
The pblighttpd_svc.sh script is packaged in the distribution tar under <installdir>/powerbroker/<version>/pbul_*/bin.

When the REST service is installed and configured to continuously run in the background, the script is installed. It is required when at least one EPM-UL server component is present. If the installation is an EPM-UL client-only installation, it is configured to be managed by the superserver daemon, and there is no need for this script to be present.

By default, pbinstall places the script in $inst_admindir and is set to /usr/sbin. However, the location can be changed in the installation menu with the option Where do you want the administrator programs installed?.

The script is removed by pbuninstall from $inst_admindir.

This script should be installed with each server/client component package. Below are commands for each package type.


/usr/bin/startsrc -s ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}
/usr/bin/stopsrc -s ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}


/bin/launchctl load "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.beyondtrust.${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}.plist"
/bin/launchctl unload "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.beyondtrust.${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}.plist"


/usr/sbin/svcadm enable ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}
/usr/sbin/svcadm disable ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}

/etc/init.d/${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} start
/etc/init.d/${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} stopt


/sbin/init.d/${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} start
/sbin/init.d/${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} stop


/bin/systemctl start ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}.service
/bin/systemctl stop ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix}.service

/usr/sbin/service ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} start
/usr/sbin/service ${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} stop
*: /etc/init.d/${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} start
   /etc/init.d/${prefix}pblighttpd${suffix} stop