Message Text

All of the text in the message can be configured in the Message Text section. You can add an additional language here and localize the text that you enter for the message text.

We recommend you change the default text strings, as they are all English placeholders. After you change the message text, click Update to see your changes applied to the preview message.

The text in any text string can include parameterized values which provide more personalized messages for users.

For more information, see the following:


You can configure the text in the messages to display a language of your choice. To add a new language, click Add Languages and select the language you want to use from the dropdown list. You can set this language to be the default language by clicking Set As Default.

Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows checks the locale of the user's language and tries to match it to a language that you've set up in Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows. If it finds a match, the strings for that language are displayed for the message text. If it doesn't find a match, the language you have assigned to be the default language is used.

Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows doesn't localize the text into the language you selected. You must edit the message text in your chosen language.

If you have more than one language, you can set the default language. This is the language that will be used if an end user is using a language that is not defined. The default language is set to English, but you may change the default language:

  1. Select the language you want to set as the default language.
  2. Click Set As Default.

If you delete a language that has been set to the default language, the language at the top of the language list is set to the default language. You must always have at least one language defined.


  • Caption controls the text at the top of the dialog box.
  • Header Message controls the text to the right of the icon in the header if it's shown.
  • Body Message controls the text at the top of the main message.
  • Refer URL controls the hyperlink for the Reference URL if you selected to show it in the Message Design.
  • Refer Text controls the text of the hyperlink for Reference URL if you selected to show it in the Message Design.


  • Message Mode determines where the message can be assigned. Messages can be assigned to Application Rules, On-Demand Application Rules, and Content Rules. Select Automatic to allow the rule type to determine the information that is displayed (Application or Content). Select Manual to enter your own information in the custom fields. This information is displayed irrespective of the type of rule.
  • Application Line One Label controls the first line. For Automatic mode, this is the Application Program Name.
  • Application Line Two Label controls the second line. For Automatic mode, this is the Application Program Publisher.
  • Application Line Three Label controls the third line. For Automatic mode, this is the Application Program Path.
  • Content Line One Label controls the first line. For Automatic mode, this is the Control Content Name.
  • Content Line Two Label controls the second line. For Automatic mode, this is the Content Owner.
  • Content Line Three Label controls the third line. For Automatic mode, this is the Control Program.


  • Program Publisher (Unknown) controls the text that is displayed for the variable [PG_PROG_PUBLISHER] if it's not known.
  • Verification Failure controls the text that is displayed next to Publisher if the publisher verification fails.

Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows verifies the publisher by checking that there is a publisher and also checking that the certificate associated with that publisher is signed. Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows does not check to see if the certificate has been revoked due to the length of the lookup process that would rely on network connectivity. Instead, Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows relies on the certificate store to be kept up to date with revoked certificates, which would be a standard operation as the full chain should be in the local certificate store.

User Reason

  • Reason controls the text above the field where the end user can enter their reason.
  • Reason Error Message controls the text that is displayed if the end user clicks Yes and doesn't enter a reason.
  • dropdown list prompt controls the text above the user reason prompt.
  • User Reason List allows you to select from the user reasons. You can modify the User Reason List using the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons.

User Authentication

  • User name controls the text adjacent to the field where the user enters their user name.
  • Password controls the text adjacent to the field where the user enters their password.
  • Domain controls the text below the password field that introduces the domain.
  • Unauthorized credentials controls the text that is displayed if the end user enters credentials that aren't valid for the requested operation.

Challenge / Response Authorization

  • Header text controls the text that introduces the challenge/response authorization.
  • Hint text controls the text that is in the response code field for challenge/response messages.
  • Information Tip Text controls the text above the challenge and response code fields.
  • Error Message Text controls the text that is displayed to the end user if they enter an incorrect response code and click Yes.
  • Maximum Attempts Exceeded Message Text controls the text that is displayed to the end user if they exceed the allowed number of challenge/response attempts.

Smart Card Authorization

  • Card Prompt controls the text that introduces the card prompt.
  • Card Reading controls the text that is displayed when the card is being read.
  • Card Pin controls the text that is displayed when the card pin is provided.
  • Card Error controls the text that is displayed if there is an error reading the card.
  • No Certificate Error controls the text that is displayed when there is no certificate.
  • Incorrect Certificate Error controls the text that is displayed when there is an incorrect certificate.


Depending on the message options the message box has either one or two buttons:

  • For a prompt, the message box has OK and Cancel buttons.
  • For a blocking message with Allow user to email an application request enabled, the message box has OK and Cancel buttons. We recommend you change the OK button text to Email, unless you make it clear in the message text that the OK button sends an email request when clicked.
  • For a blocking message with Allow user to email an application request disabled, the message box has only an OK button.

You can change the OK Button and Cancel Button text. For instance, you can change it to Yes and No if you are asking the end user a question.