PowerShell Script Descriptions

Set Windows license endpoint or skip license page endpoint must be called before running scripts.

There are a total of four sample files, as follows:


This file contains the PowerShell script that calls the deployment endpoint. This must be the first script called. You must pass three parameters in this script, as follows:

  • $UvmAddress: IP of U-Series Appliance

Replace “XX.XXX.XXX.XXX” with an actual IP of U-Series Appliance in DeploymentUSeries.ps1 script.

  • $InputFileName: Name of the file which contains JSON Data to be passed to the deployment endpoint. In this case, the value is DeploymentUSeries.ps1. If you are using your own file, then this is name of that file. You can edit this value in the DeploymentUSeries.ps1 file according to the requirement.
  • $Header: You must pass header with key “SerialNumber” and value “actual serialnumber”.

Replace “XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX” with an actual serial number in DeploymentUSeries.ps1 script.


This file contains sample JSON format used by the deployment script. You can edit the values according to the requirement.

Deployment Script Results

After running the deployment script, one of the following outputs displays:

  • Deployment Completed: Implies that deployment is successful.
  • Deployment Failed: Implies that deployment is failed and displays an error message. You can work on the error and rerun the script.

This script returns a “Not halting script” message when the endpoint will not be available during restart.


This file contains the PowerShell script that calls the configuration endpoints. This must be the second script to be called after deployment script. You must pass three parameters in this script, as follows:

  • $UvmAddress: IP of U-Series Appliance.

Replace “XX.XXX.XXX.XXX” with actual IP of U-Series Appliance in ConfigurationUSeries.ps1 script.

  • $InputFileName: Name of the file which contains JSON Data to be passed to the configuration endpoint. In this case, the value is Configuration.psd1. If you are using your own file, then this is the name of that file. You can edit this value in the ConfigurationUSeries.ps1 file according to the requirement.
  • $Header: Need to pass header with key “SerialNumber” and value “actual serial number”.


This file contains sample JSON format used by the configuration script. You can edit the values according to the requirement.

Configuration Script Results

After running the configuration script, one of the following outputs displays:

  • Configuration Completed: Implies the configuration is successful.
  • Configuration Failed: Implies the configuration failed and displays an error message. You can then work on the error and rerun the script.