
Policy List Dir

List all of the files in a given directory (without checking they are policy files). Some system directories cannot be listed for security.

GET https://pbuild:24351/REST/policies?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>&hmac=<hmac>
  "dir": [
    "path": "/opt/pbul/policies/pbul_policy.conf",
    "type": "file",
    "name": "pbul_policy.conf",
    "size": 5345,
    "mtime": "2018-11-02 16:36:23",
    "where": "fs"
    "path": "/opt/pbul/policies/pb.conf",
    "type": "file",
    "name": "pb.conf",
    "size": 228,
    "mtime": "2018-11-17 16:20:55",
    "where": "fs"
    "path": "/opt/pbul/policies/pbul_functions.conf",
    "type": "file",
    "name": "pbul_functions.conf",
    "size": 11747,
    "mtime": "2018-11-02 16:36:23",
    "where": "fs"

Policy (Script) Get Lines

Get a script based policy file as ordered an array of lines, making line based modifications to the policy file easier.

GET https://pbuild:24351/REST/policies?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
  "file": "/opt/pbul/policies/pb.conf",
  "format": "script",
  "lines": [
      "result=getuserpasswd(user, \"Passwd for \"+user+\": \", 1, \"/opt/pbul/gp001\", 20);",
      "printf(\"result=%d\\n\", result);",
      "if (result == 0) ",

Policy (Script) Get Full File

Get the full script based policy file as a long string.

GET https://pbuild:24351/REST/policy?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
  "file": "/opt/pbul/policies/pb.conf",
  "format": "script",
  "policy": "result=getuserpasswd(user, \"Passwd for \"+user+\": \", 1, \"/opt/pbul/gp001\", 20);\nprintf(\"result=%d\\n\", result);\nif (result == 0) \n  reject;\nelse\n  accept;\n"

Policies (CSV) Get All

Retrieves an array of CSV policies. Elements are generally strings or arrays of strings.

GET https://pbuild:24351/REST/policies?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
RESPONSE {"status":0,"file":"/etc/pb/pb.csv","format":"csv","policies":
":0,"preserveenv":0,"runas":["root","qareveal","PBSE\\qareveal","qareveal@pbse.lab"],"lcllusers":["ctaylor"]}, ...

Policy (CSV) Get (by name)

Retrieve a given named CSV policy.

GET https://pbuild:24351/REST/policy/BOO?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
RESPONSE {"status":0,"file":"/etc/pb/pb.csv","policy":

Policy (CSV) Put (by name)

Put a given CSV policy, named on the URL.

PUT https://pbuild:24351/REST/policy/BOO?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
REQUEST {"policy":{"dateend":"none","enabled":"disabled","verifyuser":0,"adgrps":
RESPONSE {"status":0}

Policy (Script) Set New Policy File

Create a new (optionally empty) policy script file. Directory is limited by policydir if it is set.

POST https://pbuild:24351/REST/policy?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
REQUEST {"script":"accept;\n"}
RESPONSE {"status":0,"file":"/etc/pb/foobar"}

Policy check (unsuccessful)

Checks policy in a similar manner to pbcheck.

GET https://pbuild:24351/REST/policies/check?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
  "status": 8103,
  "error": "8103.1 Error parsing policy file /opt/pbul/policies/pbOLD.conf, 3964 file /opt/pbul/policies/pbOLD.conf does not exist"

Policy check (successful)

Checks policy in a similar manner to pbcheck.

GET https://pbuild:24351/REST/policies/check?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>
RESPONSE {"message":"Syntax check completed with no problems detected","status":0}

Policy check inline script (unsuccessful)

Checks inline script policy in a similar manner to pbcheck.

PUT https://localhost:24351/REST/policy/check?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>&hmac=<hmac>
REQUEST { "script" : "foobar\nbarfoo\n" }
RESPONSE {"errors":[{"line":1,"file":"inline","msg":"syntax error, unexpected $end"},
{"line":1,"file":"inline","msg":"1167.2 Expected a statement"}],"status":8103,"error":"8103.1 Error parsing policy script"}

Policy check inline script (successful)

Checks inline script policy in a similar manner to pbcheck.

PUT https://localhost:24351/REST/policy/check?appid=<appid>&timestamp=<timestamp>&hmac=<hmac>
REQUEST { "script" : "accept;" }
RESPONSE{"message":"Syntax check completed with no problems detected"}

Get Policy file as attachment

Retrieves a full policy file as a binary attachment.

&hmac=<hmac>&file=%2Fetc%2Fpb%2Fpb.conf <binary attachment>

Role Based Policy Authentication

Test Role Based Policy authentication.

PUT https://localhost:24351/REST/policy/rbp/checkauth?appid=<appid>&


{ "rbp" : {"user" : "root", "submithost" : "pbuild", "command" : "/usr/bin/id", "runhost": "pbuild1", "pbclientmode": "pbrun" }}

The parameter node must contain at least user, submithost, and command, but may also contain any other Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy variable, used when matching roles. On a positive response, the info part of the JSON response is the role row that matched.

Positive Response
  "result": {
    "access": "allowed",
    "iolog": "/tmp/admin_iolog_root_XXXXXX",
    "userMessage": "hello root - risk 9\n",
    "info": {
      "name": "Admin",
      "runuser": "root",
      "runhost": "pbuild1",
      "risk": 9,
      "action": "A",
      "iolog": "/tmp/admin_iolog_%user%_XXXXXX",
      "message": "hello %user% - risk %pbrisklevel%",
      "variables": null,
      "auth": null,
      "script": null,
      "runcommand": ""
Negative Response
  "result": {
    "access": "denied"