Installation Considerations

Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux is a non-intrusive software program that does not require kernel reconfiguration, a system reboot, or the replacement of system executable files. The items in this section contain information you should consider when planning your implementation.


The BeyondInsight integration for Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux is no longer supported. Instead, EPM-UL uses BeyondInsight for Unix & Linux and ElasticSearch.

For information on the platforms and operating systems that are supported by Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux, see Supported Platforms.

Flavor and Release Definitions

Flavor is a BeyondTrust term that defines a build of a BeyondTrust product, such as Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux, that is compiled and tested for a certain range of operating system versions and underlying hardware. For instance, when this guide was written, Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux was available for several flavors of Linux operating systems. The included README file describes which flavor is the right match for specific combinations of hardware and operating systems in the Release Identifier column. The release identifier is the flavor plus the version of the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux distribution.

BeyondTrust product releases are uniquely identified by a string that indicates their hardware and software characteristics. This string contains the following information:

  • BeyondTrust product
  • Hardware architecture
  • Flavor
  • Major version number
  • Minor version number
  • Release number
  • Build number
  • Service pack number

An example version number in the extracted tarball directory path is: pmul_linux.x86-64_10.3.0-15

  • pmul is the BeyondTrust product Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux.
  • linux is the flavor.
  • x86-64 is the hardware architecture.
  • 10 is the major version number 3 is the minor version number 0 is the release number.
  • 15 is the build number.

Functionality is identical for all releases with the same version number. Releases within a version denote a maintenance release and include new ports and resolved issues. Release notes describe the issues that are addressed by the release.


If you believe you are using the correct Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux version for the system but the installer is returning a flavor mismatch error, please contact BeyondTrust Technical Support for assistance.