
The pbprint program is used to format a configuration file. It reads the specified file and sends the formatted information to standard output. pbprint ignores incoming white space and places white space, indentation, and line breaks in the appropriate places. Except for line breaks that are added at the ends of statements, the program attempts to preserve line breaks from the original file as much as possible.


  • Version 3.5 and earlier: long command options not supported.
  • Version 4.0 and later: long command options supported.
pbprint [options]
   -f, --input=file_name
pbprint –v | --version
pbprint --help


-f, --input=<filename> Specifies the policy configuration file to use.
-v, --version Displays the program information and exit.

Displays the program help message and exit.



Print the policy file:
If the installation is prefixed and/or suffixed, then the prefixed and/or suffixed configuration file is printed.
Print the policy file at the specified path:
pbprint -f <pathtofilename>
Print the policy file at the specified path:
pbprint --input=<pathtofilename>

For more information, see pbcheck.