Manage the BT Updater Network

You can use the BT Updater Enterprise website to centrally manage your clients receiving subscription details from the BT Updater Enterprise server. The clients are set up to receive policy and subscription information from the BT Updater Enterprise website.

View the Network Map

The network map is a visual representation of your clients. You can see if client machines are offline and view general health statistics for a client.

  1. Log into the BT Updater Enterprise website.
  2. Select Network from the menu.
  3. View the network map for the clients where the BT Updater tool is deployed.
  4. Click a client node to view detailed health information.

The link will not be enabled if no health information is available.

  1. Click Send Analysis to Support to send health data to a cloud server for review by BeyondTrust Technical Support. Identifiable information such as IP addresses and computer names are removed before the data is sent.

Delete Clients

BT Updater does not assume a client is invalid if it has not been online and checking for updates. If you have a client machine that no longer exists or is no longer configured to receive updates from your BT Updater Enterprise server, the client machine can be removed so that it no longer appears on the network map or the Client Subscriptions page. If the client comes back online and checks with the BT Updater Enterprise server for updates, it will show again as a client on the network map and Client Subscriptions page.

To remove a client, follow the below steps:

  1. Log into the BT Updater Enterprise website.
  2. Select Maintenance from the menu.
  3. Toggle Show only expired on or off as desired to filter Available clients, Available nodes, or both.
  4. To delete the client from the Client Subscriptions page, select the client from the list, and then click Delete Client.

An image of deleting clients or nodes from the Network page.

  1. To delete the client from the Network page, select the node from the list, and then click Delete Node.