcessID is the ID utilized to reuse the currently running executable.

For SQL Management Studio where SQL Authentication is being used, the option to Allow this multi-tab automation for existing application launches by EXE name can be selected. The automation executable arguments should be similar to...

-S $(RemoteAccessTarget_TargetName) -U $(Username) - P $(Password_Raw)

In the commands above, $(RemoteAccessTargget_TargetName), $(Username), and $(Password_Raw) are standard variables. $(ProcessID) is a variable that returns the PID of the initial launched application. The nouser and nopasswwords values are for username and passwords arguments. Because we use Integrated Windows Authentication, we do not need user name and password arguments.

Multi-tab Configuration

SSMSNewTabIwa.exe and SSMSNewTabSql.exe are compiled AutoIT scripts that we use to interact with Microsoft SQL Server to open new connections that use Integrated Windows Authentication or SQL authentication.



Click OK. Select the appropriate multi-tab configuration settings for the target application.

Multi-tab scripts have been compiled for the following applications:

  • RunAs and wait until process finishes = RunAsWait
  • DHCP Manager = RunDHCP
  • DHCP Manager = RunDHCPNewTab
  • DNS Manager = RunDNS
  • DNS Manager = RunDNSNewTab
  • File Server Resource Manager = RunFSRM
  • Hyper-V Manager = RunHyperV
  • Hyper-V Manager = RunHyperVNewTab
  • MS Terminal Services = RunMstsc
  • Network File Services Management = RunNFSMGMT
  • Performance Monitor = RunPERFMON
  • Server Manager = RunServerManager
  • Storage Explorer = RunStorageExplorer
  • Storage Manager = RunStorageMgmt
  • Task Scheduler = RunTaskScheduler
  • Run process and wait until finished = RunWait
  • WBAdmin (Backup) = RunWBADMIN
  • WINS Manager = RunWINS
  • WINS Manager = RunWINSNewTab
  • SecureCRT = ARM_SCRTStart
  • SecureCRT = SCRTNewTabSSH2
  • SecureCRT = SCRTNewTabTELNET
  • SecureCRT = SCRTStart
  • SQL Mgmt Studio = SSMSNewTabIwa
  • SQL Mgmt Studio = SSMSNewTabSql
  • A simple test script = TestParams
  • Remote Desktop = UnlockMstsc
  • Remote Desktop for ARM = UnlockMstscARM