
  • Version 7.5 and earlier: logcksum variable not available.
  • Version 8.0 and later: logcksum variable available.

Data Type

String, modifiable


When runcksum, runcksumlist, runmd5sum, or runmd5sumlist are present in the policy, the run host verifies that the checksum of the runcommand matches the values specified in those variables. The logcksum variable allows the checksum of the runcommand to be recorded in the event log for analysis.

There is no read-only version of this variable.


logcksum = string_value

Valid Values

cksum Save the runtime-generated application checksum in the chksum variable and record it in the event log. This is the value that would be compared to the runcksum or runcksumlist user-defined policy variable (if available).
md5 Save the runtime-generated application MD5 checksum in the md5sum variable and record it in the event log. This is the value that would be compared to the runmd5sum or runmd5sumlist user-defined policy variable (if available).
all Record both runtime-generated checksum values (chksum and md5sum variables) in the event log.
logcksum = "cksum";
logcksum = "md5";
logcksum = "all";

For more information, see the following: