"Users" Dashboard in Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting

The Users report links to the User Experience report.

User Experience Report in Endpoint Privilege Management

The report shows how users interacted with Messages, Challenge/Response dialog boxes, and the Shell (On-Demand) menu.

Chart Description

User Experience over the time period

A chart showing the percentage of users that experienced each interaction type filtered by the specified time period.

Click the chart to display a list of users presented with that interaction.

Message Distribution

A chart showing how many users are in the defined categories of messages per time period.

Click the chart to display a list of users in that category.

Messages per action type

A table showing message types displayed for Allowed and Blocked actions.

Click the Prompts, Notifications or counts, or table to open the Events All report with the Action and Message Type filters applied.

For more information on the available quick filters, see the following:

Privileged Logons Report in Endpoint Privilege Management

The Privileged Logon report shows you how many accounts with Standard rights, Power User rights and Administrator rights generated logon events filtered by the time frame.

Chart Description

Privileged Logons over the last (time interval)

A chart and table showing the number of logons by the account types over time.

Click the chart to open the User Logons table with the Show Administrator Logons, Show Power User Logons and Show Standard User Logons filters applied.

Logons by Account Privilege

A chart showing the total number of logons filtered by the different account types.

Click the chart to open the User Logons table with the Show Administrator Logons, Show Power User Logons and Show Standard User Logons filters applied.

Logons by Account Type

A chart showing the total number of logons filtered by Domain Accounts and Local Accounts.

Click the chart to open the User Logons table with the Account Authority filter applied.

Top 10 Logons by Chassis Type

A chart showing the total number of logons filtered by the top 10 Chassis types.

Click the chart to open the User Logons table with the Chassis Type filter applied.

Top 10 Logons by host Operating System

A chart showing the total number of logons filtered the top 10 host operating systems.

Click the chart to open the User Logons table with the OS filter applied.

Top 10 Accounts with Admin Rights

A chart showing the top 10 accounts with Admin rights that have logged into the most host machines.

Click the chart to open the User Logons table with the User Domain and User Name filter applied.

Top 10 hosts with Admin Rights

A chart showing the top 10 host machines logged on to by the most users with Admin Rights

Click the chart to open the User Logons table with the Host Name, Show Administrator Logons filter applied.

For more information on the available quick filters, see the following:

Privileged Account Management

The Privileged Account Management report shows any blocked attempts to modify Privileged Accounts over the specified time interval.

Chart Description

Privileged Account Management over the last (time interval)

A chart breaking down the PAM events by time period.

Click the chart to display the Privileged Account Management table with the Range Start Time and Range End Time filters applied.

Table showing users blocked, hosts blocked, applications blocked and total blocked modifications

A table showing the number of Users blocked, the number of Hosts blocked, the number of Applications blocked, and the Total number of blocked events within the specified time frame.

Click the count numbers to open the Privileged Account Management table.

By Privileged Group

A chart showing the Privileged Account Modification activity blocked by Windows group name.

Click the chart to open the Privileged Account Protection table with the Group Name filter applied.

Top 10 applications attempting account modifications

A chart showing the Privileged Account Modification activity that was blocked broken down by the Application Description.

Click the chart to open the Privileged Account Management table with the Application Description filter applied.

Top 10 users attempting account modifications

A chart showing the top 10 users who attempted modifications.

Click the chart to open the Privileged Account Management table with the User Name filter applied.

Top 10 hosts attempting account modifications

A chart showing the top 10 Hosts attempting privileged account modifications.

Click the chart to open the Privileged Account Management table with the Host Name filter applied.

For more information on the available quick filters, see the following: