
POST Imports


Queues a third-party import.

Required Permissions

Scan Management (Read/Write).

Request Body

Content-Type: application/json

    WorkgroupID: int,
    ImportType: string,
    Filter: string,
    FileName: string,
    FileContents: byte[],
    Base64FileContents: string

Provide either FileContents or Base64FileContents.

Request Body Details

  • WorkgroupID: ID of the Workgroup to import the assets into
  • ImportType: (case-senstitive, default: PASSWORDSAFE) Type of import being queued:
    • PASSWORDSAFE: Password Safe import file. Expected file extension: .xml.
    • RETINARTD: Retina© RTD file. Expected file extension: .rtd.
      Support for the following file types has been deprecated and will be removed from the product in a future version.
    • NESSUS: Nessus© import file. Expected file extension: .csv.
    • NESSUSSECCEN: NessusSecurityCenter© import file. Expected file extension: .csv.
    • NEXPOSE: Nexpose© import file. Expected file extension: .csv or .xml.
    • QUALYSGUARD: QualysGuard© file. Expected file extension: .csv or .xml.
    • METASPLOIT: METASPLOIT© import file. Expected file extension: .xml.
    • MCAFEEVM: McAfee Vulnerability Management© import file. Expected file extension: .csv.
    • TRIPWIRE: Tripwire© import file. Expected file extension: .csv.
  • Filter: (default: All Assets) Asset selection filter:
    • All Assets: No filter, import all.
    • Single IPv4 address (i.e.
    • IPv4 range (i.e.
    • CIDR (i.e.
  • FileName: Filename (including extension) of the import file. One of the following is required:
    • FileContents: The array containing the content of the import file.
    • Base64FileContents: Base64 string containing the content of the import file.

Response Body

Content-Type: application/json

    ImportID: int

Response Codes

200 – Request successful. Import ID in the response body.

For more information, please see Common Response Codes.