
  • [ver 6.1 and earlier]: pbcreateaixcfgpkg not available.
  • [ver 6.2 and later]: pbcreateaixcfgpkg available.

pbcreateaixcfgpkg creates an AIX lpp configuration package for BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management. pbcreateaixcfgpkg is a script that can be run interactively or non-interactively. The script enables a user to build a BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management AIX lpp configuration package, which is loaded along with one or more BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management AIX lpp component packages.

Unlike the Endpoint Privilege Management AIX lpp component packages, which are created and distributed by BeyondTrust, AIX lpp configuration packages are created by the user. First, settings files must be created. This is accomplished by running pbinstall with the -z argument. Settings files are created by default in directory install/settings_files, although the user can specify the directory. The user may optionally put a policy file pb.conf in the settings_files directory to be included in the configuration package. After the settings files have been created, a user runs pbcreateaixcfgpkg from the Endpoint Privilege Management install directory. pbcreateaixcfgpkg accepts the following arguments:

-h Help (this message) and exit.
-l Save (do not delete) package build directory.
-p User-specified lpp package name to be appended to powerbroker.config.
-s Settings files directory location.
-v Print version of pbcreateaixcfgpkg and exit.

If the -p or -s arguments are not supplied on the command line, the pbcreateaixcfgpkg script becomes interactive and prompts the user for input. The -p argument, user-specified package suffix, allows the user to suffix the package name with any name they wish, up to a total of 24 ASCII characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 (including package base name config), For example, if the user enters Client_Asia, the configuration package is named powerbroker.configClient_Asia. If the length of the package name exceeds 24 characters, an error message is displayed, and the user is again prompted for the configuration package suffix.

The -s argument, settings files directory location, allows the user to specify the directory where the settings files to be included in the configuration package reside. The default value is {pbinstall_directory}/settings_files.

If the user wishes to include other Endpoint Privilege Management installations keyfiles in the configuration package, the user needs to copy the keyfiles to the settings files directory prior to building the configuration package.

If an Endpoint Privilege Management policy server configuration package is to be built, the user can include an existing policy file pb.conf in the settings files directory prior to building the config, the configuration package. If an Endpoint Privilege Management policy server configuration package is to be built, the user can include an existing policy file pb.conf in the settings files directory prior to building the configuration package. If pb.conf is not included, a new pb.conf is created and packaged containing the entry:


The optional -l argument, save (do not delete) package build directory, allows the user to build the configuration package and not remove the package build directory, which is normally done after the package is built. The created package can be found in the current (install) directory, and will be the package name, for example, powerbroker.configClient_Asia, where the -p argument had been set to Client_Asia.

Upon running pbcreateaixcfgpkg, the script informs the user as to which Endpoint Privilege Management component packages need to be loaded on the target system. The Endpoint Privilege Management configuration package does not load until the required component packages are loaded on the target system. AIX lpp packages are loaded using the installp command.


pbcreateaixcfgpkg [options]
pbcreateaixcfgpkg -v



Prints usage message and exits.

-l Saves (does not delete) package build directory.
-p suffix

User-specified lpp package name to be appended to powerbroker.config.

-s directory

Settings files directory location.


Prints version of pbcreateaixcfgpkg and exits.

For more information, see run_pbinstall.