Recommended views

The recommended views provide a selection of the most useful predetermined views. Use the views to review collected data and make informed decisions around policy editing.

Recommended views are available for events and applications.

BeyondTrust Recommended Views in Endpoint Privilege Management.

  1. To access the views, go to Analytics.
  2. Click the Events or Applications tab.
  3. Click Load View, and then click the Recommended Views tab.


Recommended views for events load with the default filters.

Name Description
Process Details

Find every process that EPM is controlling, with flexible filtering options, to zone in on the data of interest.

The report name in legacy reporting: Process Details

User Interactions

Overview of how much friction end users are experiencing, and improve their experiences without jeopardizing security.

The report name in legacy reporting: User Experience

Privileged Group Protection

Shows when EPM has prevented a user modifying a privileged group. For example, adding a user to the Admins group. All events where EPM prevented users from modifying privileged groups.

The report name in legacy reporting: Privileged Account Management


Recommended views for applications load with the default filters.

Name Description
Discovered: Active Applications

To help build the Passive Allow and the Add Admin definitions. This view is used for implementation as it displays all the events captured by the (Default) rules.

The report name in legacy reporting: Target Types

Discovered: by Publisher

To view discovered applications aggregated by Publisher, to decide if you want to treat all applications from that publisher the same way in policy and take that action.

The report name in legacy reporting: Discovery by Publisher

Discovered: by Requiring Admin Rights

To see the applications that require admin rights and how they are granted, so you can track down genuine admins and what they are running.

The report name in legacy reporting: Discovery Requiring Elevation

Discovered: from External Sources

Discover applications run from riskier places, to ensure the applications are not allowed admin rights.

The report name in legacy reporting: Discovery from External Sources

Discovered: New and Uncategorized

Find the new and uncategorized applications running in your estate. Take action to add the applications to a category (add to a more specific application group).

The report name in legacy reporting: Discovery All